/*\ title: js/WikiTextRules.js \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true */ "use strict"; var ArgParser = require("./ArgParser.js").ArgParser, Renderer = require("./Renderer.js").Renderer, Dependencies = require("./Dependencies.js").Dependencies, util = require("util"); var textPrimitives = { upperLetter: "[A-Z\u00c0-\u00de\u0150\u0170]", lowerLetter: "[a-z0-9_\\-\u00df-\u00ff\u0151\u0171]", anyLetter: "[A-Za-z0-9_\\-\u00c0-\u00de\u00df-\u00ff\u0150\u0170\u0151\u0171]", anyLetterStrict: "[A-Za-z0-9\u00c0-\u00de\u00df-\u00ff\u0150\u0170\u0151\u0171]", sliceSeparator: "::", sectionSeparator: "##", urlPattern: "(?:file|http|https|mailto|ftp|irc|news|data):[^\\s'\"]+(?:/|\\b)", unWikiLink: "~", brackettedLink: "\\[\\[([^\\]]+)\\]\\]", titledBrackettedLink: "\\[\\[([^\\[\\]\\|]+)\\|([^\\[\\]\\|]+)\\]\\]" }; textPrimitives.wikiLink = "(?:(?:" + textPrimitives.upperLetter + "+" + textPrimitives.lowerLetter + "+" + textPrimitives.upperLetter + textPrimitives.anyLetter + "*)|(?:" + textPrimitives.upperLetter + "{2,}" + textPrimitives.lowerLetter + "+))"; textPrimitives.cssLookahead = "(?:(" + textPrimitives.anyLetter + "+)\\(([^\\)\\|\\n]+)(?:\\):))|(?:(" + textPrimitives.anyLetter + "+):([^;\\|\\n]+);)"; textPrimitives.cssLookaheadRegExp = new RegExp(textPrimitives.cssLookahead,"mg"); textPrimitives.tiddlerForcedLinkRegExp = new RegExp("(?:" + textPrimitives.titledBrackettedLink + ")|(?:" + textPrimitives.brackettedLink + ")|(?:" + textPrimitives.urlPattern + ")","mg"); textPrimitives.tiddlerAnyLinkRegExp = new RegExp("("+ textPrimitives.wikiLink + ")|(?:" + textPrimitives.titledBrackettedLink + ")|(?:" + textPrimitives.brackettedLink + ")|(?:" + textPrimitives.urlPattern + ")","mg"); // Helper to add an attribute to an HTML node var setAttr = function(node,attr,value) { if(!node.attributes) { node.attributes = {}; } node.attributes[attr] = value; }; var inlineCssHelper = function(w) { var styles = []; textPrimitives.cssLookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.nextMatch; var lookaheadMatch = textPrimitives.cssLookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source); while(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.nextMatch) { var s,v; if(lookaheadMatch[1]) { s = lookaheadMatch[1]; v = lookaheadMatch[2]; } else { s = lookaheadMatch[3]; v = lookaheadMatch[4]; } if(s=="bgcolor") s = "backgroundColor"; if(s=="float") s = "cssFloat"; styles.push({style: s, value: v}); w.nextMatch = lookaheadMatch.index + lookaheadMatch[0].length; textPrimitives.cssLookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.nextMatch; lookaheadMatch = textPrimitives.cssLookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source); } return styles; }; var applyCssHelper = function(e,styles) { if(styles.length > 0) { if(!e.attributes) { e.attributes = {}; } if(!e.attributes.style) { e.attributes.style = {}; } for(var t=0; t< styles.length; t++) { e.attributes.style[styles[t].style] = styles[t].value; } } }; var enclosedTextHelper = function(w) { this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart; var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source); if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) { var text = lookaheadMatch[1]; w.output.push(Renderer.ElementNode(this.element,null,[Renderer.TextNode(text)])); w.nextMatch = lookaheadMatch.index + lookaheadMatch[0].length; } }; var compileMacroParams = function(w,params) { // Slot the parameters into the macro call var properties = [],n; for(var p in params) { if(params[p].type === "string") { n = {type: "StringLiteral", value: params[p].value}; } else { n = w.store.jsParser.parse(params[p].value).tree.elements[0]; } properties.push({type: "PropertyAssignment",name: p,value: n}); } return w.store.jsParser.createTree([ { type: "Function", name: null, params: ["tiddler","store","utils"], // These are the parameters passed to the parameter expressions elements: [ { type: "ReturnStatement", value: { type: "ObjectLiteral", properties: properties } } ] } ]).compile("application/javascript").render; }; var insertMacroCall = function(w,output,name,params,children) { var macro = w.store.macros[name], dependencies = new Dependencies(); if(macro) { if(macro.dependentAll) { dependencies.dependentAll = true; } for(var m in macro.params) { var param = macro.params[m]; if(m in params) { if(param.type === "tiddler") { if(params[m].type === "eval") { dependencies.dependentAll = true; } else { dependencies.addDependency(params[m].value,param.skinny); } } } } w.dependencies.mergeDependencies(dependencies); output.push(Renderer.MacroNode(name,compileMacroParams(w,params),children,dependencies,w.store)); } }; var parseMacroParams = function(w,name,paramString) { var macro = w.store.macros[name], params = {}; if(macro) { var args = new ArgParser(paramString,{defaultName: "anon"}), insertParam = function(param,name,arg) { params[name] = {type: arg.evaluated ? "eval" : "string", value: arg.string}; }; for(var m in macro.params) { var param = macro.params[m], arg; if("byPos" in param && args.byPos[param.byPos]) { arg = args.byPos[param.byPos].v; insertParam(param,m,arg); } else if("byName" in param) { arg = args.getValueByName(m); if(!arg && param.byName === "default") { arg = args.getValueByName("anon"); } if(arg) { insertParam(param,m,arg); } } } } return params; }; var rules = [ { name: "table", match: "^\\|(?:[^\\n]*)\\|(?:[fhck]?)$", lookaheadRegExp: /^\|([^\n]*)\|([fhck]?)$/mg, rowTermRegExp: /(\|(?:[fhck]?)$\n?)/mg, cellRegExp: /(?:\|([^\n\|]*)\|)|(\|[fhck]?$\n?)/mg, cellTermRegExp: /((?:\x20*)\|)/mg, rowTypes: {"c":"caption", "h":"thead", "":"tbody", "f":"tfoot"}, handler: function(w) { var table = Renderer.ElementNode("table",{"class": "twtable"},[]); w.output.push(table); var prevColumns = []; var currRowType = null; var rowContainer; var rowCount = 0; w.nextMatch = w.matchStart; this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.nextMatch; var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source); while(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.nextMatch) { var nextRowType = lookaheadMatch[2]; if(nextRowType == "k") { table.attributes["class"] = lookaheadMatch[1]; w.nextMatch += lookaheadMatch[0].length+1; } else { if(nextRowType != currRowType) { rowContainer = Renderer.ElementNode(this.rowTypes[nextRowType],{},[]); table.children.push(rowContainer); currRowType = nextRowType; } if(currRowType == "c") { // Caption w.nextMatch++; // Move the caption to the first row if it isn't already if(table.children.length !== 1) { table.children.pop(); // Take rowContainer out of the children array table.children.splice(0,0,rowContainer); // Insert it at the bottom } rowContainer.attributes.align = rowCount === 0 ? "top" : "bottom"; w.subWikifyTerm(rowContainer.children,this.rowTermRegExp); } else { var theRow = Renderer.ElementNode("tr",{},[]); theRow.attributes["class"] = rowCount%2 ? "oddRow" : "evenRow"; rowContainer.children.push(theRow); this.rowHandler(w,theRow.children,prevColumns); rowCount++; } } this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.nextMatch; lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source); } }, rowHandler: function(w,e,prevColumns) { var col = 0; var colSpanCount = 1; var prevCell = null; this.cellRegExp.lastIndex = w.nextMatch; var cellMatch = this.cellRegExp.exec(w.source); while(cellMatch && cellMatch.index == w.nextMatch) { if(cellMatch[1] == "~") { // Rowspan var last = prevColumns[col]; if(last) { last.rowSpanCount++; last.element.attributes.rowspan = last.rowSpanCount; last.element.attributes.valign = "center"; if(colSpanCount > 1) { last.element.attributes.colspan = colSpanCount; colSpanCount = 1; } } w.nextMatch = this.cellRegExp.lastIndex-1; } else if(cellMatch[1] == ">") { // Colspan colSpanCount++; w.nextMatch = this.cellRegExp.lastIndex-1; } else if(cellMatch[2]) { // End of row if(prevCell && colSpanCount > 