Dutch translation for TiddlyWiki -------------------------------- This is the new release of the Dutch translation for TiddlyWiki in support of TW version 2.6.0. and up. My translation plugin is self-contained, so no extra tiddlers needed. A completely ready to use Dutch empty TiddlyWiki v2.6.1 is provided, as well as the translation plugin on it's own (locale.nl.js). So you can either download "locale.nl.js" and apply it to your own TW as a systemConfig-tagged tiddler or download "TW261emptyNL.html", and create/import your own tiddlers in that empty Dutch TW. Your feedback is very much welcomed at "tiddlywiki (at) ton-van-rooijen (dot) nl". Ton van Rooijen / 2010-Oct-2 P.S. Complete ready to use older versions of a Dutch empty TiddlyWiki are still available too: TW260emptyNL.html TW253emptyNL.html TW243emptyNL.html TW224emptyNL.html "locale030.nl.js" is the Dutch language file for TW v2.5.0 up until TW v2.5.3. "locale026.nl.js" is the Dutch language file for TW v2.4.0 up until TW v2.4.3. "locale025.nl.js" is the Dutch language file for TW v2.2.0 up until TW v2.3.0.