title: Extracting Translations The [[Instructions for Translators]] yield a standalone TiddlyWiki HTML file that contains tiddlers corresponding to each translated string. ! Extracting a new language plugin Use this procedure if the language being submitted is not already present in the TiddlyWiki repository. # Run the following command in the terminal to generate the tiddler source files for the repository: #* `tiddlywiki editions/translators/ --verbose --load <path to HTML file> --build output-files` #*> The source files are generated in `editions/translators/output/language` # Create the new language folder `languages/xx-XX` # Copy the language files into the language folder # Create a `plugin.info` file for the translation # Create an appropriate flag image in `icon.tid` # Change the title of the [[$:/core/readme]] tiddler to `$:/core/xx-XX/readme` # Submit a pull request ! Updating an existing language plugin Use this procedure for submissions of updates to language plugins that are already present in the TiddlyWiki repository. # Run the following command in the terminal to generate the tiddler source files for the repository: #* `tiddlywiki editions/translators/ --verbose --unpackplugin $:/languages/xx-XX --load <path to HTML file> --build output-files` #* substituting the appropriate language code for `xx-XX` # Copy the language files from the edition output folder to the appropriate language directory #* Take care not to copy any empty `.tid` files