1) { prevCell.attributes.colspan = colSpanCount; } w.nextMatch = this.cellRegExp.lastIndex; break; } else { // Cell w.nextMatch++; var styles = inlineCssHelper(w); var spaceLeft = false; var chr = w.source.substr(w.nextMatch,1); while(chr == " ") { spaceLeft = true; w.nextMatch++; chr = w.source.substr(w.nextMatch,1); } var cell; if(chr == "!") { cell = Renderer.ElementNode("th",{},[]); e.push(cell); w.nextMatch++; } else { cell = Renderer.ElementNode("td",{},[]); e.push(cell); } prevCell = cell; prevColumns[col] = {rowSpanCount:1,element:cell}; if(colSpanCount > 1) { cell.attributes.colspan = colSpanCount; colSpanCount = 1; } applyCssHelper(cell,styles); w.subWikifyTerm(cell.children,this.cellTermRegExp); if(w.matchText.substr(w.matchText.length-2,1) == " ") // spaceRight cell.attributes.align = spaceLeft ? "center" : "left"; else if(spaceLeft) cell.attributes.align = "right"; w.nextMatch--; } col++; this.cellRegExp.lastIndex = w.nextMatch; cellMatch = this.cellRegExp.exec(w.source); } } }, { name: "heading", match: "^!{1,6}", termRegExp: /(\n)/mg, handler: function(w) { var e = Renderer.ElementNode("h" + w.matchLength,{},[]); w.output.push(e); w.subWikifyTerm(e.children,this.termRegExp); } }, { name: "list", match: "^(?:[\\*#;:]+)", lookaheadRegExp: /^(?:(?:(\*)|(#)|(;)|(:))+)/mg, termRegExp: /(\n)/mg, handler: function(w) { var stack = [w.output]; var currLevel = 0, currType = null; var listLevel, listType, itemType, baseType; w.nextMatch = w.matchStart; this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.nextMatch; var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source); while(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.nextMatch) { if(lookaheadMatch[1]) { listType = "ul"; itemType = "li"; } else if(lookaheadMatch[2]) { listType = "ol"; itemType = "li"; } else if(lookaheadMatch[3]) { listType = "dl"; itemType = "dt"; } else if(lookaheadMatch[4]) { listType = "dl"; itemType = "dd"; } if(!baseType) baseType = listType; listLevel = lookaheadMatch[0].length; w.nextMatch += lookaheadMatch[0].length; var t,e; if(listLevel > currLevel) { for(t=currLevel; tlistLevel; t--) stack.pop(); } else if(listLevel == currLevel && listType != currType) { stack.pop(); e = Renderer.ElementNode(listType,{},[]); stack[stack.length-1].push(e); stack.push(e.children); } currLevel = listLevel; currType = listType; e = Renderer.ElementNode(itemType,{},[]); stack[stack.length-1].push(e); w.subWikifyTerm(e.children,this.termRegExp); this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.nextMatch; lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source); } } }, { name: "quoteByBlock", match: "^<<<\\n", termRegExp: /(^<<<(\n|$))/mg, element: "blockquote", handler: function(w) { var e = Renderer.ElementNode(this.element,{},[]); w.output.push(e); w.subWikifyTerm(e.children,this.termRegExp); } }, { name: "quoteByLine", match: "^>+", lookaheadRegExp: /^>+/mg, termRegExp: /(\n)/mg, element: "blockquote", handler: function(w) { var stack = [w.output]; var currLevel = 0; var newLevel = w.matchLength; var t,matched,e; do { if(newLevel > currLevel) { for(t=currLevel; tnewLevel; t--) stack.pop(); } currLevel = newLevel; w.subWikifyTerm(stack[stack.length-1],this.termRegExp); stack[stack.length-1].push(Renderer.ElementNode("br")); this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.nextMatch; var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source); matched = lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.nextMatch; if(matched) { newLevel = lookaheadMatch[0].length; w.nextMatch += lookaheadMatch[0].length; } } while(matched); } }, { name: "rule", match: "^----+$\\n?|
