created: 201308252029 creator: JeremyRuston modified: 201308252029 modifier: JeremyRuston tags: concepts title: TiddlerLinks Links between tiddlers are the foundation of structuring information within TiddlyWiki. TiddlyWiki5 alters the appearance of tiddler links to convey additional information about the target of the link: |!Link description |!Link appearance | |To a tiddler that exists |[[LikeThis|TiddlerLinks]] | |To a tiddler that doesn't exist |[[LikeThis|ATiddlerThatDoesntExist]] | |To a shadow tiddler that has not been overridden |[[LikeThis|$:/core/copyright.txt]] | |To a shadow tiddler that has been overridden by an ordinary tiddler |[[LikeThis|SiteTitle]] | External links are shown like this: or [[like this|]].