created: 20130205062501000 creator: tobibeer modified: 20140831153103538 modifier: tobibeer title: Markup type: text/x-tiddlywiki TiddlyWiki markup is a dedicated markup syntax to <> using WikiText... |noLinkify|k |width:250px; !Example | !Example Markup |h | how the example markup renders | what to enter as tiddler text | |>| ![[Basic Text Formatting|Basic Formatting]] | |''bold''|{{{''bold''}}} (two __single__-quotes) | |//italics//|{{{//italics//}}} | |''//bold italics//''|{{{''//bold italics//''}}} | |__underline__|{{{__underline__}}} | |--strikethrough--|{{{--strikethrough--}}} | |super^^script^^|{{{super^^script^^}}} | |sub~~script~~|{{{sub~~script~~}}} | |@@highlight@@|{{{@@highlight@@}}} | |foo -- bar|{{{foo -- bar}}} -- two dashes create an Em dash| |>| ![[Avoiding Wikification|Suppressing Formatting]] | |to output text as-is (escaping), enclose it in three double quotes or use the {{{}}} markup|>| |"""plain//text""" |{{{"""plain//text"""}}}| |not__wikified|{{{not__wikified}}}| |>| ![[Headings]] | |start a new line with one or more question marks to create headings |>| |

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
|{{{!Heading 1}}}
{{{!!Heading 2}}}
{{{!!!Heading 3}}}
{{{!!!!Heading 4}}}
{{{!!!!!Heading 5}}}| |>|![[Lists]]| |>| [[Ordered Lists|Lists]] | |
  1. item one
  2. item two
    1. level two
      1. level three
|{{{#item one}}}
{{{#item two}}}
{{{##level two}}}
{{{###level three}}}| |>| [[Unordered Lists|Lists]] | ||{{{*item one}}}
{{{*item two}}}
{{{**level two}}}
{{{***level three}}}| |>| [[Definition List|Lists]] | |
{{{:definition}}}| |>| [[Mixed Lists|Lists]] | |
  1. ordered
    • unordered
|{{{# ordered}}}
{{{#* unordered}}}
{{{#*:definition}}}| | ![[Blockquotes]] |>| | [[Nested Blockquotes|Blockquotes]] |>| |
level two
level three
{{{>>level two}}}
{{{>>>level three}}}| |>| [[Multi-line Blockquotes|Blockquotes]] | |
{{{<<<}}}| |>| [[Mixed Blockquotes|Blockquotes]] | |
inner foo, level 1
inner foo, level 2
more foo
{{{> inner foo, level 1}}}
{{{>> inner foo, level 2}}}
{{{more foo}}}
{{{<<<}}}| |>| ![[Code / Monospaced Text|Code]] | |>| [[Inline Code|Code]] | |{{{monospaced text}}}|{{{mono space text}}}| |>| [[Code Block|Code]] | |
code block
{{{code block}}}
}}}| | ![[Links]] |>| |>| [[Internal Links|TiddlyLink]] | |[[WikiWord]]|{{{WikiWord}}}| |~NoLink|{{{~NoLink}}} -- a tilde {{{~}}} prevents automatic ~WikiWord links| |[[Plain Link]]|{{{[[Plain Link]]}}}| |[[Pretty Link|Tiddler Name]]|{{{[[Pretty Link|Tiddler Name]]}}}| |>| [[External Links|External Link]] | |A valid URL is automatically rendered as an external link.|>| ||{{{}}}| |[[Pretty External Link|]]|{{{[[Pretty External Link|]]}}}| |>| ![[Filesystem Links|Links]] | |You can, of course, use file system links both as plain or pretty links.|>| |''Windows Network Path''|{{{[[file://///server/share]]}}}| |''Windows Local''|{{{[[file:///c:/folder/file]]}}}| |''Linux/Unix Local''|{{{[[file:///folder/file]]}}}| |''Relative Path (Subfolder)''|{{{[[folder/file]]}}}| |>| ![[Images]] | |In general, image files are external to a TiddlyWiki.|>| |[img[]]|{{{[img[path/image.jpg]]}}}| | aligned right  [>img[]]|{{{[>img[path/image.jpg]]}}}| |[img[][TiddlyWiki]]|{{{[img[path/image.jpg][TiddlerName]]}}}| |w/ external link [>img[][]]|{{{[img[path/image.jpg][TiddlyWiki|]]}}}| |>| ![[Gradients|gradient]] | |<>  __vert__ical or __horiz__ontal
  see [[gradient macro|]]>>|{{{<>wiki text>>}}}| |>| ![[Tables]] | |<>|<>| |>|<>| |>| ![[Custom Styles|CSS Formatting]] | |>|a {{{@@highlight@@}}} element can accept CSS syntax to directly style text.|>| |@@color:green;green coloured@@|{{{@@color:green;green coloured@@}}}| |>| ![[Custom CSS Class Wrapper|CSS Formatting]] | |>|You can define a custom css class wrapper, like {{{.button}}} below. By default, the inner text is placed inline into a {{{}}} of said class(s). If you start and end the inner text with a newline, the content is placed in a {{{
}}}. Use the StyleSheet to define the css styles applied to the class.| |
{{button title{Click!}}}|
{{button title{Click!}}}
| |>| ![[Embedded HTML|HTML Formatting]] | |any
valid xhtml|<html>{{{any
valid xhtml}}}</html>| |>| [[Embedded