\\n?", handler: function(w) { w.output.push(Renderer.ElementNode("hr")); } }, { name: "monospacedByLine", match: "^(?:/\\*\\{\\{\\{\\*/|\\{\\{\\{|//\\{\\{\\{|)\\n", element: "pre", handler: function(w) { switch(w.matchText) { case "/*{{{*/\n": // CSS this.lookaheadRegExp = /\/\*\{\{\{\*\/\n*((?:^[^\n]*\n)+?)(\n*^\f*\/\*\}\}\}\*\/$\n?)/mg; break; case "{{{\n": // monospaced block this.lookaheadRegExp = /^\{\{\{\n((?:^[^\n]*\n)+?)(^\f*\}\}\}$\n?)/mg; break; case "//{{{\n": // plugin this.lookaheadRegExp = /^\/\/\{\{\{\n\n*((?:^[^\n]*\n)+?)(\n*^\f*\/\/\}\}\}$\n?)/mg; break; case "\n": //template this.lookaheadRegExp = /\n*((?:^[^\n]*\n)+?)(\n*^\f*$\n?)/mg; break; default: break; } enclosedTextHelper.call(this,w); } }, { name: "wikifyComment", match: "^(?:/\\*\\*\\*|\n)/mg); w.subWikifyTerm(w.output,termRegExp); } }, { name: "macro", match: "<<", lookaheadRegExp: /<<([^>\s]+)(?:\s*)((?:[^>]|(?:>(?!>)))*)>>/mg, handler: function(w) { this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart; var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source); if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart && lookaheadMatch[1]) { w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex; var name = lookaheadMatch[1]; insertMacroCall(w,w.output,name,parseMacroParams(w,name,lookaheadMatch[2])); } } }, { name: "prettyLink", match: "\\[\\[", lookaheadRegExp: /\[\[(.*?)(?:\|(~)?(.*?))?\]\]/mg, handler: function(w) { this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart; var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source); if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) { var text = lookaheadMatch[1], link = text; if(lookaheadMatch[3]) { // Pretty bracketted link link = lookaheadMatch[3]; } insertMacroCall(w,w.output,"link",{ target: {type: "string", value: link} },[Renderer.TextNode(text)]); w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex; } } }, { name: "wikiLink", match: textPrimitives.unWikiLink+"?"+textPrimitives.wikiLink, handler: function(w) { if(w.matchText.substr(0,1) == textPrimitives.unWikiLink) { w.outputText(w.output,w.matchStart+1,w.nextMatch); return; } if(w.matchStart > 0) { var preRegExp = new RegExp(textPrimitives.anyLetterStrict,"mg"); preRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart-1; var preMatch = preRegExp.exec(w.source); if(preMatch.index == w.matchStart-1) { w.outputText(w.output,w.matchStart,w.nextMatch); return; } } if(w.autoLinkWikiWords) { insertMacroCall(w,w.output,"link",{ target: {type: "string", value: w.matchText} },[Renderer.TextNode(w.source.substring(w.matchStart,w.nextMatch))]); } else { w.outputText(w.output,w.matchStart,w.nextMatch); } } }, { name: "urlLink", match: textPrimitives.urlPattern, handler: function(w) { insertMacroCall(w,w.output,"link",{ target: {type: "string", value: w.matchText} },[Renderer.TextNode(w.source.substring(w.matchStart,w.nextMatch))]); } }, { name: "image", match: "\\[[<>]?[Ii][Mm][Gg]\\[", // [<] sequence below is to avoid lessThan-questionMark sequence so TiddlyWikis can be included in PHP files lookaheadRegExp: /\[([<]?)(>?)[Ii][Mm][Gg]\[(?:([^\|\]]+)\|)?([^\[\]\|]+)\](?:\[([^\]]*)\])?\]/mg, handler: function(w) { this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart; var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source), imageParams = { src: {type: "string", value: ""} }, linkParams = { target: {type: "string", value: ""} }; if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) { if(lookaheadMatch[1]) { imageParams.alignment = {type: "string", value: "left"}; } else if(lookaheadMatch[2]) { imageParams.alignment = {type: "string", value: "right"}; } if(lookaheadMatch[3]) { imageParams.text = {type: "string", value: lookaheadMatch[3]}; } imageParams.src.value = lookaheadMatch[4]; if(lookaheadMatch[5]) { linkParams.target.value = lookaheadMatch[5]; var linkChildren = []; insertMacroCall(w,w.output,"link",linkParams,linkChildren); insertMacroCall(w,linkChildren,"image",imageParams); } else { insertMacroCall(w,w.output,"image",imageParams); } w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex; } } }, { name: "html", match: "<[Hh][Tt][Mm][Ll]>", lookaheadRegExp: /<[Hh][Tt][Mm][Ll]>((?:.|\n)*?)