/* * Ext Core Library 3.0 * http://extjs.com/ * Copyright(c) 2006-2009, Ext JS, LLC. * * MIT Licensed - http://extjs.com/license/mit.txt * */ // for old browsers window.undefined = window.undefined; Ext = { version: '3.0' }; Ext.apply = function(o, c, defaults){ // no "this" reference for friendly out of scope calls if(defaults){ Ext.apply(o, defaults); } if(o && c && typeof c == 'object'){ for(var p in c){ o[p] = c[p]; } } return o; }; (function(){ var idSeed = 0, ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), check = function(r){ return r.test(ua); }, isStrict = document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat", isOpera = check(/opera/), isChrome = check(/chrome/), isWebKit = check(/webkit/), isSafari = !isChrome && check(/safari/), isSafari3 = isSafari && check(/version\/3/), isSafari4 = isSafari && check(/version\/4/), isIE = !isOpera && check(/msie/), isIE7 = isIE && check(/msie 7/), isIE8 = isIE && check(/msie 8/), isIE6 = isIE && !isIE7 && !isIE8, isGecko = !isWebKit && check(/gecko/), isGecko3 = isGecko && check(/rv:1\.9/), isBorderBox = isIE && !isStrict, isWindows = check(/windows|win32/), isMac = check(/macintosh|mac os x/), isAir = check(/adobeair/), isLinux = check(/linux/), isSecure = /^https/i.test(window.location.protocol); // remove css image flicker if(isIE6){ try{ document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true); }catch(e){} } Ext.apply(Ext, { isStrict : isStrict, isSecure : isSecure, isReady : false, enableGarbageCollector : true, enableListenerCollection : false, USE_NATIVE_JSON : false, applyIf : function(o, c){ if(o){ for(var p in c){ if(Ext.isEmpty(o[p])){ o[p] = c[p]; } } } return o; }, id : function(el, prefix){ return (el = Ext.getDom(el) || {}).id = el.id || (prefix || "ext-gen") + (++idSeed); }, extend : function(){ // inline overrides var io = function(o){ for(var m in o){ this[m] = o[m]; } }; var oc = Object.prototype.constructor; return function(sb, sp, overrides){ if(Ext.isObject(sp)){ overrides = sp; sp = sb; sb = overrides.constructor != oc ? overrides.constructor : function(){sp.apply(this, arguments);}; } var F = function(){}, sbp, spp = sp.prototype; F.prototype = spp; sbp = sb.prototype = new F(); sbp.constructor=sb; sb.superclass=spp; if(spp.constructor == oc){ spp.constructor=sp; } sb.override = function(o){ Ext.override(sb, o); }; sbp.superclass = sbp.supr = (function(){ return spp; }); sbp.override = io; Ext.override(sb, overrides); sb.extend = function(o){Ext.extend(sb, o);}; return sb; }; }(), override : function(origclass, overrides){ if(overrides){ var p = origclass.prototype; Ext.apply(p, overrides); if(Ext.isIE && overrides.toString != origclass.toString){ p.toString = overrides.toString; } } }, namespace : function(){ var o, d; Ext.each(arguments, function(v) { d = v.split("."); o = window[d[0]] = window[d[0]] || {}; Ext.each(d.slice(1), function(v2){ o = o[v2] = o[v2] || {}; }); }); return o; }, urlEncode: function(o, pre){ var undef, buf = [], key, e = encodeURIComponent; for(key in o){ undef = typeof o[key] == 'undefined'; Ext.each(undef ? key : o[key], function(val, i){ buf.push("&", e(key), "=", (val != key || !undef) ? e(val) : ""); }); } if(!pre){ buf.shift(); pre = ""; } return pre + buf.join(''); }, urlDecode : function(string, overwrite){ var obj = {}, pairs = string.split('&'), d = decodeURIComponent, name, value; Ext.each(pairs, function(pair) { pair = pair.split('='); name = d(pair[0]); value = d(pair[1]); obj[name] = overwrite || !obj[name] ? value : [].concat(obj[name]).concat(value); }); return obj; }, toArray : function(){ return isIE ? function(a, i, j, res){ res = []; Ext.each(a, function(v) { res.push(v); }); return res.slice(i || 0, j || res.length); } : function(a, i, j){ return Array.prototype.slice.call(a, i || 0, j || a.length); } }(), each: function(array, fn, scope){ if(Ext.isEmpty(array, true)){ return; } if(typeof array.length == "undefined" || Ext.isPrimitive(array)){ array = [array]; } for(var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++){ if(fn.call(scope || array[i], array[i], i, array) === false){ return i; }; } }, getDom : function(el){ if(!el || !document){ return null; } return el.dom ? el.dom : (typeof el == 'string' ? document.getElementById(el) : el); }, getBody : function(){ return Ext.get(document.body || document.documentElement); }, removeNode : isIE ? function(){ var d; return function(n){ if(n && n.tagName != 'BODY'){ d = d || document.createElement('div'); d.appendChild(n); d.innerHTML = ''; } } }() : function(n){ if(n && n.parentNode && n.tagName != 'BODY'){ n.parentNode.removeChild(n); } }, isEmpty : function(v, allowBlank){ return v === null || v === undefined || ((Ext.isArray(v) && !v.length)) || (!allowBlank ? v === '' : false); }, isArray : function(v){ return Object.prototype.toString.apply(v) === '[object Array]'; }, isObject : function(v){ return v && typeof v == "object"; }, isPrimitive : function(v){ var t = typeof v; return t == 'string' || t == 'number' || t == 'boolean'; }, isFunction : function(v){ return typeof v == "function"; }, isOpera : isOpera, isWebKit: isWebKit, isChrome : isChrome, isSafari : isSafari, isSafari3 : isSafari3, isSafari4 : isSafari4, isSafari2 : isSafari && !