created: 20150220152540000 modified: 20210629215024053 tags: [[Filter Syntax]] title: Filter Parameter type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki <$railroad text=""" ( "[" [:{/"anything but ]"/}] "]" | "{" [:{/"anything but }"/}] "}" | "<" [:{/"anything but >"/}] ">" ) """/> The parameter to a [[filter operator|Filter Operators]] can be: ;<<.def hard>> : `[like this]` : The parameter is the exact text that appears between the square brackets. ;<<.def soft>> : <<.def indirect>> :: `{like this}` :: The parameter is the text indicated by the [[text reference|TextReference]] whose name appears between the curly brackets, i.e. a [[field|TiddlerFields]] of a specified tiddler, or the value of a property of a specified [[data tiddler|DataTiddlers]]. : <<.def variable>> :: `` :: The parameter is the current value of the [[variable|Variables]] whose name appears between the angle brackets. Macro parameters are <<.em not>> supported up to and including ~TiddlyWiki v5.1.23. ::<<.from-version "5.2.0">> Literal macro parameters are supported. For example: `[]`. <<.from-version "5.1.23">> Filter operators support multiple parameters which are separated by a ` , ` character. For example: `[param1],[param2]` or `,{param2}`