created: 20150403104015626 modified: 20150403104206017 tags: Articles title: "Setting Up a Personal TiddlyWiki Server on OS X" by Kris Johnson type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki url: Detailed description of setting up [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] on OS X. {{!!url}} <<< For a new job, I decided to set up a personal wiki to keep notes. I wanted to keep it simple, meeting these requirements: * All the data is in a Dropbox folder (so it can be automatically synced between machines) * It must support Markdown syntax After looking at the options, I settled on TiddlyWiki. I've used "classic TiddlyWiki" before, and liked its simplicity, but I was always a little annoyed with the weird steps you have to go through to save changes. The new version of TiddlyWiki includes support for running it as a real HTTP server, so you can use it just like an online wiki. But it took me a couple of hours to figure out how to set that up. The TiddlyWiki documentation is not clear ("not clear" is a euphemistic way of saying "terrible"). So, I've written up these instructions in the hope it will spare somebody else all the frustration I had. <<<