//-- ListView gadget
var ListView = {};
// Create a listview
//# place - where in the DOM tree to insert the listview
//# listObject - array of objects to be included in the listview
//# listTemplate - template for the listview
//# callback - callback for a command being selected
//# className - optional classname for the
ListView.create = function(place,listObject,listTemplate,callback,className)
var table = createTiddlyElement(place,"table",null,className || "listView twtable");
var thead = createTiddlyElement(table,"thead");
var t,r = createTiddlyElement(thead,"tr");
for(t=0; t element of listView
//# callback(checkboxElement,rowName)
//# where
//# checkboxElement - DOM element of checkbox
//# rowName - name of this row as assigned by the column template
//# result: true if at least one selector was checked
ListView.forEachSelector = function(view,callback)
var checkboxes = view.getElementsByTagName("input");
var t,hadOne = false;
for(t=0; t