// bold", italic:"italic", underline:"underline", superscript:"superscript", subscript:"subscript", strikeout:"strikeout", code:"code" }; formatter = new Formatter(config.formatters); var actual = ""; var expected = ""; for (var i in wikifier_input_strings) { actual = wikifyStatic(wikifier_input_strings[i]).toLowerCase(); expected = wikifier_output_strings[i]; value_of(actual).should_be(expected); } }, 'testing table formatting': function() { formatter = new Formatter(config.formatters); var expected = '
'; var actual = wikifyStatic("|a|b|\n|c|d|").toLowerCase(); value_of(actual).should_be(expected); } /*'table surrounded by character formatting should not cause infinite loop': function() { formatter = new Formatter(config.formatters); var actual = wikifyStatic("''|a|b|\n|c|d|''").toLowerCase(); value_of(true).should_be_true(); // just check that above line did not cause infinite loop }*/ }); describe('Wikifier: wikifyStatic()', { before_each: function() { place = document.createElement("div"); d = document.body.appendChild(place); d.style.display = "none"; source = "some text"; }, after_each: function() { removeNode(d); }, 'it should return an empty string if source does not exist or is an empty string': function() { var expected = ""; var actual = wikifyStatic(null); value_of(actual).should_be(expected); actual = wikifyStatic(""); value_of(actual).should_be(expected); }, 'it should not require a tiddler to work': function() { var actual = wikifyStatic(source); value_of(actual).should_not_be_null(); }, 'it should call subWikify() with the pre block as the only parameter': function() { var funcToMock = 'Wikifier.prototype.subWikify'; tests_mock.before(funcToMock,function() { tests_mock.frame[funcToMock].funcArgs = arguments; }); wikifyStatic(source); var tests_mock_return = tests_mock.after(funcToMock); var expected = "PRE"; value_of(tests_mock_return.called).should_be(true); value_of(tests_mock_return.funcArgs.length).should_be(1); value_of(tests_mock_return.funcArgs[0].nodeName).should_be(expected); }, 'it should return a text string': function() { var expected = "string"; var actual = typeof wikifyStatic(source); }, 'it should not leave any elements attached to the document body after returning': function() { var expected = document.body.childNodes.length; var html = wikifyStatic(source); var actual = document.body.childNodes.length; value_of(actual).should_be(expected); } }); describe('Wikifier: wikifyPlain', { before_each: function() { store = new TiddlyWiki(); loadShadowTiddlers(); store.saveTiddler("t","t","text"); formatter = new Formatter(config.formatters); }, 'it should use the store if only a title parameter is provided': function() { var actual = wikifyPlain("t"); value_of(actual).should_not_be_null(); }, 'it should call wikifyPlainText() if the tiddler exists in the store or is a shadow tiddler': function() { tests_mock.before('wikifyPlainText'); wikifyPlain("t"); var actual = tests_mock.after('wikifyPlainText').called; value_of(actual).should_be_true(); }, 'it should call wikifyPlainText() if the tiddler is a shadow tiddler': function() { var t = store.isShadowTiddler("SiteTitle"); value_of(t).should_be_true(); mockVars = tests_mock.before('wikifyPlainText'); wikifyPlain("SiteTitle"); var actual = tests_mock.after('wikifyPlainText').called; value_of(actual).should_be_true(); }, 'it should return an empty string if the tiddler is not in the store or a shadow tiddler': function() { var tiddler = store.getTiddler("foo"); value_of(tiddler).should_be(null); var actual = wikifyPlain("foo"); var expected = ""; value_of(actual).should_be(expected); } }); describe('Wikifier: wikifyPlainText', { before_each: function() { store = new TiddlyWiki(); loadShadowTiddlers(); formatter = new Formatter(config.formatters); }, 'if a limit parameter is provided and the input text is greater in length than the limit, the number of characters generated should equal the limit': function() { var limit = 5; var source = "aphraseof21characters"; var actual = wikifyPlainText(source,limit).length; var expected = limit; value_of(actual).should_be(expected); }, 'it should call Wikifier.prototype.wikifyPlain()': function() { tests_mock.before('Wikifier.prototype.wikifyPlain'); wikifyPlainText("hello",1,new Tiddler("temp")); var actual = tests_mock.after('Wikifier.prototype.wikifyPlain').called; value_of(actual).should_be_true(); }, 'it should take an optional tiddler parameter that sets the context for the wikification': function() { var tiddler = new Tiddler("temp"); var source = "<>"; tiddler.text = "the text of a tiddler"; var expected = tiddler.text; store.saveTiddler("temp","temp",tiddler.text); var actual = wikifyPlainText(source,null,tiddler); value_of(actual).should_be(expected); } }); describe('Wikifier: highlightify', { before_each: function() { output = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); source = "test text"; highlightregexp = new RegExp("text","img"); tiddler = new Tiddler("temp"); }, 'it should not add anything to the "output" element if the source parameter is empty': function() { var actual = highlightify(null,output); value_of(actual).shoufld_be_null; }, 'it should highlight output text by wrapping with a span of class "highlight"': function() { var expected = 'test text'; highlightify(source,output,highlightregexp,tiddler); // value in IE is: test text // note SPAN is capitals and no quotes actual = output.innerHTML; value_of(actual).should_be(expected); }, after_each: