caption: tm-open-window created: 20220228140417116 modified: 20220409092811188 tags: Messages title: WidgetMessage: tm-close-window type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki <<.from-version 5.2.2>> The `tm-close-window` [[message|Messages]] closes an additional //browser// window that was opened with [[tm-open-window|WidgetMessage: tm-open-window]]. Specify which window to close by setting the value of <<.param param>> to the string used as <<.param windowID>> when opening the window. |!Name |!Description | |param //{default param}// |String used as <<.param windowID>> when opening the window | The `tm-close-window` message is best generated with the ActionSendMessageWidget, which in turn is triggered by a widget such as the ButtonWidget. It is handled by the core itself. <<.tip """When used with the ActionSendMessageWidget, <<.param 'param'>> becomes <<.param '$param'>> """>> <<.tip """To close all additional browser windows that were opened with [[tm-open-window|WidgetMessage: tm-open-window]] use [[WidgetMessage: tm-close-all-windows]]""">> <<.tip """If the <<.param windowID>> parameter was used with [[tm-open-window|WidgetMessage: tm-open-window]] when opening a new window, the value of <<.param windowID>> is available within that window in the variable <<.var tv-window-id>>""">> <$macrocall $name='wikitext-example-without-html' src=""" <$button>Open Window <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-open-window" $param="$:/temp/openme" template="SampleWindowTemplate" windowTitle="My Window Title" width="400" height="500" windowID="window1" something="I just in over in a variable, and boy is my Hashmap tired." /> <$button>Close Window <$action-sendmessage $message="tm-close-window" $param="window1" /> """ />