title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/help/HelpPanel/Cheatsheet tags: $:/tags/HelpPanel caption: Cheatsheet
``` ''bold'' ```
``` //italics// ```
``` ''//bold italics//'' ```
''//bold italics//''
``` __underline__ ```
``` ~~strikethrough~~ ```
``` super^^script^^ ```
``` sub,,script,, ```
``` foo -- bar foo --- bar ```
foo -- bar (En dash)
foo --- bar (Em dash)
``` !Heading 1 !!Heading 2 !!!Heading 3 ```
!Heading 1 !!Heading 2 !!!Heading 3
``` --- horizontal rules
--- horizontal rules
`code` ...via backticks
``with `backticks` ``
``with `backticks` ``
``` monospaced codeblock ```
``` """ force hard linebreaks like this... """ ```
""" force hard linebreaks like this... """
``` ...since new paragraphs need two linebreaks in tw5 ```
...since new paragraphs need two linebreaks in tw5
``` > block >> quotes >>> are easy ```
> block >> quotes >>> are
``` <<< real easy <<< ```
<<< real easy <<<
``` * unordered ** list ```
* unordered ** list
``` # ordered ## list ```
# ordered ## list
``` ;definition :term ```
;definition :term
``` # mixed #* lists #;you #:know #>like so ```
# mixed #* lists #;you #:know #>like so
``` !.h1-class.red CSS #.li-class.red classes *.li-class.red can be ;.dt-class.red assigned :.dd-class.red like >.blockquote-class.red this ```
!.h1-class.red CSS #.li-class.red classes *.li-class.red can be ;.dt-class.red assigned :.dd-class.red like >.blockquote-class.red this
``` [[The Tiddler]] [[pretty title|The Tiddler]] ```
[[The Tiddler]]
[[pretty title|The Tiddler]]
``` CamelCase ~SuppressedCamelCase ```
``` http://tiddlywiki.com [[pretty|http://pretty.com]] ~http://not.alink.com ```
``` file://///windows/network
`file:///` only via local tw!
``` [ext[forced.link.com]] [ext[tw|tiddlywiki.com]] [ext[foo|file:///c:/foo]] [ext[relative/path]] ```
``` [img[example.jpg]] [img[tooltip|example.jpg]] [img width=16 [example.jpg]] [img class="tc-image" [example.jpg]] ```
[img width=16 [http://www.tiddlywiki.com/favicon.ico]]
[img class="tc-image" [http://www.tiddlywiki.com/favicon.ico]]
``` [img[http://www.tiddlywiki.com/favicon.ico]] [img[path/image.jpg]] ```
``` [img width={{!!mywidth}} class=<> [example.jpg]] {{example.jpg}} ```
params via [[transclusion|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Transclusion%20in%20WikiText]] or [[macro|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Macros%20in%20WikiText]]

embed via transclusion
``` @@.myStyleClass.red ;term :definition @@ ```
@@.myStyleClass.red ;term :definition @@
``` @@color:red; ;css styles :apply directly like this @@ @@color:red; or this @@ ```
@@color:red; ;css styles :apply directly like this @@ @@color:red; or this @@
``` @@.tc-tiddler-frame @@width:200px;height:50px; or combine both @@ ```
@@.tc-tiddler-frame @@width:200px;height:50px; or combine both @@
``` @@.purple Am I purple?@@ ```
@@.purple Am I purple?@@
``` | !Header | !Header | Mhhh ?!? | |^NE |^ N |^ NW| |W | ✦ | E| |,SW |, S |, SE| |merge|left|<| |and|now| vertical | |>| right|~| ```
| !Header | !Header | Mhhh ?!? | |^NW |^ @@padding:0 7px 14px 7px;display:block; N@@ |^ NE| |W | ✦ | @@padding:7px 0;display:block; E@@| |,SW |, @@padding:14px 7px 0 7px;display:block; S@@ |, SE| |merge|left|<| |and|now| vertical | |>| right|~|
HTML tags work like that.
HTML tags work like that.
``` link >>bold ```
link >>bold set attributes via transclusion or macro
inspect me!
inspect me!
``` *nest
;via :html
;via :html
``` {{Foo}} {{Foo||Bar}} {{||Foo}} {{Foo!!bar}} {{!!bar}} {{Foo##index}} {{##index}} {{{ [tag[Foo]] }}} {{{ [tag[Foo]] ||Bar}}} ```
» [[transcludes|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Transclusion%20in%20WikiText]] tiddler `Foo`
» `Foo` with template `Bar`
» template `Foo` for `CurrentTiddler`
» field `bar` of `Foo`
» field `bar` of `CurrentTiddler`
» `index` of datatiddler `Foo`
» `index` of `CurrentTiddler` (=data)
» list of tiddlers tagged `Foo`
» same using template `Bar`
``` \define run(foo:'bar') [[$foo$]] <> ```
» defines macro `run`
» with parameter `foo`
» whose value defaults to `bar`
» outputs a link to value of param:
  [[foo bar]]
``` \define test() I am $(x)$. \end <$set name="x" value="y of z"> <> ```
» defines macro test which
» outputs value of variable x

» sets variable x to: "y
  of z" //(multiline allowed)//
» runs macro test which outputs:
  "I am y of z."
``` \define test(x, y, z:'0') $x$ $y$ $z$ \end <$macrocall $name="test" x=<> y={{!!title}}/> ```
» defines macro test
» outputs 3 params

» calls test via macrocall widget
» using macro version as param x
» and transclusion as param y

» outputs:
  <> Markup 0
``` $$$text/unknown plain text, not //formatted// $$$ ```
$$$text/unknown plain text, not //formatted// $$$
These are [[Typed Blocks|http://tiddlywiki.com/#Typed%20Blocks%20in%20WikiText]]
``` $$$image/svg+xml $$$ ```
$$$image/svg+xml $$$
``` $$$.svg $$$ ```
$$$.svg $$$
``` $$$text/vnd.tiddlywiki>text/html This is ''some'' wikitext $$$ ```
$$$text/vnd.tiddlywiki>text/html This is ''some'' wikitext $$$
``` $$$text/vnd.tiddlywiki>text/plain This is ''some'' wikitext $$$ ```
$$$text/vnd.tiddlywiki>text/plain This is ''some'' wikitext $$$