created: 201308300841 modified: 20170127221451610 tags: Definitions title: TiddlyWeb TiddlyWeb is a reference implementation for an interface to put [[Tiddlers]] on the web. It was created by a team led by Chris Dent at [[Osmosoft]] under [[BT]] from 2008 to 2012. TiddlyWeb can be used to host TiddlyWiki and TiddlyWiki5 wikis, making the individual tiddlers available over a flexible HTTP API. Other implementations of the API include: * [[TiddlyWiki App Engine Server|]], a 300-line Go implementation from Russ Cox * [[TiddlyWiki 5 server module|]], the bare-bones subset of the API implemented in TiddlyWiki version 5 for Node.js * [[tiddly-wiki-server|]], an implementation based on Rust and SQLite As of early 2017, none is currently as complete as TiddlyWeb itself.