(isSafari3 || isSafari4), isIE : isIE, isIE6 : isIE6, isIE7 : isIE7, isIE8 : isIE8, isGecko : isGecko, isGecko2 : isGecko && !isGecko3, isGecko3 : isGecko3, isBorderBox : isBorderBox, isLinux : isLinux, isWindows : isWindows, isMac : isMac, isAir : isAir }); Ext.ns = Ext.namespace; })(); Ext.ns("Ext", "Ext.util", "Ext.lib", "Ext.data"); Ext.apply(Function.prototype, { createInterceptor : function(fcn, scope){ var method = this; return !Ext.isFunction(fcn) ? this : function() { var me = this, args = arguments; fcn.target = me; fcn.method = method; return (fcn.apply(scope || me || window, args) !== false) ? method.apply(me || window, args) : null; }; }, createCallback : function(){ // make args available, in function below var args = arguments, method = this; return function() { return method.apply(window, args); }; }, createDelegate : function(obj, args, appendArgs){ var method = this; return function() { var callArgs = args || arguments; if (appendArgs === true){ callArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); callArgs = callArgs.concat(args); }else if (typeof appendArgs == "number"){ callArgs = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0); // copy arguments first var applyArgs = [appendArgs, 0].concat(args); // create method call params Array.prototype.splice.apply(callArgs, applyArgs); // splice them in } return method.apply(obj || window, callArgs); }; }, defer : function(millis, obj, args, appendArgs){ var fn = this.createDelegate(obj, args, appendArgs); if(millis > 0){ return setTimeout(fn, millis); } fn(); return 0; } }); Ext.applyIf(String, { format : function(format){ var args = Ext.toArray(arguments, 1); return format.replace(/\{(\d+)\}/g, function(m, i){ return args[i]; }); } }); Ext.applyIf(Array.prototype, { indexOf : function(o){ for (var i = 0, len = this.length; i < len; i++){ if(this[i] == o) return i; } return -1; }, remove : function(o){ var index = this.indexOf(o); if(index != -1){ this.splice(index, 1); } return this; } }); Ext.util.TaskRunner = function(interval){ interval = interval || 10; var tasks = [], removeQueue = [], id = 0, running = false, // private stopThread = function(){ running = false; clearInterval(id); id = 0; }, // private startThread = function(){ if(!running){ running = true; id = setInterval(runTasks, interval); } }, // private removeTask = function(t){ removeQueue.push(t); if(t.onStop){ t.onStop.apply(t.scope || t); } }, // private runTasks = function(){ var rqLen = removeQueue.length, now = new Date().getTime(); if(rqLen > 0){ for(var i = 0; i < rqLen; i++){ tasks.remove(removeQueue[i]); } removeQueue = []; if(tasks.length < 1){ stopThread(); return; } } for(var i = 0, t, itime, rt, len = tasks.length; i < len; ++i){ t = tasks[i]; itime = now - t.taskRunTime; if(t.interval <= itime){ rt = t.run.apply(t.scope || t, t.args || [++t.taskRunCount]); t.taskRunTime = now; if(rt === false || t.taskRunCount === t.repeat){ removeTask(t); return; } } if(t.duration && t.duration <= (now - t.taskStartTime)){ removeTask(t); } } }; this.start = function(task){ tasks.push(task); task.taskStartTime = new Date().getTime(); task.taskRunTime = 0; task.taskRunCount = 0; startThread(); return task; }; this.stop = function(task){ removeTask(task); return task; }; this.stopAll = function(){ stopThread(); for(var i = 0, len = tasks.length; i < len; i++){ if(tasks[i].onStop){ tasks[i].onStop(); } } tasks = []; removeQueue = []; }; }; Ext.TaskMgr = new Ext.util.TaskRunner(); (function(){ var libFlyweight; function fly(el) { if (!libFlyweight) { libFlyweight = new Ext.Element.Flyweight(); } libFlyweight.dom = el; return libFlyweight; } (function(){ var doc = document, isCSS1 = doc.compatMode == "CSS1Compat", MAX = Math.max, PARSEINT = parseInt; Ext.lib.Dom = { isAncestor : function(p, c) { var ret = false; p = Ext.getDom(p); c = Ext.getDom(c); if (p && c) { if (p.contains) { return p.contains(c); } else if (p.compareDocumentPosition) { return !!(p.compareDocumentPosition(c) & 16); } else { while (c = c.parentNode) { ret = c == p || ret; } } } return ret; }, getViewWidth : function(full) { return full ? this.getDocumentWidth() : this.getViewportWidth(); }, getViewHeight : function(full) { return full ? this.getDocumentHeight() : this.getViewportHeight(); }, getDocumentHeight: function() { return MAX(!isCSS1 ? doc.body.scrollHeight : doc.documentElement.scrollHeight, this.getViewportHeight()); }, getDocumentWidth: function() { return MAX(!isCSS1 ? doc.body.scrollWidth : doc.documentElement.scrollWidth, this.getViewportWidth()); }, getViewportHeight: function(){ return Ext.isIE ? (Ext.isStrict ? doc.documentElement.clientHeight : doc.body.clientHeight) : self.innerHeight; }, getViewportWidth : function() { return !Ext.isStrict && !Ext.isOpera ? doc.body.clientWidth : Ext.isIE ? doc.documentElement.clientWidth : self.innerWidth; }, getY : function(el) { return this.getXY(el)[1]; }, getX : function(el) { return