created: 20161015114042793 modified: 20161015121622327 tags: TiddlyWikiFolders title: Files type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki [[TiddlyWikiFolders]] are configured with a single `` file in the root of the wiki folder. It should contain a JSON object comprising the following properties: * ''plugins'' - an array of plugin names to be included in the wiki * ''themes'' - an array of theme names to be included in the wiki * ''languages'' - an array of language names to be included in the wiki * ''includeWikis'' - an array of references to external wiki folders to be included in the wiki * ''build'' - a hashmap of named build targets, each defined by an array of command tokens (see BuildCommand) * ''config'' - an optional hashmap of configuration options (see below) !!! ''includeWikis'' The entries in the ''includeWikis'' array can be either a string specifying the relative path to the wiki, or an object with the following fields: * ''path'' - relative path to wiki folder * ''read-only'' - set //true// to prevent the tiddlers in the included wiki from being modified. The modifications will be written to the directory specified in ''default-tiddler-location'', described below !!! ''build'' Note that the build targets of included wikis are merged if a target of that name isn't defined in the current `` file. !!! ''config'' Configuration options include: * ''default-tiddler-location'' - a string path to the default location for the filesystem adaptor to save new tiddlers (resolved relative to the wiki folder) * ''retain-original-tiddler-path'' - If true, the server will generate a tiddler [[$:/config/OriginalTiddlerPaths]] containing the original file paths of each tiddler in the wiki !!! Example For example: ``` { "plugins": [ "tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb", "tiddlywiki/filesystem" ], "includeWikis": [ "../" ], "build": { "index": [ "--rendertiddler","$:/core/save/all","index.html","text/plain"], "favicon": [ "--savetiddler","$:/favicon.ico","favicon.ico", "--savetiddler","$:/green_favicon.ico","static/favicon.ico"] }, "config": { "retain-original-tiddler-path": true } } ```