created: 20230614225302905 modified: 20230614233448662 tags: [[Operator Examples]] [[substitute Operator]] title: substitute Operator (Examples) type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki \define time() morning \define field() modified \procedure sentence() This tiddler was last $(field)$ on ${[{!!modified}format:date[DDth MMM YYYY]]}$ \define name() Bugs Bunny \define address() Rabbit Hole Hill !Substitute <<.op substitute[]>> operator parameters <<.operator-example 1 "[[Hi, I'm $1$ and I live in $2$]substitute[Bugs Bunny],[Rabbit Hole Hill]]">> !Substitute variables This example uses the following variables: * name: <$codeblock code=<>/> * address: <$codeblock code=<
>/> <<.operator-example 2 "[[Hi, I'm $(name)$ and I live in $(address)$]substitute[]]">> !Substitute variables and operator parameters This example uses the following variable: * time: <$codeblock code=<