this.getXY(el)[0]; }, getXY : function(el) { var p, pe, b, bt, bl, dbd, x = 0, y = 0, scroll, hasAbsolute, bd = (doc.body || doc.documentElement), ret = [0,0]; el = Ext.getDom(el); if(el != bd){ if (el.getBoundingClientRect) { b = el.getBoundingClientRect(); scroll = fly(document).getScroll(); ret = [b.left + scroll.left, b.top + scroll.top]; } else { p = el; hasAbsolute = fly(el).isStyle("position", "absolute"); while (p) { pe = fly(p); x += p.offsetLeft; y += p.offsetTop; hasAbsolute = hasAbsolute || pe.isStyle("position", "absolute"); if (Ext.isGecko) { y += bt = PARSEINT(pe.getStyle("borderTopWidth"), 10) || 0; x += bl = PARSEINT(pe.getStyle("borderLeftWidth"), 10) || 0; if (p != el && !pe.isStyle('overflow','visible')) { x += bl; y += bt; } } p = p.offsetParent; } if (Ext.isSafari && hasAbsolute) { x -= bd.offsetLeft; y -= bd.offsetTop; } if (Ext.isGecko && !hasAbsolute) { dbd = fly(bd); x += PARSEINT(dbd.getStyle("borderLeftWidth"), 10) || 0; y += PARSEINT(dbd.getStyle("borderTopWidth"), 10) || 0; } p = el.parentNode; while (p && p != bd) { if (!Ext.isOpera || (p.tagName != 'TR' && !fly(p).isStyle("display", "inline"))) { x -= p.scrollLeft; y -= p.scrollTop; } p = p.parentNode; } ret = [x,y]; } } return ret }, setXY : function(el, xy) { (el = Ext.fly(el, '_setXY')).position(); var pts = el.translatePoints(xy), style = el.dom.style, pos; for (pos in pts) { if(!isNaN(pts[pos])) style[pos] = pts[pos] + "px" } }, setX : function(el, x) { this.setXY(el, [x, false]); }, setY : function(el, y) { this.setXY(el, [false, y]); } }; })(); Ext.lib.Event = function() { var loadComplete = false, listeners = [], unloadListeners = [], retryCount = 0, onAvailStack = [], _interval, locked = false, win = window, doc = document, // constants POLL_RETRYS = 200, POLL_INTERVAL = 20, EL = 0, TYPE = 1, FN = 2, WFN = 3, OBJ = 3, ADJ_SCOPE = 4, // private doAdd = function() { var ret; if (win.addEventListener) { ret = function(el, eventName, fn, capture) { if (eventName == 'mouseenter') { fn = fn.createInterceptor(checkRelatedTarget); el.addEventListener('mouseover', fn, (capture)); } else if (eventName == 'mouseleave') { fn = fn.createInterceptor(checkRelatedTarget); el.addEventListener('mouseout', fn, (capture)); } else { el.addEventListener(eventName, fn, (capture)); } return fn; }; } else if (win.attachEvent) { ret = function(el, eventName, fn, capture) { el.attachEvent("on" + eventName, fn); return fn; }; } else { ret = function(){}; } return ret; }(), // private doRemove = function(){ var ret; if (win.removeEventListener) { ret = function (el, eventName, fn, capture) { if (eventName == 'mouseenter') { eventName = 'mouseover' } else if (eventName == 'mouseleave') { eventName = 'mouseout' } el.removeEventListener(eventName, fn, (capture)); }; } else if (win.detachEvent) { ret = function (el, eventName, fn) { el.detachEvent("on" + eventName, fn); }; } else { ret = function(){}; } return ret; }(); var isXUL = Ext.isGecko ? function(node){ return Object.prototype.toString.call(node) == '[object XULElement]'; } : function(){}; var isTextNode = Ext.isGecko ? function(node){ try{ return node.nodeType == 3; }catch(e) { return false; } } : function(node){ return node.nodeType == 3; }; function checkRelatedTarget(e) { var related = pub.getRelatedTarget(e); return !(isXUL(related) || elContains(e.currentTarget,related)); } function elContains(parent, child) { if(parent && parent.firstChild){ while(child) { if(child === parent) { return true; } try { child = child.parentNode; } catch(e) { // In FF if you mouseout an text input element // thats inside a div sometimes it randomly throws // Permission denied to get property HTMLDivElement.parentNode // See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=208427 return false; } if(child && (child.nodeType != 1)) { child = null; } } } return false; } // private function _getCacheIndex(el, eventName, fn) { var index = -1; Ext.each(listeners, function (v,i) { if(v && v[FN] == fn && v[EL] == el && v[TYPE] == eventName) { index = i; } }); return index; } // private function _tryPreloadAttach() { var ret = false, notAvail = [], element, tryAgain = !loadComplete || (retryCount > 0); if (!locked) { locked = true; Ext.each(onAvailStack, function (v,i,a){ if(v && (element = doc.getElementById(v.id))){ if(!v.checkReady || loadComplete || element.nextSibling || (doc && doc.body)) { element = v.override ? (v.override === true ? v.obj : v.override) : element; v.fn.call(element, v.obj); onAvailStack[i] = null; } else { notAvail.push(item); } } }); retryCount = (notAvail.length == 0) ? 0 : retryCount - 1; if (tryAgain) { startInterval(); } else { clearInterval(_interval); _interval = null; } ret = !(locked = false); } return ret; } // private function startInterval() { if(!_interval){ var callback = function() { _tryPreloadAttach(); }; _interval = setInterval(callback, POLL_INTERVAL); } } // private function getScroll() { var scroll = Ext.fly(doc).getScroll(); return [scroll.top, scroll.top]; } // private function getPageCoord (ev, xy) { ev = ev.browserEvent || ev; var coord = ev['page' + xy]; if (!coord && 0 != coord) { coord = ev['client' + xy] || 0; if (Ext.isIE) { coord += getScroll()[xy == "X" ? 