created: 20130822170200000 list: [[A Gentle Guide to TiddlyWiki]] [[Discover TiddlyWiki]] [[Some of the things you can do with TiddlyWiki]] [[Ten reasons to switch to TiddlyWiki]] Examples [[What happened to the original TiddlyWiki?]] modified: 20231223102201587 tags: TableOfContents title: HelloThere type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki
This is a build of ~TiddlyWiki 5 from the branch [[confetti-plugin|]]. Despite the name of the branch, it actually introduces two new plugins and brings updates to an existing one: * The ''Tour Plugin'' allows interactive learning tours to be created and presented in TiddlyWiki ** Launch the tour in this wiki with the {{$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tour/start-tour-button}} button in the sidebar * The ''Confetti Plugin'' displays animated bursts of confetti ** See the [[Confetti Plugin readme|$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/confetti/readme]] for examples * The ''updated Dynannotate Plugin'' gains the ability to highlight screen elements using an animated spotlight effect ** See the [[Dynannotate Spotlight Demo|$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/dynannotate/examples/spotlight]] A standalone demo of the tour functionality is [ext[available here|./tour.html]].
!!.tc-hero-heading ''Welcome to TiddlyWiki, a unique [[non-linear|Philosophy of Tiddlers]] notebook for [[capturing|Creating and editing tiddlers]], [[organising|Structuring TiddlyWiki]] and [[sharing|Sharing your tiddlers with others]] complex information'' Use it to keep your [[to-do list|TaskManagementExample]], to plan an [[essay or novel|"TiddlyWiki for Scholars" by Alberto Molina]], or to organise your wedding. Record every thought that crosses your brain, or build a flexible and responsive website. TiddlyWiki lets you choose where to keep your data, guaranteeing that in the decades to come you will [[still be able to use|Future Proof]] the notes you take today. !! ''Quick Start''
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