jQuery(document).ready(function(){ module("Wizard.js"); test("Wizard: construction", function() { expect(1); var w = new Wizard(); var actual = w.formElem===null && w.bodyElem===null && w.footElem===null; ok(actual==true,'properties should be null when constructed with no parameters'); }); test("Wizard: setValue / getValue (no formEl)", function() { var w = new Wizard(); var val1 = w.getValue("test"); w.setValue("test", "foo"); var val2 = w.getValue("test"); strictEqual(val1, null, "no value set"); strictEqual(val2, null, "value could not be set as no formEl"); }); test("Wizard: setValue / getValue (formEl)", function() { var w = new Wizard(); w.createWizard($("<div />")[0], "My Title"); var val1 = w.getValue("test1"); var elem = $("<div />").addClass("foo")[0]; w.setValue("test1", "foo"); w.setValue("test2", ["a list", "of items"]); w.setValue("test3", { name: "data", val: "foo" }); w.setValue("test4", elem); var val2 = w.getValue("test1"); var val3 = w.getValue("test2"); var val4 = w.getValue("test3"); var val5 = w.getValue("test4"); strictEqual(val1, undefined, "no value set but returns undefined if formEl exists"); strictEqual(val2, "foo", "value should be set in this situation"); strictEqual(val3.length, 2, "array set successfully (1/2)"); strictEqual(val3[0], "a list", "array set successfully (2/2)"); strictEqual(val4.name, "data", "object set successfully"); strictEqual($(val5).hasClass("foo"), true, "element set successfully"); }); test("Wizard: createWizard", function() { var elem = $(place)[0]; var wizard = new Wizard(); wizard.createWizard(place, 'Import a TiddlyWiki'); strictEqual(wizard.formElem.nodeName, "FORM", "a form element set."); }); test("Wizard: setValue of existing property name on node", function() { var w = new Wizard(); w.createWizard($("<div />")[0], "My Title"); w.setValue("nodeName", "foo"); var mode = w.getValue("nodeName"); strictEqual(mode, "foo", "reserved names should be possible to set.") }); });