0 : 1]; } } return coord; } var pub = { onAvailable : function(p_id, p_fn, p_obj, p_override) { onAvailStack.push({ id: p_id, fn: p_fn, obj: p_obj, override: p_override, checkReady: false }); retryCount = POLL_RETRYS; startInterval(); }, addListener: function(el, eventName, fn) { var ret; el = Ext.getDom(el); if (el && fn) { if ("unload" == eventName) { ret = !!(unloadListeners[unloadListeners.length] = [el, eventName, fn]); } else { listeners.push([el, eventName, fn, ret = doAdd(el, eventName, fn, false)]); } } return !!ret; }, removeListener: function(el, eventName, fn) { var ret = false, index, cacheItem; el = Ext.getDom(el); if(!fn) { ret = this.purgeElement(el, false, eventName); } else if ("unload" == eventName) { Ext.each(unloadListeners, function(v, i, a) { if( v && v[0] == el && v[1] == eventName && v[2] == fn) { unloadListeners.splice(i, 1); ret = true; } }); } else { index = arguments[3] || _getCacheIndex(el, eventName, fn); cacheItem = listeners[index]; if (el && cacheItem) { doRemove(el, eventName, cacheItem[WFN], false); cacheItem[WFN] = cacheItem[FN] = null; listeners.splice(index, 1); ret = true; } } return ret; }, getTarget : function(ev) { ev = ev.browserEvent || ev; return this.resolveTextNode(ev.target || ev.srcElement); }, resolveTextNode : function(node) { return node && !isXUL(node) && isTextNode(node) ? node.parentNode : node; }, getRelatedTarget : function(ev) { ev = ev.browserEvent || ev; return this.resolveTextNode(ev.relatedTarget || (ev.type == "mouseout" ? ev.toElement : ev.type == "mouseover" ? ev.fromElement : null)); }, getPageX : function(ev) { return getPageCoord(ev, "X"); }, getPageY : function(ev) { return getPageCoord(ev, "Y"); }, getXY : function(ev) { return [this.getPageX(ev), this.getPageY(ev)]; }, // Is this useful? Removing to save space unless use case exists. // getTime: function(ev) { // ev = ev.browserEvent || ev; // if (!ev.time) { // var t = new Date().getTime(); // try { // ev.time = t; // } catch(ex) { // return t; // } // } // return ev.time; // }, stopEvent : function(ev) { this.stopPropagation(ev); this.preventDefault(ev); }, stopPropagation : function(ev) { ev = ev.browserEvent || ev; if (ev.stopPropagation) { ev.stopPropagation(); } else { ev.cancelBubble = true; } }, preventDefault : function(ev) { ev = ev.browserEvent || ev; if (ev.preventDefault) { ev.preventDefault(); } else { ev.returnValue = false; } }, getEvent : function(e) { e = e || win.event; if (!e) { var c = this.getEvent.caller; while (c) { e = c.arguments[0]; if (e && Event == e.constructor) { break; } c = c.caller; } } return e; }, getCharCode : function(ev) { ev = ev.browserEvent || ev; return ev.charCode || ev.keyCode || 0; }, //clearCache: function() {}, _load : function(e) { loadComplete = true; var EU = Ext.lib.Event; if (Ext.isIE && e !== true) { // IE8 complains that _load is null or not an object // so lets remove self via arguments.callee doRemove(win, "load", arguments.callee); } }, purgeElement : function(el, recurse, eventName) { var me = this; Ext.each( me.getListeners(el, eventName), function(v){ if(v) me.removeListener(el, v.type, v.fn); }); if (recurse && el && el.childNodes) { Ext.each(el.childNodes, function(v){ me.purgeElement(v, recurse, eventName); }); } }, getListeners : function(el, eventName) { var me = this, results = [], searchLists; if (eventName){ searchLists = eventName == 'unload' ? unloadListeners : listeners; }else{ searchLists = listeners.concat(unloadListeners); } Ext.each(searchLists, function(v, i){ if (v && v[EL] == el && (!eventName || eventName == v[TYPE])) { results.push({ type: v[TYPE], fn: v[FN], obj: v[OBJ], adjust: v[ADJ_SCOPE], index: i }); } }); return results.length ? results : null; }, _unload : function(e) { var EU = Ext.lib.Event, i, j, l, len, index, scope; Ext.each(unloadListeners, function(v) { if (v) { try{ scope = v[ADJ_SCOPE] ? (v[ADJ_SCOPE] === true ? v[OBJ] : v[ADJ_SCOPE]) : win; v[FN].call(scope, EU.getEvent(e), v[OBJ]); }catch(e){} } }); unloadListeners = null; if (listeners && (j = listeners.length)) { while (j) { if (l = listeners[index = --j]) { EU.removeListener(l[EL], l[TYPE], l[FN], index); } } //EU.clearCache(); } doRemove(win, "unload", EU._unload); } }; // Initialize stuff. pub.on = pub.addListener; pub.un = pub.removeListener; if (doc && doc.body) { pub._load(true); } else { doAdd(win, "load", pub._load); } doAdd(win, "unload", pub._unload); _tryPreloadAttach(); return pub; }(); Ext.lib.Ajax = function() { var activeX = ['MSXML2.XMLHTTP.3.0', 'MSXML2.XMLHTTP', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP']; // private function setHeader(o) { var conn = o.conn, prop; function setTheHeaders(conn, headers){ for (prop in headers) { if (headers.hasOwnProperty(prop)) { conn.setRequestHeader(prop, headers[prop]); } } } if (pub.defaultHeaders) { setTheHeaders(conn, pub.defaultHeaders); } if (pub.headers) { setTheHeaders(conn, pub.headers); pub.headers = null; } } // private function createExceptionObject(tId, callbackArg, isAbort, isTimeout) { return { tId : tId, status : isAbort ? -1 : 0, statusText : isAbort ? 