/*\ title: $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/text-slicer/modules/slicer.js type: application/javascript module-type: library Slice a tiddler or DOM document into individual tiddlers var slicer = new textSlicer.Slicer(doc,{ slicerRules: JSON data defining slicer rules -or- title of rules taken from tiddlers tagged $:/tags/text-slicer/slicer-rules sourceTiddlerTitle: tiddler to slice -or- sourceText: text to slice outputMode: "html" (default) -or- "wiki" baseTiddlerTitle: "MySlicedTiddlers-" role: "sliced-content" callback: function(err,tiddlers) }); \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; function Slicer(options) { // Quick tests this.testSlicerRuleMatching(); // Marshal parameters this.sourceTiddlerTitle = options.sourceTiddlerTitle; this.sourceText = options.sourceText; this.wiki = options.wiki; this.role = options.role || "sliced-html"; this.outputMode = options.outputMode || "html"; this.escapeWikiText = options.escapeWikiText || false; this.callbackFn = options.callback; // Get the slicer rules var nameSlicerRules = null; if(!options.slicerRules) { nameSlicerRules = "html-by-paragraph"; this.slicerRules = this.loadSlicerRules(nameSlicerRules); } else if(typeof options.slicerRules === "string") { nameSlicerRules = options.slicerRules; this.slicerRules = this.loadSlicerRules(nameSlicerRules); } else { this.slicerRules = options.slicerRules; } // Set up the base tiddler title this.baseTiddlerTitle = this.getBaseTiddlerTitle(options.baseTiddlerTitle); // Initialise state this.namespaces = {}; // Hashmap of URLs this.chunks = []; // Array of tiddlers without titles, addressed by their index. We use the title field to hold the plain text content this.currentChunk = null; // Index of the chunk currently being written to this.parentStack = []; // Stack of parent chunks {chunk: chunk index,actions:} this.elementStack = []; // Stack of {tag:,isSelfClosing:,actions:} // Set up the document tiddler as top level heading this.chunks.push({ "toc-type": "document", title: "", // makeUniqueTitle will later initialise it to baseTiddlerTitle text: "
", list: [], tags: [], role: this.role, "slicer-rules": nameSlicerRules, "slicer-output-mode": this.outputMode }); this.parentStack.push({chunk: 0, actions: this.getMatchingSlicerRuleActions("(document)")}); // Set up the parser var sax = require("$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/sax/sax.js"); this.sax = sax.parser(true,{ xmlns: true }); this.sax.onerror = this.onError.bind(this); this.sax.onopennamespace = this.onOpenNamespace.bind(this); this.sax.onclosenamespace = this.onCloseNamespace.bind(this); this.sax.onopentag = this.onOpenTag.bind(this); this.sax.onclosetag = this.onCloseTag.bind(this); this.sax.ontext = this.onText.bind(this); this.sax.onend = this.onEnd.bind(this); // Start streaming the data this.sax.write(this.getSourceText()); this.sax.close(); } Slicer.prototype.callback = function(err,tiddlers) { var self = this; $tw.utils.nextTick(function() { self.callbackFn(err,tiddlers); }); }; Slicer.prototype.loadSlicerRules = function(name) { // Collect the available slicer rule tiddlers var self = this, titles = this.wiki.getTiddlersWithTag("$:/tags/text-slicer/slicer-rules"), tiddlers = {}, rules = {}, ruleNames = []; titles.forEach(function(title) { var tiddler = self.wiki.getTiddler(title); tiddlers[tiddler.fields.name] = tiddler; rules[tiddler.fields.name] = self.wiki.getTiddlerData(title,[]); }); // Follow the inheritance trail to get a stack of slicer rule names var n = name; do { ruleNames.push(n); n = tiddlers[n] && tiddlers[n].fields["inherits-from"]; } while(n && ruleNames.indexOf(n) === -1); // Concatenate the slicer rules rules = ruleNames.reduce(function(accumulator,name) { return accumulator.concat(rules[name]); },[]); return rules; }; Slicer.prototype.getMatchingSlicerRuleActions = function(name) { var rule = this.searchSlicerRules(name,this.slicerRules,this.elementStack); if(!rule) { return {}; } else { return rule.actions; } }; Slicer.prototype.testSlicerRuleMatching = function() { var tests = [ { test: this.searchSlicerRules("title",[ {selector: "title,head,body", rules: true}, {selector: "body", rules: true} ],[ {tag:"head"} ]), result: "title,head,body" }, { test: this.searchSlicerRules("body",[ {selector: "title,head,body", rules: true}, {selector: "body", rules: true} ],[ {tag:"head"} ]), result: "title,head,body" }, { test: this.searchSlicerRules("title",[ {selector: "head > title", rules: true}, {selector: "title", rules: true} ],[ {tag:"head"} ]), result: "head > title" } ], results = tests.forEach(function(test,index) { if(test.test.selector !