/*\ title: $:/core/modules/browser-messaging.js type: application/javascript module-type: startup Browser message handling \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; // Export name and synchronous status exports.name = "browser-messaging"; exports.platforms = ["browser"]; exports.after = ["startup"]; exports.synchronous = true; /* Load a specified url as an iframe and call the callback when it is loaded. If the url is already loaded then the existing iframe instance is used */ function loadIFrame(url,callback) { // Check if iframe already exists var iframeInfo = $tw.browserMessaging.iframeInfoMap[url]; if(iframeInfo) { // We've already got the iframe callback(null,iframeInfo); } else { // Create the iframe and save it in the list var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframeInfo = { url: url, status: "loading", domNode: iframe }; $tw.browserMessaging.iframeInfoMap[url] = iframeInfo; saveIFrameInfoTiddler(iframeInfo); // Add the iframe to the DOM and hide it iframe.style.display = "none"; iframe.setAttribute("library","true"); document.body.appendChild(iframe); // Set up onload iframe.onload = function() { iframeInfo.status = "loaded"; saveIFrameInfoTiddler(iframeInfo); callback(null,iframeInfo); }; iframe.onerror = function() { callback("Cannot load iframe"); }; try { iframe.src = url; } catch(ex) { callback(ex); } } } /* Unload library iframe for given url */ function unloadIFrame(url){ $tw.utils.each(document.getElementsByTagName('iframe'), function(iframe) { if(iframe.getAttribute("library") === "true" && iframe.getAttribute("src") === url) { iframe.parentNode.removeChild(iframe); } }); } function saveIFrameInfoTiddler(iframeInfo) { $tw.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler($tw.wiki.getCreationFields(),{ title: "$:/temp/ServerConnection/" + iframeInfo.url, text: iframeInfo.status, tags: ["$:/tags/ServerConnection"], url: iframeInfo.url },$tw.wiki.getModificationFields())); } exports.startup = function() { // Initialise the store of iframes we've created $tw.browserMessaging = { iframeInfoMap: {} // Hashmap by URL of {url:,status:"loading/loaded",domNode:} }; // Listen for widget messages to control loading the plugin library $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tm-load-plugin-library",function(event) { var paramObject = event.paramObject || {}, url = paramObject.url; if(url) { loadIFrame(url,function(err,iframeInfo) { if(err) { alert($tw.language.getString("Error/LoadingPluginLibrary") + ": " + url); } else { iframeInfo.domNode.contentWindow.postMessage({ verb: "GET", url: "recipes/library/tiddlers.json", cookies: { type: "save-info", infoTitlePrefix: paramObject.infoTitlePrefix || "$:/temp/RemoteAssetInfo/", url: url } },"*"); } }); } }); // Listen for widget messages to control unloading the plugin library $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tm-unload-plugin-library",function(event) { var paramObject = event.paramObject || {}, url = paramObject.url; $tw.browserMessaging.iframeInfoMap[url] = undefined; if(url) { unloadIFrame(url); $tw.utils.each( $tw.wiki.filterTiddlers("[[$:/temp/ServerConnection/" + url + "]] [prefix[$:/temp/RemoteAssetInfo/" + url + "/]]"), function(title) { $tw.wiki.deleteTiddler(title); } ); } }); $tw.rootWidget.addEventListener("tm-load-plugin-from-library",function(event) { var paramObject = event.paramObject || {}, url = paramObject.url, title = paramObject.title; if(url && title) { loadIFrame(url,function(err,iframeInfo) { if(err) { alert($tw.language.getString("Error/LoadingPluginLibrary") + ": " + url); } else { iframeInfo.domNode.contentWindow.postMessage({ verb: "GET", url: "recipes/library/tiddlers/" + encodeURIComponent(title) + ".json", cookies: { type: "save-tiddler", url: url } },"*"); } }); } }); // Listen for window messages from other windows window.addEventListener("message",function listener(event){ // console.log("browser-messaging: ",document.location.toString()) // console.log("browser-messaging: Received message from",event.origin); // console.log("browser-messaging: Message content",event.data); switch(event.data.verb) { case "GET-RESPONSE": if(event.data.status.charAt(0) === "2") { if(event.data.cookies) { if(event.data.cookies.type === "save-info") { var tiddlers = $tw.utils.parseJSONSafe(event.data.body); $tw.utils.each(tiddlers,function(tiddler) { $tw.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler($tw.wiki.getCreationFields(),tiddler,{ title: event.data.cookies.infoTitlePrefix + event.data.cookies.url + "/" + tiddler.title, "original-title": tiddler.title, text: "", type: "text/vnd.tiddlywiki", "original-type": tiddler.type, "plugin-type": undefined, "original-plugin-type": tiddler["plugin-type"], "module-type": undefined, "original-module-type": tiddler["module-type"], tags: ["$:/tags/RemoteAssetInfo"], "original-tags": $tw.utils.stringifyList(tiddler.tags || []), "server-url": event.data.cookies.url },$tw.wiki.getModificationFields())); }); } else if(event.data.cookies.type === "save-tiddler") { var tiddler = $tw.utils.parseJSONSafe(event.data.body); $tw.wiki.addTiddler(new $tw.Tiddler(tiddler)); } } } break; } },false); }; })();