'transaction aborted' : 'communication failure', isAbort: true, isTimeout: true, argument : callbackArg }; } // private function initHeader(label, value) { (pub.headers = pub.headers || {})[label] = value; } // private function createResponseObject(o, callbackArg) { var headerObj = {}, headerStr, conn = o.conn; try { headerStr = o.conn.getAllResponseHeaders(); Ext.each(headerStr.split('\n'), function(v){ var t = v.indexOf(':'); headerObj[v.substr(0, t)] = v.substr(t + 1); }); } catch(e) {} return { tId : o.tId, status : conn.status, statusText : conn.statusText, getResponseHeader : function(header){return headerObj[header];}, getAllResponseHeaders : function(){return headerStr}, responseText : conn.responseText, responseXML : conn.responseXML, argument : callbackArg }; } // private function releaseObject(o) { o.conn = null; o = null; } // private function handleTransactionResponse(o, callback, isAbort, isTimeout) { if (!callback) { releaseObject(o); return; } var httpStatus, responseObject; try { if (o.conn.status !== undefined && o.conn.status != 0) { httpStatus = o.conn.status; } else { httpStatus = 13030; } } catch(e) { httpStatus = 13030; } if ((httpStatus >= 200 && httpStatus < 300) || (Ext.isIE && httpStatus == 1223)) { responseObject = createResponseObject(o, callback.argument); if (callback.success) { if (!callback.scope) { callback.success(responseObject); } else { callback.success.apply(callback.scope, [responseObject]); } } } else { switch (httpStatus) { case 12002: case 12029: case 12030: case 12031: case 12152: case 13030: responseObject = createExceptionObject(o.tId, callback.argument, (isAbort ? isAbort : false), isTimeout); if (callback.failure) { if (!callback.scope) { callback.failure(responseObject); } else { callback.failure.apply(callback.scope, [responseObject]); } } break; default: responseObject = createResponseObject(o, callback.argument); if (callback.failure) { if (!callback.scope) { callback.failure(responseObject); } else { callback.failure.apply(callback.scope, [responseObject]); } } } } releaseObject(o); responseObject = null; } // private function handleReadyState(o, callback){ callback = callback || {}; var conn = o.conn, tId = o.tId, poll = pub.poll, cbTimeout = callback.timeout || null; if (cbTimeout) { pub.timeout[tId] = setTimeout(function() { pub.abort(o, callback, true); }, cbTimeout); } poll[tId] = setInterval( function() { if (conn && conn.readyState == 4) { clearInterval(poll[tId]); poll[tId] = null; if (cbTimeout) { clearTimeout(pub.timeout[tId]); pub.timeout[tId] = null; } handleTransactionResponse(o, callback); } }, pub.pollInterval); } // private function asyncRequest(method, uri, callback, postData) { var o = getConnectionObject() || null; if (o) { o.conn.open(method, uri, true); if (pub.useDefaultXhrHeader) { initHeader('X-Requested-With', pub.defaultXhrHeader); } if(postData && pub.useDefaultHeader && (!pub.headers || !pub.headers['Content-Type'])){ initHeader('Content-Type', pub.defaultPostHeader); } if (pub.defaultHeaders || pub.headers) { setHeader(o); } handleReadyState(o, callback); o.conn.send(postData || null); } return o; } // private function getConnectionObject() { var o; try { if (o = createXhrObject(pub.transactionId)) { pub.transactionId++; } } catch(e) { } finally { return o; } } // private function createXhrObject(transactionId) { var http; try { http = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch(e) { for (var i = 0; i < activeX.length; ++i) { try { http = new ActiveXObject(activeX[i]); break; } catch(e) {} } } finally { return {conn : http, tId : transactionId}; } } var pub = { request : function(method, uri, cb, data, options) { if(options){ var me = this, xmlData = options.xmlData, jsonData = options.jsonData; Ext.applyIf(me, options); if(xmlData || jsonData){ initHeader('Content-Type', xmlData ? 'text/xml' : 'application/json'); data = xmlData || (Ext.isObject(jsonData) ? Ext.encode(jsonData) : jsonData); } } return asyncRequest(method || options.method || "POST", uri, cb, data); }, serializeForm : function(form) { var fElements = form.elements || (document.forms[form] || Ext.getDom(form)).elements, hasSubmit = false, encoder = encodeURIComponent, element, options, name, val, data = '', type; Ext.each(fElements, function(element) { name = element.name; type = element.type; if (!element.disabled && name){ if(/select-(one|multiple)/i.test(type)){ Ext.each(element.options, function(opt) { if (opt.selected) { data += String.format("{0}={1}&", encoder(name), (opt.hasAttribute ? opt.hasAttribute('value') : opt.getAttribute('value') !== null) ? opt.value : opt.text); } }); } else if(!/file|undefined|reset|button/i.test(type)) { if(!(/radio|checkbox/i.test(type) && !element.checked) && !