/*\ title: js/Main.js This is the main() function in the browser \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ "use strict"; var WikiStore = require("./WikiStore.js").WikiStore, Tiddler = require("./Tiddler.js").Tiddler, tiddlerInput = require("./TiddlerInput.js"), tiddlerOutput = require("./TiddlerOutput.js"), WikiTextProcessor = require("./WikiTextProcessor.js").WikiTextProcessor, Navigators = require("./Navigators.js").Navigators, StoryNavigator = require("./StoryNavigator.js").StoryNavigator; var store = new WikiStore(), t; // Register the wikitext processor store.registerTextProcessor("text/x-tiddlywiki",new WikiTextProcessor({ store: store })); // Register the standard tiddler serializers and deserializers tiddlerInput.register(store); tiddlerOutput.register(store); // Add the shadow tiddlers that are built into TiddlyWiki var shadowShadowStore = new WikiStore({ shadowStore: null }), shadowShadows = [ {title: "StyleSheet", text: ""}, {title: "MarkupPreHead", text: ""}, {title: "MarkupPostHead", text: ""}, {title: "MarkupPreBody", text: ""}, {title: "MarkupPostBody", text: ""}, {title: "WindowTitle", text: "<> - <>"}, {title: "DefaultTiddlers", text: "[[GettingStarted]]"}, {title: "MainMenu", text: "[[GettingStarted]]"}, {title: "SiteTitle", text: "My TiddlyWiki"}, {title: "SiteSubtitle", text: "a reusable non-linear personal web notebook"}, {title: "SiteUrl", text: ""} ]; store.shadows.shadows = shadowShadowStore; for(t=0; t