caption: Lists created: 20131205160257619 modified: 20160607093103220 tags: WikiText Lists title: Lists in WikiText type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki ! Bulleted Lists You can create bulleted (unordered) lists with `*` characters (<<.icon $:/core/images/list-bullet>>): <> ! Numbered Lists Numbered (ordered) lists use `#` instead of `*` (<<.icon $:/core/images/list-number>>): # First item # Second item # Third item You can also mix ordered and unordered list items: <> Here's an example the other way around, with numbers as the first level: <> ! CSS Classes You can also assign a CSS class to an individual member of a list with this notation: <> ! Mixing Lists and Block Quotes Note that [[Block Quotes in WikiText]] can be mixed with lists. For example: < A quote **> Another quote * List Three ">> ! Paragraphs in Lists Entries in the list are delimited with a linebreak, making it impossible to include linebreaks within a list entry. There are a couple of workarounds. First, you can transclude paragraph content from another tiddler. For example: ``` * First entry * <$transclude tiddler="MyTiddler" mode="block"/> * Third entry ``` Secondly, you can use an HTML "div" element to contain the multiline content. For example: ``` # Step 1 # Step 2 # Step 3
Here is the first of several paragraphs. Note that the double linebreak preceding this paragraph is significant. And here is the second of several paragraphs.
# Step 4 # Step 5 # Step 6 ```