created: 20140909134102102 modified: 20150203190626000 tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Field Operators]] [[Negatable Operators]] title: regexp Operator type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki caption: regexp op-purpose: filter the input by pattern-matched field op-input: a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]] op-suffix: the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]] op-suffix-name: F op-parameter: a regular expression op-parameter-name: X op-output: those input tiddlers in which field <<.place F>> matches <<.place X>> op-neg-output: those input tiddlers in which field <<.place F>> does <<.em not>> match <<.place X>> <<.def "Regular expressions">> are concise strings of characters that denote patterns of text to search for. The format used in ~TiddlyWiki is fully defined in [[this Mozilla reference|]]. The [[filter syntax|Filter Run]] makes it impossible to directly specify a regular expression that contains square brackets. The solution is to store the expression in a [[variable|Variables]]. See the <<.operator-examples "regexp" "examples">>. The parameter <<.place X>> can optionally start or end with a string of flags: <$railroad text=""" "(?" { ("i"|"m"|:"g") } ")" """/> Only the `i` flag is generally useful: it forces the different between capital and lowercase letters to be ignored. If <<.place X>> is empty, <<.op regexp>> will match all of the input tiddlers. <<.operator-examples "regexp">>