== test.result) { throw "Failing test " + index + ", returns " + test.test.selector + " instead of " + test.result; } }); }; Slicer.prototype.searchSlicerRules = function(name,rules,elementStack) { return rules.find(function(rule) { // Split and trim the selectors for this rule return !!rule.selector.split(",").map(function(selector) { return selector.trim(); // Find the first selector that matches, if any }).find(function(selector) { // Split and trim the parts of the selector var parts = selector.split(" ").map(function(part) { return part.trim(); }); // * matches any element if(parts.length === 1 && parts[0] === "*") { return true; } // Make a copy of the element stack so that we can be destructive var elements = elementStack.slice(0).concat({tag: name}), nextElementMustBeAtTopOfStack = true, currentPart = parts.length - 1; while(currentPart >= 0) { if(parts[currentPart] === ">") { nextElementMustBeAtTopOfStack = true; } else { if(!nextElementMustBeAtTopOfStack) { while(elements.length > 0 && elements[elements.length - 1].tag !== parts[currentPart]) { elements.pop(); } } if(elements.length === 0 || elements[elements.length - 1].tag !== parts[currentPart]) { return false; } elements.pop(); nextElementMustBeAtTopOfStack = false; } currentPart--; } return true; }); }); }; Slicer.prototype.getBaseTiddlerTitle = function(baseTiddlerTitle) { if(baseTiddlerTitle) { return baseTiddlerTitle } else { if(this.sourceTiddlerTitle) { return "Sliced up " + this.sourceTiddlerTitle + ":"; } else { return "SlicedTiddler"; } } }; Slicer.prototype.getSourceText = function() { if(this.sourceTiddlerTitle) { var tiddler = this.wiki.getTiddler(this.sourceTiddlerTitle); if(!tiddler) { console.log("Tiddler '" + this.sourceTiddlerTitle + "' does not exist"); return ""; } if(tiddler.fields.type === "text/html" || tiddler.fields.type === "text/xml" || (tiddler.fields.type || "").slice(-4) === "+xml") { return tiddler.fields.text; } else { return this.getTiddlerAsHtml(tiddler); } } else { return this.sourceText; } }; Slicer.prototype.getTiddlerAsHtml = function(tiddler) { var widgetNode = this.wiki.makeTranscludeWidget(tiddler.fields.title,{ document: $tw.fakeDocument, parseAsInline: false, importPageMacros: true}), container = $tw.fakeDocument.createElement("div"); widgetNode.render(container,null); return ["","","","","",container.innerHTML,"",""].join("\n"); }; Slicer.prototype.getImmediateParent = function() { return this.parentStack.slice(-1)[0]; }; Slicer.prototype.onError = function(e) { console.error("Sax error: ", e) // Try to resume after errors this.sax.error = null; this.sax.resume(); }; Slicer.prototype.onOpenNamespace = function(info) { this.namespaces[info.prefix] = info.uri; }; Slicer.prototype.onCloseNamespace = function(info) { }; Slicer.prototype.onOpenTag = function(node) { var actions = this.getMatchingSlicerRuleActions(node.name); // Check for an element that should start a new chunk if(actions.startNewChunk) { // If this is a heading, pop off any higher or equal level headings first if(actions.isParent && actions.headingLevel) { var parentActions = this.getImmediateParent().actions; while(parentActions.isParent && parentActions.headingLevel && parentActions.headingLevel >= actions.headingLevel) { this.parentStack.pop(); parentActions = this.getImmediateParent().actions; } } // Start the new chunk this.startNewChunk(actions.startNewChunk); // If this is a parent then also add it to the parent stack if(actions.isParent) { this.parentStack.push({chunk: this.currentChunk, actions: actions}); } } // Render the tag inline in the current chunk unless we should ignore it if(!actions.dontRenderTag) { if(actions.isImage) { this.onImage(node); } else { var markupInfo = actions.markup && actions.markup[this.outputMode]; if(markupInfo) { this.addTextToCurrentChunk(markupInfo.prefix); } else { this.addTextToCurrentChunk("<" + node.name + (node.isSelfClosing ? "/" : "") + ">"); } } } // Remember whether this tag is self closing this.elementStack.push({tag: node.name,isSelfClosing: node.isSelfClosing, actions: actions}); }; Slicer.prototype.onImage = function(node) { var url = node.attributes.src.value; if(url.slice(0,5) === "data:") { // var parts = url.slice(5).split(","); // this.chunks.push({ // title: , // text: parts[1], // type: parts[0].split[";"][0], // role: this.role // }); } this.addTextToCurrentChunk("[img[" + $tw.utils.resolvePath(url,this.baseTiddlerTitle) + "]]"); }; Slicer.prototype.onCloseTag = function(name) { var e = this.elementStack.pop(), actions = e.actions, selfClosing = e.isSelfClosing; // Set the caption if required if(actions.setCaption) { this.chunks[this.currentChunk].caption = this.chunks[this.currentChunk].title; } // Render the tag if (!actions.dontRenderTag && !selfClosing) { var markupInfo = actions.markup && actions.markup[this.outputMode]; if(markupInfo) { this.addTextToCurrentChunk(markupInfo.suffix); } else { this.addTextToCurrentChunk(""); } } // Check for an element that started a new chunk if(actions.startNewChunk) { if(!actions.mergeNext) { this.currentChunk = null; } // If this is a parent and not a heading then also pop it from the parent stack if(actions.isParent && !actions.headingLevel) { this.parentStack.pop(); } } }; Slicer.prototype.onText = function(text) { var self = this; text = $tw.utils.htmlEncode(text); // Optionally escape common character sequences that might be parsed as wikitext if(this.escapeWikiText) { $tw.utils.each(["[[","{{","__","''","//",",,","^^","~~","`","--","\"\"","@@"],function(str) { var replace = str.split("").map(function(c) { return "&#" + c.charCodeAt(0) + ";"; }).join(""); text = text.replace(new RegExp($tw.utils.escapeRegExp(str),"mg"),replace); }); } this.addTextToCurrentChunk(text); this.addTextToCurrentChunk(text,"title"); }; Slicer.prototype.onEnd = function() { this.assignTitlesToChunks(); this.callback(null,this.chunks); }; Slicer.prototype.addTextToCurrentChunk = function(str,field) { field = field || "text"; if(this.currentChunk !== null) { this.chunks[this.currentChunk][field] += str; } }; Slicer.prototype.startNewChunk = function(fields) { var parentIndex = this.getImmediateParent().chunk; this.chunks.push($tw.utils.extend({},{ title: "", text: "", tags: [parentIndex], list: [], role: this.role },fields)); this.currentChunk = this.chunks.length - 1; this.chunks[parentIndex].list.push(this.currentChunk); }; Slicer.prototype.isBlank = function(s) { return (/^[\s\xA0]*$/g).test(s); }; Slicer.prototype.assignTitlesToChunks = function() { var self = this; // Create a title for each tiddler var titles = {}; this.chunks.forEach(function(chunk) { var base = chunk["toc-type"] === "document" ? "" : chunk["toc-type"] + "-" + chunk.title, title = self.makeUniqueTitle(titles,base); titles[title] = true; chunk.title = title; }); // Link up any indices in the tags and list fields this.chunks.forEach(function(chunk) { if(chunk.tags) { chunk.tags.map(function(tag,index) { if(typeof tag === "number") { chunk.tags[index] = self.chunks[tag].title; } }); } if(chunk.list) { chunk.list.map(function(listItem,index) { if(typeof listItem === "number") { chunk.list[index] = self.chunks[listItem].title; } }); } }); }; Slicer.prototype.makeUniqueTitle = function(tiddlers,rawText) { // Remove characters other than lowercase alphanumeric and spaces var prefix = this.baseTiddlerTitle, self = this, cleanText; if(rawText) { // Replace non alpha characters with spaces cleanText = rawText.toLowerCase().replace(/[^\s\xA0]/mg,function($0,$1,$2) { if(($0 >= "a" && $0 <= "z") || ($0 >= "0" && $0 <= "9")) { return $0; } else { return " "; } }); // Split on word boundaries var words = cleanText.split(/[\s\xA0]+/mg); // Remove common words words = words.filter(function(word) { return word && ("the and a of on i".split(" ").indexOf(word) === -1); }); // Accumulate the number of words that will fit var c = 0, s = ""; while(c < words.length && (s.length + words[c].length + 1) < 50) { s += (s === "" ? "" : "-") + words[c++]; } prefix = prefix + s; } // Check for duplicates c = 0; var title = prefix; while(title in tiddlers) { title = prefix + "-" + (++c); } return title; }; exports.Slicer = Slicer; })();