<\/[Hh][Tt][Mm][Ll]>/mg, handler: function(w) { this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart; var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source); if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) { w.output.push(Renderer.ElementNode("html",{},[Renderer.RawNode(lookaheadMatch[1])])); w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex; } } }, { name: "commentByBlock", match: "/%", lookaheadRegExp: /\/%((?:.|\n)*?)%\//mg, handler: function(w) { this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart; var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source); if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex; } }, { name: "characterFormat", match: "''|//|__|\\^\\^|~~|--(?!\\s|$)|\\{\\{\\{|`", handler: function(w) { var e,lookaheadRegExp,lookaheadMatch; switch(w.matchText) { case "''": e = Renderer.ElementNode("strong",null,[]); w.output.push(e); w.subWikifyTerm(e.children,/('')/mg); break; case "//": e = Renderer.ElementNode("em",null,[]); w.output.push(e); w.subWikifyTerm(e.children,/(\/\/)/mg); break; case "__": e = Renderer.ElementNode("u",null,[]); w.output.push(e); w.subWikifyTerm(e.children,/(__)/mg); break; case "^^": e = Renderer.ElementNode("sup",null,[]); w.output.push(e); w.subWikifyTerm(e.children,/(\^\^)/mg); break; case "~~": e = Renderer.ElementNode("sub",null,[]); w.output.push(e); w.subWikifyTerm(e.children,/(~~)/mg); break; case "--": e = Renderer.ElementNode("strike",null,[]); w.output.push(e); w.subWikifyTerm(e.children,/(--)/mg); break; case "`": lookaheadRegExp = /`((?:.|\n)*?)`/mg; lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart; lookaheadMatch = lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source); if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) { w.output.push(Renderer.ElementNode("code",null,[Renderer.TextNode(lookaheadMatch[1])])); w.nextMatch = lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex; } break; case "{{{": lookaheadRegExp = /\{\{\{((?:.|\n)*?)\}\}\}/mg; lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart; lookaheadMatch = lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source); if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) { w.output.push(Renderer.ElementNode("code",null,[Renderer.TextNode(lookaheadMatch[1])])); w.nextMatch = lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex; } break; } } }, { name: "customFormat", match: "@@|\\{\\{", handler: function(w) { switch(w.matchText) { case "@@": var e = Renderer.ElementNode("span",null,[]); w.output.push(e); var styles = inlineCssHelper(w); if(styles.length === 0) setAttr(e,"class","marked"); else applyCssHelper(e,styles); w.subWikifyTerm(e.children,/(@@)/mg); break; case "{{": var lookaheadRegExp = /\{\{[\s]*([\w]+[\s\w]*)[\s]*\{(\n?)/mg; lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart; var lookaheadMatch = lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source); if(lookaheadMatch) { w.nextMatch = lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex; e = Renderer.ElementNode(lookaheadMatch[2] == "\n" ? "div" : "span",{ "class": lookaheadMatch[1] },[]); w.output.push(e); w.subWikifyTerm(e.children,/(\}\}\})/mg); } break; } } }, { name: "mdash", match: "--", handler: function(w) { w.output.push(Renderer.EntityNode("—")); } }, { name: "lineBreak", match: "\\n|
", handler: function(w) { w.output.push(Renderer.ElementNode("br")); } }, { name: "rawText", match: "\"{3}|", lookaheadRegExp: /(?:\"{3}|)((?:.|\n)*?)(?:\"{3}|<\/nowiki>)/mg, handler: function(w) { this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex = w.matchStart; var lookaheadMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.exec(w.source); if(lookaheadMatch && lookaheadMatch.index == w.matchStart) { w.output.push(Renderer.TextNode(lookaheadMatch[1])); w.nextMatch = this.lookaheadRegExp.lastIndex; } } }, { name: "htmlEntitiesEncoding", match: "&#?[a-zA-Z0-9]{2,8};", handler: function(w) { w.output.push(Renderer.EntityNode(w.matchText)); } } ]; exports.rules = rules; })();