created: 20150117190213631 modified: 20150117191804000 tags: Concepts title: Date Fields type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki Certain [[fields|TiddlerFields]] of a tiddler are used to store dates and times. The two standard date fields are <<.field created>> and <<.field modified>>. Values of date fields are 17-character strings: * 4 digits for the year * 2 digits for the month * 2 digits for the day * 2 digits for the hour * 2 digits for the minute * 2 digits for the second * 3 digits for the millisecond To avoid problems arising from differences of time zone, TiddlyWiki always uses [[UTC|]]. As an example, the <<.field created>> field of this tiddler has the value <<.value """<$view field="created"/>""">>. Dates can be [[converted to other formats|DateFormat]] for display: <$macrocall $name="wikitext-example-without-html" src="""<$view field="created" format="date" template="DDD DDth MMM YYYY"/>""">