created: 20130211154140000 creator: tobibeer modified: 20140831095524601 modifier: tobibeer tags: Formatting title: Links type: text/x-tiddlywiki !Summary TiddlyWiki allows different kinds of links, e.g. WikiWords, [[TiddlyLinks|TiddlyLink]], external Links or TiddlySpace links. !!WikiWords Any words or phrases that are CamelCase or [[Compound-Words|CamelCase]] - in which the elements are joined without spaces - will result in them becoming wiki links to tiddlers with that name. {{{ WikiWord }}} WikiWord To prevent this, append a tilde {{{~}}}... {{{ ~WikiWord }}} ~WikiWord !![[TiddlyLinks|TiddlyLink]] A tiddler can also be linked using square brackets encompassing the tiddler title: {{{ [[Core Macros]] }}} [[Core Macros]] !![[Pretty TiddlyLinks|TiddlyLink]] Optionally, a custom title can be used, separated by a pipe character (|) {{{ [[standard macros|Core Macros]] }}} [[standard macros|Core Macros]] !![[External Links|External Link]] A valid URL directly results in a link to that external site: {{{ }}} !![[Pretty External Links|External Link]] Similar to TiddlyLinks, external links can have a different title as well: {{{ [[visit|]] }}} [[visit|]]