(type == 'submit' && hasSubmit)){ data += encoder(name) + '=' + encoder(element.value) + '&'; hasSubmit = /submit/i.test(type); } } } }); return data.substr(0, data.length - 1); }, useDefaultHeader : true, defaultPostHeader : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8', useDefaultXhrHeader : true, defaultXhrHeader : 'XMLHttpRequest', poll : {}, timeout : {}, pollInterval : 50, transactionId : 0, // This is never called - Is it worth exposing this? // setProgId : function(id) { // activeX.unshift(id); // }, // This is never called - Is it worth exposing this? // setDefaultPostHeader : function(b) { // this.useDefaultHeader = b; // }, // This is never called - Is it worth exposing this? // setDefaultXhrHeader : function(b) { // this.useDefaultXhrHeader = b; // }, // This is never called - Is it worth exposing this? // setPollingInterval : function(i) { // if (typeof i == 'number' && isFinite(i)) { // this.pollInterval = i; // } // }, // This is never called - Is it worth exposing this? // resetDefaultHeaders : function() { // this.defaultHeaders = null; // }, abort : function(o, callback, isTimeout) { var me = this, tId = o.tId, isAbort = false; if (me.isCallInProgress(o)) { o.conn.abort(); clearInterval(me.poll[tId]); me.poll[tId] = null; if (isTimeout) { me.timeout[tId] = null; } handleTransactionResponse(o, callback, (isAbort = true), isTimeout); } return isAbort; }, isCallInProgress : function(o) { // if there is a connection and readyState is not 0 or 4 return o.conn && !{0:true,4:true}[o.conn.readyState]; } }; return pub; }(); (function(){ var EXTLIB = Ext.lib, noNegatives = /width|height|opacity|padding/i, offsetAttribute = /^((width|height)|(top|left))$/, defaultUnit = /width|height|top$|bottom$|left$|right$/i, offsetUnit = /\d+(em|%|en|ex|pt|in|cm|mm|pc)$/i, isset = function(v){ return typeof v !== 'undefined'; }, now = function(){ return new Date(); }; EXTLIB.Anim = { motion : function(el, args, duration, easing, cb, scope) { return this.run(el, args, duration, easing, cb, scope, Ext.lib.Motion); }, run : function(el, args, duration, easing, cb, scope, type) { type = type || Ext.lib.AnimBase; if (typeof easing == "string") { easing = Ext.lib.Easing[easing]; } var anim = new type(el, args, duration, easing); anim.animateX(function() { if(Ext.isFunction(cb)){ cb.call(scope); } }); return anim; } }; EXTLIB.AnimBase = function(el, attributes, duration, method) { if (el) { this.init(el, attributes, duration, method); } }; EXTLIB.AnimBase.prototype = { doMethod: function(attr, start, end) { var me = this; return me.method(me.curFrame, start, end - start, me.totalFrames); }, setAttr: function(attr, val, unit) { if (noNegatives.test(attr) && val < 0) { val = 0; } Ext.fly(this.el, '_anim').setStyle(attr, val + unit); }, getAttr: function(attr) { var el = Ext.fly(this.el), val = el.getStyle(attr), a = offsetAttribute.exec(attr) || [] if (val !== 'auto' && !offsetUnit.test(val)) { return parseFloat(val); } return (!!(a[2]) || (el.getStyle('position') == 'absolute' && !!(a[3]))) ? el.dom['offset' + a[0].charAt(0).toUpperCase() + a[0].substr(1)] : 0; }, getDefaultUnit: function(attr) { return defaultUnit.test(attr) ? 'px' : ''; }, animateX : function(callback, scope) { var me = this, f = function() { me.onComplete.removeListener(f); if (Ext.isFunction(callback)) { callback.call(scope || me, me); } }; me.onComplete.addListener(f, me); me.animate(); }, setRunAttr: function(attr) { var me = this, a = this.attributes[attr], to = a.to, by = a.by, from = a.from, unit = a.unit, ra = (this.runAttrs[attr] = {}), end; if (!isset(to) && !isset(by)){ return false; } var start = isset(from) ? from : me.getAttr(attr); if (isset(to)) { end = to; }else if(isset(by)) { if (Ext.isArray(start)){ end = []; Ext.each(start, function(v, i){ end[i] = v + by[i]; }); }else{ end = start + by; } } Ext.apply(ra, { start: start, end: end, unit: isset(unit) ? unit : me.getDefaultUnit(attr) }); }, init: function(el, attributes, duration, method) { var me = this, actualFrames = 0, mgr = EXTLIB.AnimMgr; Ext.apply(me, { isAnimated: false, startTime: null, el: Ext.getDom(el), attributes: attributes || {}, duration: duration || 1, method: method || EXTLIB.Easing.easeNone, useSec: true, curFrame: 0, totalFrames: mgr.fps, runAttrs: {}, animate: function(){ var me = this, d = me.duration; if(me.isAnimated){ return false; } me.curFrame = 0; me.totalFrames = me.useSec ? Math.ceil(mgr.fps * d) : d; mgr.registerElement(me); }, stop: function(finish){ var me = this; if(finish){ me.curFrame = me.totalFrames; me._onTween.fire(); } mgr.stop(me); } }); var onStart = function(){ var me = this, attr; me.onStart.fire(); me.runAttrs = {}; for(attr in this.attributes){ this.setRunAttr(attr); } me.isAnimated = true; me.startTime = now(); actualFrames = 0; }; var onTween = function(){ var me = this; me.onTween.fire({ duration: now() - me.startTime, curFrame: me.curFrame }); var ra = me.runAttrs; for (var attr in ra) { this.setAttr(attr, me.doMethod(attr, ra[attr].start, ra[attr].end), ra[attr].unit); } ++actualFrames; }; var onComplete = function() { var me = this, actual = (now() - me.startTime) / 1000, data = { duration: actual, frames: actualFrames, fps: actualFrames / actual }; me.isAnimated = false; actualFrames = 