caption: tm-relink-tiddler created: 20220219093748993 modified: 20220219093748993 tags: Messages navigator-message title: WidgetMessage: tm-relink-tiddler type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki <<.from-version "5.2.2">> The `tm-relink-tiddler` message relinks a tiddler by deleting it and recreating it with a new title. Unlike the [[WidgetMessage: tm-rename-tiddler]] message, this message does not rename the tiddler, it just relinks the references to it. The relink tiddler message requires the following properties on the `event` object: |!Name |!Description | |from |Current title of tiddler | |to |New title of tiddler | |renameInTags |Optional value "no" to disable renaming in tags fields of other tiddlers (defaults to "yes") | |renameInLists |Optional value "no" to disable renaming in list fields of other tiddlers (defaults to "yes") | The relink tiddler message is usually generated with the ButtonWidget and is handled by the core. ! Examples To relink Tiddler1 to Tiddler2 in tags and list fields of other tiddlers: ``` <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-relink-tiddler" from="Tiddler1" to="Tiddler2" /> ```