created: 20220611123344385 modified: 20220617132351460 tags: [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] PluginsCS title: Installing official plugins on Node.js type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki Follow these instructions when using TiddlyWiki with a client-server Node.js configuration: # Identify the plugins you want to install using the ''Plugins'' tab of <<controlPanel-plugin-link>> (''don't'' install the plugins from here, though) #* Plugins are identified by their type (ie language, theme or plugin) and their publisher and title. For example, the plugin `$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/internals` is referred to as ''tiddlywiki/internals'' # Quit the server if it is running # Edit the `` file (it is in JSON format) and locate the `plugins`, `themes` or `languages` section (see below) # Add entries corresponding to the plugins you wish to add #* Take care to retain ''commas ''to separate items #* Do ''not'' terminate the last item in a list with a comma # Restart the server ``` { "plugins": [ "tiddlywiki/codemirror" ], "themes": [ "tiddlywiki/vanilla", "tiddlywiki/snowwhite" ], "languages": [ "es-ES", "fr-FR", "en-EN" ] } ``` <$macrocall $name=".note" _="An overview of working with plugins can be found at [[Plugins]].<br>Also see: [[Installing custom plugins on Node.js]]."/>