0; me.onComplete.fire(data); }; me.onStart = new Ext.util.Event(me); me.onTween = new Ext.util.Event(me); me.onComplete = new Ext.util.Event(me); (me._onStart = new Ext.util.Event(me)).addListener(onStart); (me._onTween = new Ext.util.Event(me)).addListener(onTween); (me._onComplete = new Ext.util.Event(me)).addListener(onComplete); } }; Ext.lib.AnimMgr = new function() { var me = this, thread = null, queue = [], tweenCount = 0; Ext.apply(me, { fps: 1000, delay: 1, registerElement: function(tween){ queue.push(tween); ++tweenCount; tween._onStart.fire(); me.start(); }, unRegister: function(tween, index){ tween._onComplete.fire(); index = index || getIndex(tween); if (index != -1) { queue.splice(index, 1); } if (--tweenCount <= 0) { me.stop(); } }, start: function(){ if(thread === null){ thread = setInterval(me.run, me.delay); } }, stop: function(tween){ if(!tween){ clearInterval(thread); for(var i = 0, len = queue.length; i < len; ++i){ if(queue[0].isAnimated){ me.unRegister(queue[0], 0); } } queue = []; thread = null; tweenCount = 0; }else{ me.unRegister(tween); } }, run: function(){ var tf; Ext.each(queue, function(tween){ if(tween && tween.isAnimated){ tf = tween.totalFrames; if(tween.curFrame < tf || tf === null){ ++tween.curFrame; if(tween.useSec){ correctFrame(tween); } tween._onTween.fire(); }else{ me.stop(tween); } } }, me); } }); var getIndex = function(anim) { var out = -1; Ext.each(queue, function(item, idx){ if(item == anim){ out = idx; return false; } }); return out; }; var correctFrame = function(tween) { var frames = tween.totalFrames, frame = tween.curFrame, duration = tween.duration, expected = (frame * duration * 1000 / frames), elapsed = (now() - tween.startTime), tweak = 0; if(elapsed < duration * 1000){ tweak = Math.round((elapsed / expected - 1) * frame); }else{ tweak = frames - (frame + 1); } if(tweak > 0 && isFinite(tweak)){ if(tween.curFrame + tweak >= frames){ tweak = frames - (frame + 1); } tween.curFrame += tweak; } }; }; EXTLIB.Bezier = new function() { this.getPosition = function(points, t) { var n = points.length, tmp = [], c = 1 - t, i, j; for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) { tmp[i] = [points[i][0], points[i][1]]; } for (j = 1; j < n; ++j) { for (i = 0; i < n - j; ++i) { tmp[i][0] = c * tmp[i][0] + t * tmp[parseInt(i + 1, 10)][0]; tmp[i][1] = c * tmp[i][1] + t * tmp[parseInt(i + 1, 10)][1]; } } return [ tmp[0][0], tmp[0][1] ]; }; }; EXTLIB.Easing = { easeNone: function (t, b, c, d) { return c * t / d + b; }, easeIn: function (t, b, c, d) { return c * (t /= d) * t + b; }, easeOut: function (t, b, c, d) { return -c * (t /= d) * (t - 2) + b; } }; (function() { EXTLIB.Motion = function(el, attributes, duration, method) { if (el) { EXTLIB.Motion.superclass.constructor.call(this, el, attributes, duration, method); } }; Ext.extend(EXTLIB.Motion, Ext.lib.AnimBase); var superclass = EXTLIB.Motion.superclass, proto = EXTLIB.Motion.prototype, pointsRe = /^points$/i; Ext.apply(EXTLIB.Motion.prototype, { setAttr: function(attr, val, unit){ var me = this, setAttr = superclass.setAttr; if (pointsRe.test(attr)) { unit = unit || 'px'; setAttr.call(me, 'left', val[0], unit); setAttr.call(me, 'top', val[1], unit); } else { setAttr.call(me, attr, val, unit); } }, getAttr: function(attr){ var me = this, getAttr = superclass.getAttr; return pointsRe.test(attr) ? [getAttr.call(me, 'left'), getAttr.call(me, 'top')] : getAttr.call(me, attr); }, doMethod: function(attr, start, end){ var me = this; return pointsRe.test(attr) ? EXTLIB.Bezier.getPosition(me.runAttrs[attr], me.method(me.curFrame, 0, 100, me.totalFrames) / 100) : superclass.doMethod.call(me, attr, start, end); }, setRunAttr: function(attr){ if(pointsRe.test(attr)){ var me = this, el = this.el, points = this.attributes.points, control = points.control || [], from = points.from, to = points.to, by = points.by, DOM = EXTLIB.Dom, start, i, end, len, ra; if(control.length > 0 && !Ext.isArray(control[0])){ control = [control]; }else{ } Ext.fly(el, '_anim').position(); DOM.setXY(el, isset(from) ? from : DOM.getXY(el)); start = me.getAttr('points'); if(isset(to)){ end = translateValues.call(me, to, start); for (i = 0,len = control.length; i < len; ++i) { control[i] = translateValues.call(me, control[i], start); } } else if (isset(by)) { end = [start[0] + by[0], start[1] + by[1]]; for (i = 0,len = control.length; i < len; ++i) { control[i] = [ start[0] + control[i][0], start[1] + control[i][1] ]; } } ra = this.runAttrs[attr] = [start]; if (control.length > 0) { ra = ra.concat(control); } ra[ra.length] = end; }else{ superclass.setRunAttr.call(this, attr); } } }); var translateValues = function(val, start) { var pageXY = EXTLIB.Dom.getXY(this.el); return [val[0] - pageXY[0] + start[0], val[1] - pageXY[1] + start[1]]; }; })(); })(); // Easing functions (function(){ // shortcuts to aid compression var abs = Math.abs, pi = Math.PI, asin = Math.asin, pow = Math.pow, sin = Math.sin, EXTLIB = Ext.lib; Ext.apply(EXTLIB.Easing, { easeBoth: function (t, b, c, d) { return ((t /= d / 2) < 1) ? c / 2 * t * t + b : -c / 2 * ((--t) * (t - 2) - 