caption: edit created: 20131024141900000 modified: 20240627220419761 tags: Widgets TriggeringWidgets title: EditWidget type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki ! Introduction The edit widget provides a general purpose interface for editing a tiddler. It dynamically chooses the appropriate widget depending on the type of the tiddler (currently either the EditTextWidget or the EditBitmapWidget). ! Content and Attributes The content of the `<$edit>` widget is ignored. |!Attribute |!Description | |tiddler |The tiddler to edit (defaults to the [[current tiddler|Current Tiddler]]) | |field |The field to edit (defaults to `text`). Takes precedence over the `index` attribute | |index |The index to edit | |class |A CSS class to be added the generated editing widget | |tabindex |Sets the `tabindex` attribute of the input or textarea to the given value | |autocomplete |<<.from-version 5.1.23>> An optional string to provide a hint to the browser how to handle autocomplete for this input | |cancelPopups |<<.from-version "5.1.23">> if set to "yes", cancels all popups when the input gets focus | |inputActions |<<.from-version 5.1.23>> Optional actions that are triggered every time an input event occurs within the input field or textarea | |refreshTitle |<<.from-version 5.1.23>> An optional tiddler title that makes the input field update whenever the specified tiddler changes | ! Examples !! Edit the contents (text field) of a tiddler titled <%if [is[tiddler]] %> <$tiddler tiddler=<> > <$link/> <%else %> with today’s date <% endif %> <$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<$edit tiddler=<> class="tc-edit-texteditor"/> """/> !! Edit $:/status/UserName with single-line input box, have browser offer autocomplete for email <$macrocall $name=".example" n="2" eg="""<$edit-text tiddler="$:/status/UserName" tag="input" size=40 autocomplete="email"/> """/>