created: 20131205155230596 creator: JeremyRuston modified: 20131205155813974 modifier: JeremyRuston tags: wikitext title: Linking in WikiText type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki A key capability of WikiText is the ability to make links to other tiddlers or to external websites. There are several ways of doing this: * To link to a tiddler by title: `[[Tiddler Title]]` * To link to a tiddler and specify the text of the link: `[[Displayed Link Title|Tiddler Title]]` * For tiddler titles that match the CamelCase rules, just typing the title will automatically create a link * To link to an external website, type the full URL of the site: `` or `[[TW5|]]` You can suppress a link from being recognised by preceding it with `~`. For example: <>