created: 20160424181300000 modified: 20160424181300000 tags: [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] title: Customising Tiddler File Naming type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki By default, a [[TiddlyWiki on Node.js]] instance using a [[wiki folder|TiddlyWikiFolders]] will create new tiddler files by using the sanitised and disambiguated title as filename. This can be customised by creating a tiddler [[$:/config/FileSystemPaths]] containing one or more [[filter expressions|Filter Syntax]], each on a line of its own. Newly created tiddlers are matched to each filter in turn, and the first output of the first filter to produce any output is taken as a logical path to be used for the tiddler file. Logical paths don't include the `.tid` extension, and they always use `/` as directory separator (when generating the physical path, this is replaced by the correct separator for the platform ~TiddlyWiki is running on). If none of the filters matches, the logical path is simply the title with all occurences of `/` replaced by `_` (for backwards compatibility). In both cases, the characters `<>:"\|?*^ ` are replaced by `_` in order to guarantee that the resulting path is legal on all supported platforms. !! Example ``` [is[system]removeprefix[$:/]addprefix[_system/]] [tag[task][addprefix[mytasks/]] [!has[draft.of]] ``` This will store newly created system tiddlers in `tiddlers/_system` (after stripping the `$:/` prefix), tiddlers tagged [[task]] in a subdirectory `tiddlers/mytasks`, and also create subdirectory structures for all other non-draft tiddlers. Thus, $:/config/FileSystemPaths itself will end up in `tiddlers/_system/config/FileSystemPaths.tid` or `tiddlers\_system\config\FileSystemPaths.tid`, depending on the platform.