function() { removeNode(output); } }); describe('Wikifier: Wikifier()', { 'it should return a Wikifier object': function() { var actual = new Wikifier(); value_of(actual instanceof Wikifier).should_be_true(); }, 'it should return an object with properties source, output, formatter, nextMatch, autoLinkWikiWords, highlightRegExp, highlightMatch, isStatic, tiddler': function() { var actual = new Wikifier(); value_of(actual.hasOwnProperty("source")).should_be_true(); value_of(actual.hasOwnProperty("output")).should_be_true(); value_of(actual.hasOwnProperty("formatter")).should_be_true(); value_of(actual.hasOwnProperty("nextMatch")).should_be_true(); value_of(actual.hasOwnProperty("autoLinkWikiWords")).should_be_true(); value_of(actual.hasOwnProperty("highlightRegExp")).should_be_true(); value_of(actual.hasOwnProperty("highlightMatch")).should_be_true(); value_of(actual.hasOwnProperty("isStatic")).should_be_true(); value_of(actual.hasOwnProperty("tiddler")).should_be_true(); } }); describe('Wikifier: wikifyPlain', { 'it should return the plain text value of the return value of this.subWikify()': function() { store = new TiddlyWiki(); formatter = new Formatter(config.formatters); var source = "a StringWith some [[wikitext]] ''inside''"; var w = new Wikifier(source,formatter); var actual = w.wikifyPlain(); var expected = "a StringWith some wikitext inside"; value_of(actual).should_be(expected); } }); describe('Wikifier: subWikify', { before_each: function() { formatter = new Formatter(config.formatters); output = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); terminator = ""; w = new Wikifier("test",formatter); }, 'it should call this.subWikifyUnterm if second parameter is not provided': function() { tests_mock.before('Wikifier.prototype.subWikifyUnterm'); w.subWikify(output); var actual = tests_mock.after('Wikifier.prototype.subWikifyUnterm').called; value_of(actual).should_be_true; }, 'it should call this.subWikifyTerm if a second parameter is provided': function() { tests_mock.before('Wikifier.prototype.subWikifyTerm'); w.subWikify(output,terminator); var actual = tests_mock.after('Wikifier.prototype.subWikifyTerm').called; value_of(actual).should_be_true; }, after_each: function() { removeNode(output); delete formatter; delete terminator; delete w; } }); describe('Wikifier: subWikifyUnterm', { before_each: function() { formatter = new Formatter([{ name: "test", match: "test", handler: function(w) { createTiddlyText(w.output,w.matchText); } }]); output = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); source = "some test input for a test of a function"; w = new Wikifier(source,formatter); }, 'it should pass any text that matches the formatter\'s regexp to the correct handler in the formatter': function() { w.subWikifyUnterm(output); var actual = output.innerHTML; var expected = source; value_of(actual).should_be(expected); }, 'it should output any text before, between or after a match': function() { tests_mock.before('Wikifier.prototype.outputText'); w.subWikifyUnterm(output); var actual = tests_mock.after('Wikifier.prototype.outputText').called; value_of(actual).should_be(3); actual = output.innerHTML; var expected = "testtest"; value_of(actual).should_be(expected); }, after_each: function() { removeNode(output); delete formatter; delete source; delete w; } }); describe('Wikifier: subWikifyTerm', { before_each: function() { formatter = new Formatter([{ name: "test", match: "test", handler: function(w) { createTiddlyText(w.output,w.matchText); } }]); termRegExp = /(\n)/mg; output = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); source = "some test multi-line test input \n for a test of a function"; w = new Wikifier(source,formatter); }, 'it should ignore all input after a match with termRegExp': function() { w.subWikifyTerm(output,termRegExp); var actual = output.innerHTML; var expected = source.substring(0,source.indexOf("\n")); value_of(actual).should_be(expected); }, 'it should pass any text that matches the formatter\'s regexp to the correct handler in the formatter': function() { tests_mock.before('formatter.formatters[0].handler'); w.subWikifyTerm(output,termRegExp); var actual = tests_mock.after('formatter.formatters[0].handler').called; value_of(actual).should_be(2); }, 'it should output any text before, between or after a formatter match': function() { tests_mock.before('Wikifier.prototype.outputText'); w.subWikifyTerm(output,termRegExp); var actual = tests_mock.after('Wikifier.prototype.outputText').called; value_of(actual).should_be(3); actual = output.innerHTML; var expected = "testtest"; value_of(actual).should_be(expected); }, after_each: function() { removeNode(output); delete formatter; delete termRegExp; delete source; delete w; } }); describe('Wikifier: outputText', { before_each: function() { formatter = new Formatter(config.formatters); source = "some test input"; highlightRegExp = /test/g; output = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("div")); }, 'it should output all the input text if the Wikifier object\'s highlightRegExp property is null': function() { w = new Wikifier(source,formatter); w.outputText(output,0,source.length); var actual = output.innerHTML; value_of(actual).should_be(source); }, 'it should wrap any text that matched by the Wikifier object\'s highlightRegExp in tags with a class of "highlight"': function() { w = new Wikifier(source,formatter,highlightRegExp); w.outputText(output,0,source.length); var actual = output.innerHTML; var match = actual.match("