created: 20170328161210552 modified: 20170328204148733 tags: [[Importing Tiddlers]] [[Drag and Drop]] Mechanisms title: DragAndDropMechanism type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki This tiddler discusses the internal mechanisms that are used to implement drag and drop features in ~TiddlyWiki. See [[Drag and Drop]] for a general description of the features. <<.warning """ ~TiddlyWiki uses the [[standard HTML 5 drag and drop APIs|]]. However, this is an area that is rightly notorious for cross-browser compatibility problems. Therefore, some features that you might expect to work won't necessarily work in all browsers. In particular, """>> The following widgets are concerned with drag and drop features: * The DraggableWidget creates a draggable element that represents one or more tiddlers for dragging ** The ButtonWidget and LinkWidget incorporate the functionality of the DraggableWidget * The DroppableWidget creates an area into which tiddlers can be dragged to trigger customisable actions * The DropzoneWidget handles importing external tiddlers from files or by drag and drop from another browser window The general sequence of a drag and drop operation is as follows: # The user clicks down and drags the pointer on a draggable element such as the DraggableWidget, ButtonWidget or LinkWidget # The draggable element moves with the mouse pointer until the click is released # Moving the pointer over droppable elements such as the DroppableWidget displays a highlight indicating that the item can be dropped # The configured actions are performed if the drag ends on a droppable element There is an additional complexity in the shape of "[[drop effects|]]": * The available effects and their meanings are: ** ''move'': the item will be moved from the source location to the the drop location ** ''copy'': the item will be copied from the source location to the the drop location ** ''link'': some form of relationship or connection will be created between the source and drop locations * Draggable items can indicate which effects are allowed when they are dragged * Browsers choose which effect to use from those allowed, typically according to modifier keys: ** the ''control'' key switches to a link operation ** the ''shift'' key switches to a move operation * Droppable items can indicate which effects they will accept