/*\ title: $:/core/modules/deserializers.js type: application/javascript module-type: tiddlerdeserializer Functions to deserialise tiddlers from a block of text \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; /* Utility function to parse an old-style tiddler DIV in a *.tid file. It looks like this:
The text of the tiddler (without the expected HTML encoding).
Note that the field attributes are HTML encoded, but that the body of the
 tag is not encoded.

When these tiddler DIVs are encountered within a TiddlyWiki HTML file then the body is encoded in the usual way.
var parseTiddlerDiv = function(text /* [,fields] */) {
	// Slot together the default results
	var result = {};
	if(arguments.length > 1) {
		for(var f=1; f]*)>(\s*
		match = startRegExp.exec(text);
	if(match) {
		// Old-style DIVs don't have the 
		if(match[2]) {
			endRegExp = /<\/pre>\s*<\/div>\s*$/gi;
		} else {
			endRegExp = /<\/div>\s*$/gi;
		var endMatch = endRegExp.exec(text);
		if(endMatch) {
			// Extract the text
			result.text = text.substring(match.index + match[0].length,endMatch.index);
			// Process the attributes
			var attrRegExp = /\s*([^=\s]+)\s*=\s*(?:"([^"]*)"|'([^']*)')/gi,
			do {
				attrMatch = attrRegExp.exec(match[1]);
				if(attrMatch) {
					var name = attrMatch[1];
					var value = attrMatch[2] || attrMatch[3];
					result[name] = value;
			} while(attrMatch);
			return result;
	return undefined;

exports["application/x-tiddler-html-div"] = function(text,fields) {
	return [parseTiddlerDiv(text,fields)];

exports["application/json"] = function(text,fields) {
	var tiddlers = JSON.parse(text),
		result = [],
		getKnownFields = function(tid) {
			var fields = {};
			"title text created creator modified modifier type tags".split(" ").forEach(function(value) {
				if(tid[value] !== null) {
					fields[value] = tid[value];
			return fields;
	for(var t=0; t/gi,
		match = storeAreaMarkerRegExp.exec(text);
	if(match) {
		// If so, it's either a classic TiddlyWiki file or an unencrypted TW5 file
		// First read the normal tiddlers
		var results = deserializeTiddlyWikiFile(text,storeAreaMarkerRegExp.lastIndex,!!match[1],fields);
		// Then any system tiddlers
		var systemAreaMarkerRegExp = /
/gi, sysMatch = systemAreaMarkerRegExp.exec(text); if(sysMatch) { results.push.apply(results,deserializeTiddlyWikiFile(text,systemAreaMarkerRegExp.lastIndex,!!sysMatch[1],fields)); } return results } else { // Check whether we've got an encrypted file var encryptedStoreArea = $tw.utils.extractEncryptedStoreArea(text); if(encryptedStoreArea) { // If so, attempt to decrypt it using the current password return $tw.utils.decryptStoreArea(encryptedStoreArea); } else { // It's not a TiddlyWiki so we'll return the entire HTML file as a tiddler return deserializeHtmlFile(text,fields); } } }; function deserializeHtmlFile(text,fields) { var result = {}; $tw.utils.each(fields,function(value,name) { result[name] = value; }); result.text = text; result.type = "text/html"; return [result]; } function deserializeTiddlyWikiFile(text,storeAreaEnd,isTiddlyWiki5,fields) { var results = [], endOfDivRegExp = /(<\/div>\s*)/gi, startPos = storeAreaEnd, defaultType = isTiddlyWiki5 ? undefined : "text/x-tiddlywiki"; endOfDivRegExp.lastIndex = startPos; var match = endOfDivRegExp.exec(text); while(match) { var endPos = endOfDivRegExp.lastIndex, tiddlerFields = parseTiddlerDiv(text.substring(startPos,endPos),fields,{type: defaultType}); if(!tiddlerFields) { break; } $tw.utils.each(tiddlerFields,function(value,name) { if(typeof value === "string") { tiddlerFields[name] = $tw.utils.htmlDecode(value); } }); if(tiddlerFields.text !== null) { results.push(tiddlerFields); } startPos = endPos; match = endOfDivRegExp.exec(text); } return results; } })();