created: 20230615045526689 modified: 20230615060059476 tags: WikiText title: Widget Attributes type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki Attributes of HTML elements and widgets can be specified in several different ways: * [[a literal string|Literal Attribute Values]] * [[a transclusion of a textReference|Transcluded Attribute Values]] * [[a transclusion of a macro/variable|Variable Attribute Values]] * [[as the result of a filter expression|Filtered Attribute Values]] * <<.from-version "5.3.0">> [[as the result of performing filter and variable substitutions on the given string|Substituted Attribute Values]] |attribute type|syntax|h |literal |single, double or triple quotes or no quotes for values without spaces | |transcluded |double curly braces around a text reference | |variable |double angle brackets around a macro or variable invocation | |filtered |triple curly braces around a filter expression| |substituted|single or triple backticks around the text to be processed for substitutions|