caption: jsonvariables created: 20240506131935424 modified: 20240506151517068 op-input: a selection variable names op-output: the JSON string values of each of the retrieved properties op-parameter: one or more indexes of the property to retrieve op-parameter-name: R op-purpose: retrieve the JSON string from a ~TiddlyWiki variable tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[JSON Operators]] title: jsonvariables Operator type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki \procedure testProc() [[aa aa]] bb \function fn.test(splitChar:" " not-used) [enlistformat:titlelist[]] \function tab() [charcode[9]] <<.from-version "5.3.4">> The <<.op jsonvariables>> operator is used to retrieve variables as JSON substrings. See also the following related operators: Properties within a JSON object are identified by a sequence of indexes. In the following example, we use a procedure: `testProc` and a function: `fn.test` to show the possibilities of <<.op jsonvariables>>. The `tab`-function is needed for the <<.olink format>> ooperator, which is used to "pretty-print" the output. ``` \procedure testProc() [[aa aa]] bb \function fn.test(splitChar:" " not-used) [enlistformat:titlelist[]] \function tab() [charcode[9]]
<$text text={{{[[fn.test]jsonvariables[]format:json]}}}/>
``` Which results to:
<$text text={{{[[fn.test]jsonvariables[]format:json]}}}/>
Also see: * <<.olink jsonextract>> to retrieve a JSON value as a string of JSON * <<.olink jsonget>> to retrieve the values of a property in JSON data * <<.olink jsontype>> to retrieve the type of a JSON value * <<.olink jsonindexes>> to retrieve the names of the fields of a JSON object, or the indexes of a JSON array Every TW variable has this internal structure, which we can use to extract the info we need. !! <<.operator-examples "jsonvariables">>