title: $:/templates/NewPageTemplate
\define coolmacro(p:ridiculously) This is my $p$ cool macro!
\define me(one two)
\define another(first:default second third:default3) that is
* This
*.disabled Is a
* List!!
| this | is | a | table |
| yes | indeed |>| it is |
And this is an inline transclusion {{Acknowledgements}width:40;height:50;}.one
Some monospaced
This is a {{myClass{normal}}} para and one `with` some {{{code}}} blocks -- and both kinds of dashes --- just for the fun of it. And ''some bold'' text and //italics//, ^^superscript^^ and ,,subscript,, and even some __underlined text__. Oh a ~~strikethrough~~.
some text ~~strike start -- ndash --- mdash strike end~~ -> nok
<_navigator story="$:/StoryList" history="$:/HistoryList">
<_link to="JeremyRuston" hover="HelloThere">
Go to it!
! Heading1
!!.myclass Heading2
!!! Heading3
!!!! Heading4