created: 20201123120203415 modified: 20201123120211360 tags: Variables [[Core Variables]] title: modifier Variable type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki Within the ''action'' string of the DroppableWidget, the ''action'' string of the ButtonWidget and the ''action'' string of the LinkCatcherWidget and the EventCatcherWidget, the <<.def modifier>> [[variable|Variables]] contains the modifier key(s) held during the drag-process. Possible key combinations are listed in the table below. The variable contains a string that identifies the keys: |Modifier Key |Variable Content |h |meta |meta | |ctrl |ctrl | |alt |alt | |shift |shift | |meta+shift |meta-shift | |meta+ctrl |meta-ctrl | |meta+alt |meta-alt | |ctrl+shift |ctrl-shift | |alt+shift |alt-shift | |ctrl+alt |ctrl-alt | |meta+ctrl+shift |meta-ctrl-shift | |meta+ctrl+alt |meta-ctrl-alt | |meta+alt+shift |meta-alt-shift | |ctrl+alt+shift |ctrl-alt-shift | |meta+ctrl+alt+shift |meta-ctrl-alt-shift | |no modifier (normal click / drag) |normal | <<.tip """Some operating systems may intercept the ''meta'' key so it is never detected""">> <$button actions="""<$action-setfield $tiddler="$:/temp/test-modifier-keys" text=<>/>""">Test modifier keys here !!! Modifier keys held while clicking the button above: {{$:/temp/test-modifier-keys}}