created: 20140410103123179 modified: 20150124202225000 tags: [[Filter Operators]] [[Common Operators]] [[Negatable Operators]] title: is Operator type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki caption: is purpose: filter the input by fundamental category <$macrocall $name=".operator-def" input="a [[selection of titles|Title Selection]]" parameter="a category -- see below" paramName="c" output="those input tiddlers that belong to category <<.place c>>" negationOutput="those input tiddlers that do <<.em not>> belong to category <<.place c>>" /> The parameter <<.place c>> is one of the following fundamental categories: |!Category |!Matches any tiddler that... | |^`current` |is the [[current tiddler|CurrentTiddler]] | |^`image` |has an image ContentType | |^`missing` |does not exist (other than possibly as a non-shadow tiddler), regardless of whether there are any links it | |^`orphan` |has no [[hard links|Hard and Soft Links]] to it | |^`shadow` |is a [[shadow tiddler|ShadowTiddlers]], regardless of whether it has been overridden with a non-shadow tiddler | |^`system` |is a [[system tiddler|SystemTiddlers]], i.e. its title starts with `$:/` | |^`tag` |is in use as a tag | |^`tiddler` |exists as a non-shadow tiddler | If <<.place c>> is anything else, the output is an error message. `!is[tiddler]` is a synonym for `is[missing]`, and vice versa. When <<.op is[missing]>> is the first operator in a [[run|Filter Run]], its output is always empty. And when <<.op is[shadow]>> comes first, it outputs only those shadow tiddlers that have been overridden. This is because the [[initial input to a run|Filter Expression]] contains only <<.em non>>-shadow tiddlers. The <<.olink all>> operator is similar, but its scope is the whole wiki. <<.operator-examples "is">>