created: 20181002125229601 modified: 20181002125840235 tags: [[WebServer API]] title: WebServer API: Get Server Status type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki Get server status information ``` GET /status ``` Parameters: * none Response: * 200 OK *> `Content-Type: application/json` *> Body: see below The JSON data returned comprises the following properties: * ''username'' - the username of the currently authenticated user. If undefined, the [[WebServer Parameter: anon-username]] is returned instead * ''anonymous'' - true if the current user is anonymous * ''read_only'' - true if the current user is restricted to read only access to the server * ''space'' - always contains the object `{recipe: "default"}` * ''tiddlywiki_version'' - the current TiddlyWiki version For example: ``` { "username": "", "anonymous": true, "read_only": false, "space": { "recipe": "default" }, "tiddlywiki_version": "5.1.18" } ```