title: TalkyTalky tags: talkytalky ! Intro # Open http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxford # Show how advanced wiki users open pages in separate tabs # TiddlyWiki started with the idea of making a wiki like GMail #* First version of TiddlyWiki in 2004: http://tiddlywiki.com/firstversion.html #* Turned out to be interesting because it encourages short writing # It was just a demo, feedback provoked making it practical #* http://deferentialgeometry.org/ - the open notebook of a theoretical physicist #* http://oxkunengroup.tiddlyspace.com/ -- group of Oxford recreational mathematicians # Jeremy's company Osmosoft acquired by BT in 2007 - http://osmosoft.com/ ! User experience # Open http://five.tiddlywiki.com/ # Now left BT, rebooting TiddlyWiki while freelance consulting as part of 25 year plan # An open source project for end users # Show reading experience # Show editting, including editing bitmaps # Tiddler model: a bag of tiddlers, each a set of name:value pairs, with some fields being standardised # Information is more reusable if cut up into the smallest semantic units, and made addressable by name/URI # Technically, html file is data plus a javascript application to manipulate it #* Server is static, hosted on GitHub Pages ! API # Open dev tools console # Show api #* `$tw.wiki.deleteTiddler("HelloThere")` #* `$tw.wiki.addTiddler({title: "HelloThere", text: "This is a new Tiddler, linking to a TiddlerThatDoesntCurrentlyExist"})` #* `$tw.wiki.getTiddlerLinks("HelloThere")` #* `$tw.wiki.filterTiddlers("[tag[docs]sort[modified]]")` ! Using the standalone edition # Open http://five.tiddlywiki.com/empty.html in Chrome Canary # Create tiddlers, show links, missing, orphans, tags, tagging, references # Use missing tiddlers to find a typo # Show transclusion and templates # Click Save, click `accept` # Open file in text editor, see content within it # Note that saving technique works in virtually all browsers ! Using the encrypted edition # Set password # Click Save again, click `accept` # Open file in text editor, verify content is encrypted ! Using TiddlyFox # Open saved file in Firefox, show TiddlyFox dialogue # Enter password to decrypt # Start adding tasks # Save using TiddlyFox, refresh to show changes ! Task management demo # Import and demo TaskManagementDemo # Demo task management # Algebra of tiddlers ! Saving online # Open http://tiddlyspot.com/ # Simple PHP scripts # Show TiddlySpot integration ! Using the node.js edition # Open http://five.tiddlywiki.com/static.html # Click links to show individual tiddlers ! Server integration # Open http://tw5test.tiddlyspace.com/tw5 # Open network console # Show lazy loading # Start `./serve.sh` # Open # Open network console # Note same code on client and server ! Wrap-up # Open http://federatial.com/ # TiddlyWiki looking for sponsorship # Federatial looking for opportunities to adapt TW5 for corporate use ! Coda # Cecily: http://jermolene.tiddlyspace.com/cecily