/*\ title: js/ArgParser.js Parse a space-separated string of name:value parameters. Values can be quoted with single quotes, double quotes, double square brackets, or double curly braces. The parameters are returned in a structure that can be referenced like this: (return).byName["name"][0] - First occurance of parameter with a given name (return).byPos[0].n - Name of parameter in first position (return).byPos[0].v - Value of parameter in first position Options and their defaults are: defaultName: null, defaultValue: null, noNames: false, cascadeDefaults: false, allowEval: true globals: null `globals` is the global variable object provided to evaluated parameters \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true */ "use strict"; var sandbox = require("./Sandbox.js").sandbox; var ArgParser = function(argString,options) { var parseToken = function(match,p) { var n; if(match[p]) { // Double quoted n = match[p]; } else if(match[p+1]) { // Single quoted n = match[p+1]; } else if(match[p+2]) { // Double-square-bracket quoted n = match[p+2]; } else if(match[p+3]) { // Double-brace quoted n = options.allowEval === false ? match[p+3] : sandbox(match[p+3],options.globals); } else if(match[p+4]) { // Unquoted n = match[p+4]; } else if(match[p+5]) { // empty quote n = ""; } return n; }; this.byPos = []; var dblQuote = "(?:\"((?:(?:\\\\\")|[^\"])+)\")", sngQuote = "(?:'((?:(?:\\\\\')|[^'])+)')", dblSquare = "(?:\\[\\[((?:\\s|\\S)*?)\\]\\])", dblBrace = "(?:\\{\\{((?:\\s|\\S)*?)\\}\\})", unQuoted = options.noNames ? "([^\"'\\s]\\S*)" : "([^\"':\\s][^\\s:]*)", emptyQuote = "((?:\"\")|(?:''))", skipSpace = "(?:\\s*)", token = "(?:" + dblQuote + "|" + sngQuote + "|" + dblSquare + "|" + dblBrace + "|" + unQuoted + "|" + emptyQuote + ")", re = options.noNames ? new RegExp(token,"mg") : new RegExp(skipSpace + token + skipSpace + "(?:(\\:)" + skipSpace + token + ")?","mg"), match,n,v; do { match = re.exec(argString); if(match) { n = parseToken(match,1); if(options.noNames) { this.byPos.push({n:"", v:n}); } else { v = parseToken(match,8); if(v === undefined && options.defaultName) { v = n; n = options.defaultName; } else if(v === undefined && options.defaultValue) { v = options.defaultValue; } this.byPos.push({n:n, v:v}); if(options.cascadeDefaults) { options.defaultName = n; options.defaultValue = v; } } } } while(match); this.byName = {}; for(var t=0; t 0 ? v[0] : defaultValue; }; // Retrieve all the values of a named parameter as an array ArgParser.prototype.getValuesByName = function(n,defaultValue) { var v = this.byName[n]; return v && v.length > 0 ? v : defaultValue; }; exports.ArgParser = ArgParser; })();