title: NestedStyleSheets modifier: blaine created: 20110211110651 modified: 20110211131019 tags: features creator: psd Within a CustomStyleSheet, you can include the text of another tiddler by including it in double square brackets. For example, if the tiddler MyFavouriteColour contains {{{#ff763e}}}, and the StyleSheet tiddler contained: {{{ #mainMenu {background-color:[[MyFavouriteColour]];} }}} Then, the effect is that each CSS declaration will be set to {{{background-color: #ff763e;}}}. In practice, for small bits of text like a colour, it makes sense to use TiddlerSlicing format to reference a chunk of text within a tiddler. See ColorPalette and StyleSheetColors for an example. Of course, you can use this mechanism to redirect any part of a stylesheet, not just colours. And you can nest references for more complex effects.