/*\ title: test-linked-list.js type: application/javascript tags: [[$:/tags/test-spec]] Tests the utils.LinkedList class. LinkedList was built to behave exactly as $tw.utils.pushTop and Array.prototype.push would behave with an array. Many of these tests function by performing operations on a paired set of an array and LinkedList. It uses equivalent actions on both. Then we confirm that the two come out functionally identical. NOTE TO FURTHER LINKED LIST DEVELOPERS: If you want to add new functionality, like 'shift' or 'unshift', you'll probably need to deal with the fact that Linked List will insert undefined as a first entry into an item's 'prev' array when it's at the front of the list, but it doesn't do the same for the 'next' array when it's at the end. I think you'll probably be better off preventing 'prev' from ever adding undefined. \*/ (function(){ /*jslint node: true, browser: true */ /*global $tw: false */ "use strict"; describe("LinkedList class tests", function() { // creates and initializes a new {array, list} pair for testing function newPair(initialArray) { var pair = {array: [], list: new $tw.utils.LinkedList()}; if (initialArray) { push(pair, initialArray); } return pair; }; // pushTops a value or array of values into both the array and linked list. function pushTop(pair, valueOrValues) { pair.list.pushTop(valueOrValues); $tw.utils.pushTop(pair.array, valueOrValues); return pair; }; // pushes values into both the array and the linked list. function push(pair, values) { pair.list.push(values); pair.array.push.apply(pair.array, values); return pair; }; // operates a remove action on an array and a linked list in parallel. function remove(pair, valueOrValues) { pair.list.remove(valueOrValues); $tw.utils.removeArrayEntries(pair.array, valueOrValues); return pair; }; // compares an array and a linked list to make sure they match up function compare(pair) { expect(pair.list.toArray()).toEqual(pair.array); expect(pair.list.length).toBe(pair.array.length); return pair; }; it("can pushTop", function() { var pair = newPair(["A", "B", "C"]); // singles pushTop(pair, "X"); pushTop(pair, "B"); compare(pair); // ACXB //arrays pushTop(pair, ["X", "A", "G", "A"]); // If the pushedTopped list has duplicates, they go in unempeded. compare(pair); // CBXAGA }); it("can pushTop with tricky duplicates", function() { var pair = newPair(["A", "B", "A", "C", "A", "e"]); // If the original list contains duplicates, only one instance is cut compare(pushTop(pair, "A")); // BACAeA // And the Llist properly knows the next 'A' to cut if pushed again compare(pushTop(pair, ["X", "A"])); // BCAeAXA // One last time, to make sure we maintain the linked chain of copies compare(pushTop(pair, "A")); // BCeAXAA }); it("can pushTop a single-value list with itself", function() { // This simple case actually requires special handling in LinkedList. compare(pushTop(newPair(["A"]), "A")); // A }); it("can remove all instances of a multi-instance value", function() { var pair = compare(remove(newPair(["A", "A"]), ["A", "A"])); // // Now add 'A' back in, since internally it might be using arrays, // even though those arrays must be empty. compare(pushTop(pair, "A")); // A // Same idea, but push something else before readding 'A' compare(pushTop(remove(newPair(["A", "A"]), ["A", "A"]), ["B", "A"])); // BA // Again, but this time with other values mixed in compare(remove(newPair(["B", "A", "A", "C"]), ["A", "A"])) // BC; // And again, but this time with value inbetween too. compare(remove(newPair(["B", "A", "X", "Y", "Z", "A", "C"]), ["A", "A"])); // BXYZC // One last test, where removing a pair from the end could corrupt // list.last. pair = remove(newPair(["D", "C", "A", "A"]), ["A", "A"]); // But I can't figure out another way to test this. It's wrong // for list.last to be anything other than a string, but I // can't figure out how to make that corruption manifest a problem. // So I dig into its private members. Bleh... expect(typeof pair.list.last).toBe("string"); }); it("can pushTop value linked to by a repeat item", function() { var pair = newPair(["A", "B", "A", "C", "A", "C", "D"]); // This is tricky because that 'C' is referenced by a second 'A' // It WAS a crash before pushTop(pair, "C"); compare(pair); // ABAACDC }); it("can pushTop last value after pair", function() { // The 'next' ptrs for A would be polluted with an extraneous // undefined after the pop, which would make pushing the 'X' // back on problematic. compare(pushTop(newPair(["A", "A", "X"]), "X")); // AACX // And lets try a few other manipulations around pairs compare(pushTop(newPair(["A", "A", "X", "C"]), "X")); // AACX compare(pushTop(newPair(["X", "A", "A"]), "X")); // AAX compare(pushTop(newPair(["C", "X", "A", "A"]), "X")); // CAAX }); it("can handle particularly nasty pushTop pitfall", function() { var pair = newPair(["A", "B", "A", "C"]); pushTop(pair, "A"); // BACA pushTop(pair, "X"); // BACAX remove(pair, "A"); // BCAX pushTop(pair, "A"); // BCXA remove(pair, "A"); // BCX // But! The way I initially coded the copy chains, a mystery A could // hang around. compare(pair); // BCX }); it("can handle past-duplicate items when pushing", function() { var pair = newPair(["X", "Y", "A", "C", "A"]); // Removing an item, when it has a duplicat at the list's end remove(pair, "A"); compare(pair); // XYCA // This actually caused an infinite loop once. So important test here. push(pair, ["A"]); compare(pair); // XYCAA pushTop(pair, "A") // switch those last As compare(pair); // XYCAA remove(pair, ["A", "A"]); // Remove all As, then add them back pushTop(pair, ["A", "A"]) compare(pair); // XYCAA }); it("can push", function() { var list = new $tw.utils.LinkedList(); // singles expect(list.push("A")).toBe(1); expect(list.push("B")).toBe(2); // multiple args expect(list.push("C", "D", "E")).toBe(5); // array arg allowed expect(list.push(["F", "G"])).toBe(7); // No-op expect(list.push()).toBe(7); expect(list.toArray()).toEqual(["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G"]); }); it("can handle empty string", function() { compare(newPair(["", "", ""])); // ___ compare(push(newPair([""]), [""])); // __ compare(pushTop(newPair(["", "", ""]), ["A", ""])); // __A_ compare(remove(newPair(["", "A"]), "A")); // _ compare(push(newPair(["", "A"]), ["A"])); // _AA compare(remove(newPair(["A", ""]), "A")); // _ compare(push(newPair(["A", ""]), ["A"])); // A_A // This one is tricky but precise. Remove 'B', and 'A' might mistake // it as being first in the list since it's before ''. 'C' would get // blasted from A's prev reference array. compare(remove(newPair(["C", "A", "", "B", "A"]), ["B", "A"])); // C_A // Same idea, but with A mistaking B for being at the list's end, and // thus removing C from its 'next' reference array. compare(remove(newPair(["A", "B", "", "A", "C"]), ["B", "A"])); // _AC }); it("will throw if told to push non-strings", function() { var message = "Linked List only accepts string values, not "; var list = new $tw.utils.LinkedList(); expect(() => list.push(undefined)).toThrow(message + "undefined"); expect(() => list.pushTop(undefined)).toThrow(message + "undefined"); expect(() => list.pushTop(["c", undefined])).toThrow(message + "undefined"); expect(() => list.pushTop(5)).toThrow(message + "5"); expect(() => list.pushTop(null)).toThrow(message + "null"); // now lets do a quick test to make sure this exception // doesn't leave any side-effects // A.K.A Strong guarantee var pair = newPair(["A", "5", "B", "C"]); expect(() => pushTop(pair, 5)).toThrow(message + "5"); compare(pair); expect(() => push(pair, ["D", 7])).toThrow(message + "7"); compare(pair); expect(() => remove(pair, 5)).toThrow(message + "5"); compare(pair); // This is the tricky one. 'A' and 'B' should not be removed or pushed. expect(() => pushTop(pair, ["A", "B", null])).toThrow(message + "null"); compare(pair); expect(() => remove(pair, ["A", "B", null])).toThrow(message + "null"); compare(pair); }); it("can clear", function() { var list = new $tw.utils.LinkedList(); list.push("A", "B", "C"); list.clear(); expect(list.toArray()).toEqual([]); expect(list.length).toBe(0); }); it("can remove", function() { var list = new $tw.utils.LinkedList(); list.push(["A", "x", "C", "x", "D", "x", "E", "x"]); // single list.remove("x"); // arrays list.remove(["x", "A", "XXX", "x"]); expect(list.toArray()).toEqual(["C", "D", "E", "x"]); }); it("can ignore removal of nonexistent items", function() { var pair = newPair(["A", "B", "C", "D"]); // single compare(remove(pair, "Z")); // ABCD // array compare(remove(pair, ["Z", "B", "X"])); // ACD }); it("can iterate with each", function() { var list = new $tw.utils.LinkedList(); list.push("0", "1", "2", "3"); var counter = 0; list.each(function(value) { expect(value).toBe(counter.toString()); counter = counter + 1; }); expect(counter).toBe(4); }); it("can iterate a list of the same item", function() { // Seems simple. Caused an infinite loop during development. compare(newPair(["A", "A"])); }); }); })();