created: 20140426183123179 modified: 20150124165013000 tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Field Operators]] title: get Operator type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki caption: get purpose: select all values of a field in the input titles <$macrocall $name=".operator-def" input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]" parameter="the name of a [[field|TiddlerFields]]" paramName="f" output="the values of field <<.place f>> in each of the input titles" /> Each input title is processed in turn. If the corresponding tiddler contains field <<.place f>>, and the value of this field is not empty, then its value is appended to the output. Unlike most other [[Filter Operators]], the [[selection|Title Selection]] output by <<.op get>> can contain duplicates. To avoid duplicates, use `each[f]get[f]`. <<.operator-examples "get">>