created: 20140209143652456 tags: deserializers dev title: MultiTiddlerFiles MultiTiddlerFiles allow multiple tiddlers to be concisely represented in a single text file. The goals of this format are: * To be easy to type and easy to read * Optimised for single line strings * To allow common fields or tags to be shared within groups of tiddlers * To be simple to process with external tools MultiTiddlerFiles have the extension `tids`. The file is structured as a block of shared fields followed by a blank line. The rest of the file is a sequence of comments and tiddlers. Tiddlers are specified by their title, followed by a colon, at least one space character, and then the rest of the line is the text field for the tiddler. For axample: ``` title: $:/lingo/ControlPanel/ tags: strings modifier: JoeBloggs Basics/Caption: Basics # This is a comment Basics/Version: ~TiddlyWiki Version ``` This example defines two tiddlers, ''"""$:/lingo/ControlPanel/Basics/Caption"""'' and ''"""$:/lingo/ControlPanel/Basics/Version"""''. If a `title` field is specified in the header then it is treated as a prefix for the individual tiddlers defined in the title.