created: 20140320055936611 modified: 20141022145259278 tags: howto title: Developing plugins using Node.js and GitHub type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki The most practical way to develop plugins is to use Node.js with the tiddlywiki5 repository to build your plugins, and to use ~GitHub to manage you files. ! Step by step !! 1. Installation First read Install Git from Install Node.js from !! 2. Create a new blank repository on ~GitHub Hint: ~GitHub repositories cannot be grouped together into directories, so it is only possible to group by using a naming scheme, e.g. use 'TW5-' as a name prefix with tiddlywiki5 projects to group them together. Go to and create new a repository 'pluginname' - choose to add a readme file. !! 3. Setup a working environment Choose a location in your file system (eg TW5) for your plugin project; issue commands to: !!! 1. Create the directory ```bash mkdir TW5 ``` !!! 2. Make a local read-only copy of the ~TiddlyWiki5 repository ```bash git clone TW5 ``` !!! 3. Make a directory for your plugin ```bash cd TW5 cd plugins mkdir yourname cd yourname mkdir pluginname ``` !!! 4. Make a local copy of your plugin repository ```bash git clone pluginname ``` !!! 5. Go to your files ```bash cd pluginname ``` Create the file with content: ```js { "title": "$:/plugins/yourgithub/pluginname", "description": "summary of the plugin's purpose", "author": "yourname", "version": "0.0.1", "core-version": ">=5.0.8", "source": "", "plugin-type": "plugin" } ``` !! 4. Create the files for your plugin For example files see the plugins in the ~TiddlyWiki5 repository i.e. those located at plugins/tiddlywiki/. See TiddlerFiles for details of the supported tiddler file formats. !!5. Build your files into a ~TiddlyWiki Modify `editions/` to include a reference to your plugin directory, i.e. find `"plugins": [ ` and add `"yourname/pluginname"`. From the TW5 directory issue the command ```bash node ./tiddlywiki.js editions/ --build index ``` The resultant file (index.html) will be placed in the `editions/` directory of the TW5 repo. !! 6. Save your work on ~GitHub From `plugins/yourname/pluginname/` issue commands to: !!! 1. Add all files ```bash git add -A ``` !!! 2. Commit to your local repository ```bash git commit -am "something meaningful about this check in" ``` !!! 3. Copy local changes to github ```bash git push ```