/*\ title: $:/core/modules/utils/dom.js type: application/javascript module-type: utils Various static DOM-related utility functions. \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; /* Determines whether element 'a' contains element 'b' Code thanks to John Resig, http://ejohn.org/blog/comparing-document-position/ */ exports.domContains = function(a,b) { return a.contains ? a !== b && a.contains(b) : !!(a.compareDocumentPosition(b) & 16); }; exports.removeChildren = function(node) { while(node.hasChildNodes()) { node.removeChild(node.firstChild); } }; exports.hasClass = function(el,className) { return el && el.className && el.className.toString().split(" ").indexOf(className) !== -1; }; exports.addClass = function(el,className) { var c = el.className.split(" "); if(c.indexOf(className) === -1) { c.push(className); } el.className = c.join(" "); }; exports.removeClass = function(el,className) { var c = el.className.split(" "), p = c.indexOf(className); if(p !== -1) { c.splice(p,1); el.className = c.join(" "); } }; exports.toggleClass = function(el,className,status) { if(status === undefined) { status = !exports.hasClass(el,className); } if(status) { exports.addClass(el,className); } else { exports.removeClass(el,className); } }; /* Get the first parent element that has scrollbars or use the body as fallback. */ exports.getScrollContainer = function(el) { var doc = el.ownerDocument; while(el.parentNode) { el = el.parentNode; if(el.scrollTop) { return el; } } return doc.body; }; /* Get the scroll position of the viewport Returns: { x: horizontal scroll position in pixels, y: vertical scroll position in pixels } */ exports.getScrollPosition = function(srcWindow) { var scrollWindow = srcWindow || window; if("scrollX" in scrollWindow) { return {x: scrollWindow.scrollX, y: scrollWindow.scrollY}; } else { return {x: scrollWindow.document.documentElement.scrollLeft, y: scrollWindow.document.documentElement.scrollTop}; } }; /* Adjust the height of a textarea to fit its content, preserving scroll position, and return the height */ exports.resizeTextAreaToFit = function(domNode,minHeight) { // Get the scroll container and register the current scroll position var container = $tw.utils.getScrollContainer(domNode), scrollTop = container.scrollTop; // Measure the specified minimum height domNode.style.height = minHeight; var measuredHeight = domNode.offsetHeight || parseInt(minHeight,10); // Set its height to auto so that it snaps to the correct height domNode.style.height = "auto"; // Calculate the revised height var newHeight = Math.max(domNode.scrollHeight + domNode.offsetHeight - domNode.clientHeight,measuredHeight); // Only try to change the height if it has changed if(newHeight !== domNode.offsetHeight) { domNode.style.height = newHeight + "px"; // Make sure that the dimensions of the textarea are recalculated $tw.utils.forceLayout(domNode); // Set the container to the position we registered at the beginning container.scrollTop = scrollTop; } return newHeight; }; /* Gets the bounding rectangle of an element in absolute page coordinates */ exports.getBoundingPageRect = function(element) { var scrollPos = $tw.utils.getScrollPosition(element.ownerDocument.defaultView), clientRect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); return { left: clientRect.left + scrollPos.x, width: clientRect.width, right: clientRect.right + scrollPos.x, top: clientRect.top + scrollPos.y, height: clientRect.height, bottom: clientRect.bottom + scrollPos.y }; }; /* Saves a named password in the browser */ exports.savePassword = function(name,password) { try { if(window.localStorage) { localStorage.setItem("tw5-password-" + name,password); } } catch(e) { } }; /* Retrieve a named password from the browser */ exports.getPassword = function(name) { try { return window.localStorage ? localStorage.getItem("tw5-password-" + name) : ""; } catch(e) { return ""; } }; /* Force layout of a dom node and its descendents */ exports.forceLayout = function(element) { var dummy = element.offsetWidth; }; /* Pulse an element for debugging purposes */ exports.pulseElement = function(element) { // Event handler to remove the class at the end element.addEventListener($tw.browser.animationEnd,function handler(event) { element.removeEventListener($tw.browser.animationEnd,handler,false); $tw.utils.removeClass(element,"pulse"); },false); // Apply the pulse class $tw.utils.removeClass(element,"pulse"); $tw.utils.forceLayout(element); $tw.utils.addClass(element,"pulse"); }; /* Attach specified event handlers to a DOM node domNode: where to attach the event handlers events: array of event handlers to be added (see below) Each entry in the events array is an object with these properties: handlerFunction: optional event handler function handlerObject: optional event handler object handlerMethod: optionally specifies object handler method name (defaults to `handleEvent`) */ exports.addEventListeners = function(domNode,events) { $tw.utils.each(events,function(eventInfo) { var handler; if(eventInfo.handlerFunction) { handler = eventInfo.handlerFunction; } else if(eventInfo.handlerObject) { if(eventInfo.handlerMethod) { handler = function(event) { eventInfo.handlerObject[eventInfo.handlerMethod].call(eventInfo.handlerObject,event); }; } else { handler = eventInfo.handlerObject; } } domNode.addEventListener(eventInfo.name,handler,false); }); }; /* Get the computed styles applied to an element as an array of strings of individual CSS properties */ exports.getComputedStyles = function(domNode) { var textAreaStyles = window.getComputedStyle(domNode,null), styleDefs = [], name; for(var t=0; t