title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tour/docs Tour definition tiddlers have the following fields: |!Name |!Description | |tags |Must include $:/tags/Tour | |tour-tag |Name of tag used to define tour step sequence | |logo |Title of tiddler containing logo of tour | |description |Brief description of the tour | |text |Longer description of the tour | |class |(optional) additional class to apply to the tour wrapper | Tour step tiddlers have the following fields: |!Name |!Description | |tags|Must include the tag used to define the tour step sequence | |caption|Caption for the tour step | |display-mode|(optional) can be set to `fullscreen` | |enter-actions|(optional) action string invoked when the step is displayed | |hint-selector|(optional) selector to be highlighted by the hint button in steps with a step-success-filter | |hint-text|(optional) text to be displayed for the hint button | |condition|(optional) filter expression that must return a result for the step to be displayed | |step-success-filter|(optional) filter expression that must return a result for the step to be considered completed | |step-success-filtervar|(optional) filter expression evaluated to set the first result as the variable `step-success-filter-var` which can be used in the `step-success-filter` |