/*\ title: $:/core/modules/parsers/newwikitextparser/rules/list.js type: application/javascript module-type: wikitextrule Wiki text block rule for lists. For example: {{{ * This is an unordered list * It has two items # This is a numbered list ## With a subitem # And a third item ; This is a term that is being defined : This is the definition of that term }}} Note that lists can be nested arbitrarily: {{{ #** One #* Two #** Three #**** Four #**# Five #**## Six ## Seven ### Eight ## Nine }}} \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; exports.name = "list"; exports.blockParser = true; exports.regExpString = "[\\*#;:]+"; var listTypes = { "*": {listTag: "ul", itemTag: "li"}, "#": {listTag: "ol", itemTag: "li"}, ";": {listTag: "dl", itemTag: "dt"}, ":": {listTag: "dl", itemTag: "dd"} }; /* */ exports.parse = function(match,isBlock) { var listStack = [], // Array containing list elements for the previous row in the list t, listInfo, listElement, itemElement, previousRootListTag; // Cycle through the rows in the list do { // Walk through the list markers for the current row for(t=0; t t && listStack[t].type !== listInfo.listTag) { listStack.splice(t,listStack.length - t); } // Construct the list element or reuse the previous one at this level if(listStack.length <= t) { listElement = $tw.Tree.Element(listInfo.listTag,{},[$tw.Tree.Element(listInfo.itemTag,{},[])]); // Link this list element into the last child item of the parent list item if(t) { var prevListItem = listStack[t-1].children[listStack[t-1].children.length-1]; prevListItem.children.push(listElement); } // Save this element in the stack listStack[t] = listElement; } else if(t === (match[0].length - 1)) { listStack[t].children.push($tw.Tree.Element(listInfo.itemTag,{},[])); } } if(listStack.length > match[0].length) { listStack.splice(match[0].length,listStack.length - match[0].length); } // Skip the list markers this.pos = match.index + match[0].length; // Process the body of the list item into the last list item var lastListInfo = listTypes[match[0].charAt(match[0].length-1)], lastListChildren = listStack[listStack.length-1].children, lastListItem = lastListChildren[lastListChildren.length-1], classedRun = this.parseClassedRun(/(\r?\n)/mg); for(t=0; t