(function($) { var makeTestNode = function() { var ele = $('
'); ele.appendTo('body'); return ele.get(0); }; var removeTestNode = function() { $('#testElement').remove(); }; $(document).ready(function(){ module("DOM.js"); test("resolveTarget", function() { expect(1); var ele = makeTestNode(); var target; $(ele).click(function(ev){ target = $(ev.target)[0]; }); $(ele).click(); equals(target, ele, "resolveTarget correctly identifies the target of a click event"); removeTestNode(); }); test('getPlainText', function(){ expect(1); $('body').append("
foo bar baz
"); var d = $('#text_test').get(0); equals(getPlainText(d), "foo bar baz", "getPlainText() returns the plain text of an element."); $("#text_test").remove(); }); test("findWindowHeight", function() { expect(2); equals(typeof findWindowHeight(), "number", "returns a number value"); equals($(window).height(), findWindowHeight(), "return the current height of the display window"); }); test("findWindowWidth", function() { expect(1); equals(typeof findWindowWidth(), "number", "returns a number value"); // XXX: following test does not work // equals($(window).width(), findWindowWidth(), "return the current width of the display window"); }); test("findScrollX", function() { var scroll = 10; $('
').css({width: '9999px'}).appendTo('body'); $().scrollLeft(scroll); equals(typeof findScrollX(), "number", "returns a number value"); //equals(findScrollX(), scroll, "returns the correct horizontal scroll position of the window"); $('#wiiide').remove(); }); test("findScrollY", function() { expect(1); var scroll = 200; $().scrollTop(scroll); equals(typeof findScrollY(), "number", "returns a number value"); // XXX: following test does not work // equals(findScrollY(), scroll, "returns the correct vertical scroll position of the window"); }); }); // document ready. })(jQuery);