caption: Macro Definitions created: 20150220181617000 modified: 20171215152754837 tags: WikiText title: Macro Definitions in WikiText type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki A [[macro|Macros]] is defined using a `\define` [[pragma|Pragma]]. Like any pragma, this can only appear at the start of a tiddler. The first line of the definition specifies the macro name and any parameters. Each parameter has a name and, optionally, a default value that is used if no value is supplied on a particular call to the macro. The lines that follow contain the macro's text (i.e. the snippet represented by the macro name), until `\end` appears on a line by itself: <$codeblock code={{$:/editions/}}/> Alternatively, the entire definition can be presented on a single line without an `\end` marker: ``` \define sayhi(name:"Bugs Bunny") Hi, I'm $name$. ``` A more formal [[presentation|Macro Definition Syntax]] of this syntax is also available. !! Accessing variables and parameters Inside the macro there are a few methods for accessing variables and parameters defined outside of the macro or in the macro parameter list. |syntax|description|h |`$...$`|parameter defined in the macro parameters list| |`<<__...__>>`|parameter defined in the macro parameters list but the syntax evaluates the parameter as it is invoked| |`$(...)$`|variable placeholder to variable defined outside of the macro| |`<<...>>`|variable invocation of variable (or other macro) defined outside of the macro|
!!! Placeholders `$(...)$` The macro can contain placeholders for parameters. These consist of a parameter name between dollar signs, like `$this$`. It can also contain placeholders for [[variables|Variables]]. These consist of a variable name (or macro name) between dollar signs and round brackets, like `$(this)$`. The actual value of the parameter or variable is substituted for the placeholder whenever the macro is called: <$importvariables filter="$:/editions/"> <$codeblock code={{$:/editions/}}/> <$macrocall $name=".example" n="1" eg="""<$set name="address" value="Rabbit Hole Hill"> <> """/> !!! Parameters as Variables `<<__...__>>` Parameters in a wikitext macro can be accessed as variables by using the syntax `<<__...__>>`, i.e the parameter name surrounded by double underscores. For example, the example above could also be expressed as: ``` \define sayhi(name:"Bugs Bunny") Hi, I'm <$text text=<<__name__>>/>. ``` Accessing parameters as variables only works in macros that are wikified and not, for example, when a macro is used as an attribute value. The advantage of the technique is that it avoids the parameter value being substituted into the macro as a literal string, which in turn can help avoid issues with parameters that contain quotes. For example, consider this macro. It invokes another macro using the single parameter as an argument for it: ``` \define film-quote(line) <$macrocall $name="anothermacro" actor="Bugs Bunny" line="""$line$"""/> ``` The code above will fail if the macro is invoked with the argument containing triple double quotes (for example `<>`). Using parameter variables offers a workaround: ``` \define film-quote(line) <$macrocall $name="anothermacro" actor="Bugs Bunny" line=<<__line__>>/> ``` !! Scope Macros are available to the tiddler that defines them, plus any tiddlers that it transcludes. To make a macro available to all tiddlers, define it in a tiddler that has the tag <<.tag $:/tags/Macro>>. It is also possible to write a macro as a [[JavaScript module|]]. ~JavaScript macros are available to all tiddlers, and offer the maximum flexibility. A tiddler can manually import macro definitions from a [[selection|Title Selection]] of other tiddlers by using the <<.wlink ImportVariablesWidget>> widget.