created: 20240310165023000 modified: 20240310175033730 tags: [[Procedure Syntax]] title: Procedure Definition Syntax type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki <<.preamble """What follows is a formal presentation of the syntax of the [[Pragma: \procedure]], using [[railroad diagrams|Railroad Diagrams]]. """>> ! \procedure There are 2 types of procedure definitions * Single line definitions * Multi line definitions !! Single Line Single line definitions should only be used for very short bodies, where the procedure name, params and the body fit into 1 line terminated with a line-feed. <$railroad text=""" "\procedure" [[<"space">|"Filter Whitespace"]] "procedure-name" <"(params)"> [:[[<"space">|"Filter Whitespace"]]] "body" "lf" """/> !! Multi Line The majority of procedure definitions will have a body, that spans over several lines of wikitext. Those procedure definitions are terminated using the "\end" pragma <$railroad text=""" "\procedure" [[<"space">|"Filter Whitespace"]] "procedure-name" <"(params)"> [:[[<"space">|"Filter Whitespace"]]] body "\end" """/> The [[procedure-name|Procedures]] is a sequence of non-whitespace characters other than `(` or `>`. * <<.place procedure-name>> is a sequence of letters (`A`--`Z`, `a`--`z`), digits (`0`--`9`), hyphens (`-`) and underscores (`_`) * <<.place body>> is wikitext including [[nested procedures|Pragma: \procedure]] * <<.place space>> denotes a sequence of [[whitespace characters|Filter Whitespace]] !! params The parameter declaration list <<.place (params)>> has the following syntax: <$railroad text=""" \start none \end none "(" [:"sep"] [:{ parameter "sep" }] ")" """/> * <<.place sep>> is any sequence of characters that does not match a <<.place param-name>>.
Among other things, this includes commas, spaces and linefeeds. Each ''individual'' <<.place parameter>> has the following syntax: <$railroad text=""" \start none \end none "param-name" [: [:[[<"space">|"Filter Whitespace"]]] ":" [:[[<"space">|"Filter Whitespace"]]] default ] """/> * <<.place param-name>> is a sequence of letters (`A`--`Z`, `a`--`z`), digits (`0`--`9`), hyphens (`-`) and underscores (`_`). * <<.place default>> is an optional value of a parameter is specified as follows: <$railroad text={{$:/editions/}}/> !! body The <<.place body>> of the definition has the following syntax: <$railroad text=""" \start none \end none {[[<"wikitext">|WikiText]] "lf"} """/> * <<.place wikitext>> is any sequence of characters that doesn't terminate the macro definition. ** If [[nested procedures|Pragma: \procedure]] are used they need to be at the start of the wikitext. There are the same rules as if the wikitext would be in a tiddler. ** Pragmas need to be before standard wikitext. * <<.place lf>> denotes a linefeed.