1) + b; }, easeInStrong: function (t, b, c, d) { return c * (t /= d) * t * t * t + b; }, easeOutStrong: function (t, b, c, d) { return -c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * t * t - 1) + b; }, easeBothStrong: function (t, b, c, d) { return ((t /= d / 2) < 1) ? c / 2 * t * t * t * t + b : -c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * t * t - 2) + b; }, elasticIn: function (t, b, c, d, a, p) { if (t == 0 || (t /= d) == 1) { return t == 0 ? b : b + c; } p = p || (d * .3); var s; if (a >= abs(c)) { s = p / (2 * pi) * asin(c / a); } else { a = c; s = p / 4; } return -(a * pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * sin((t * d - s) * (2 * pi) / p)) + b; }, elasticOut: function (t, b, c, d, a, p) { if (t == 0 || (t /= d) == 1) { return t == 0 ? b : b + c; } p = p || (d * .3); var s; if (a >= abs(c)) { s = p / (2 * pi) * asin(c / a); } else { a = c; s = p / 4; } return a * pow(2, -10 * t) * sin((t * d - s) * (2 * pi) / p) + c + b; }, elasticBoth: function (t, b, c, d, a, p) { if (t == 0 || (t /= d / 2) == 2) { return t == 0 ? b : b + c; } p = p || (d * (.3 * 1.5)); var s; if (a >= abs(c)) { s = p / (2 * pi) * asin(c / a); } else { a = c; s = p / 4; } return t < 1 ? -.5 * (a * pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * sin((t * d - s) * (2 * pi) / p)) + b : a * pow(2, -10 * (t -= 1)) * sin((t * d - s) * (2 * pi) / p) * .5 + c + b; }, backIn: function (t, b, c, d, s) { s = s || 1.70158; return c * (t /= d) * t * ((s + 1) * t - s) + b; }, backOut: function (t, b, c, d, s) { if (!s) { s = 1.70158; } return c * ((t = t / d - 1) * t * ((s + 1) * t + s) + 1) + b; }, backBoth: function (t, b, c, d, s) { s = s || 1.70158; return ((t /= d / 2 ) < 1) ? c / 2 * (t * t * (((s *= (1.525)) + 1) * t - s)) + b : c / 2 * ((t -= 2) * t * (((s *= (1.525)) + 1) * t + s) + 2) + b; }, bounceIn: function (t, b, c, d) { return c - EXTLIB.Easing.bounceOut(d - t, 0, c, d) + b; }, bounceOut: function (t, b, c, d) { if ((t /= d) < (1 / 2.75)) { return c * (7.5625 * t * t) + b; } else if (t < (2 / 2.75)) { return c * (7.5625 * (t -= (1.5 / 2.75)) * t + .75) + b; } else if (t < (2.5 / 2.75)) { return c * (7.5625 * (t -= (2.25 / 2.75)) * t + .9375) + b; } return c * (7.5625 * (t -= (2.625 / 2.75)) * t + .984375) + b; }, bounceBoth: function (t, b, c, d) { return (t < d / 2) ? EXTLIB.Easing.bounceIn(t * 2, 0, c, d) * .5 + b : EXTLIB.Easing.bounceOut(t * 2 - d, 0, c, d) * .5 + c * .5 + b; } }); })(); (function() { var EXTLIB = Ext.lib; // Color Animation EXTLIB.Anim.color = function(el, args, duration, easing, cb, scope) { return EXTLIB.Anim.run(el, args, duration, easing, cb, scope, EXTLIB.ColorAnim); } EXTLIB.ColorAnim = function(el, attributes, duration, method) { EXTLIB.ColorAnim.superclass.constructor.call(this, el, attributes, duration, method); }; Ext.extend(EXTLIB.ColorAnim, EXTLIB.AnimBase); var superclass = EXTLIB.ColorAnim.superclass, colorRE = /color$/i, transparentRE = /^transparent|rgba\(0, 0, 0, 0\)$/, rgbRE = /^rgb\(([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\s*,\s*([0-9]+)\)$/i, hexRE= /^#?([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})([0-9A-F]{2})$/i, hex3RE = /^#?([0-9A-F]{1})([0-9A-F]{1})([0-9A-F]{1})$/i, isset = function(v){ return typeof v !== 'undefined'; } // private function parseColor(s) { var pi = parseInt, base, out = null, c; if (s.length == 3) { return s; } Ext.each([hexRE, rgbRE, hex3RE], function(re, idx){ base = (idx % 2 == 0) ? 16 : 10; c = re.exec(s); if(c && c.length == 4){ out = [pi(c[1], base), pi(c[2], base), pi(c[3], base)]; return false; } }); return out; } Ext.apply(EXTLIB.ColorAnim.prototype, { getAttr : function(attr) { var me = this, el = me.el, val; if(colorRE.test(attr)){ while(el && transparentRE.test(val = Ext.fly(el).getStyle(attr))){ el = el.parentNode; val = "fff"; } }else{ val = superclass.getAttr.call(me, attr); } return val; }, doMethod : function(attr, start, end) { var me = this, val, floor = Math.floor; if(colorRE.test(attr)){ val = []; Ext.each(start, function(v, i) { val[i] = superclass.doMethod.call(me, attr, v, end[i]); }); val = 'rgb(' + floor(val[0]) + ',' + floor(val[1]) + ',' + floor(val[2]) + ')'; }else{ val = superclass.doMethod.call(me, attr, start, end); } return val; }, setRunAttr : function(attr) { var me = this, a = me.attributes[attr], to = a.to, by = a.by, ra; superclass.setRunAttr.call(me, attr); ra = me.runAttrs[attr]; if(colorRE.test(attr)){ var start = parseColor(ra.start), end = parseColor(ra.end); if(!isset(to) && isset(by)){ end = parseColor(by); Ext.each(start, function(item, idx){ end[i] = item + end[i]; }); } ra.start = start; ra.end = end; } } }); })(); (function() { // Scroll Animation var EXTLIB = Ext.lib; EXTLIB.Anim.scroll = function(el, args, duration, easing, cb, scope) { return EXTLIB.Anim.run(el, args, duration, easing, cb, scope, EXTLIB.Scroll); } EXTLIB.Scroll = function(el, attributes, duration, method) { if(el){ EXTLIB.Scroll.superclass.constructor.call(this, el, attributes, duration, method); } }; Ext.extend(EXTLIB.Scroll, EXTLIB.ColorAnim); var superclass = EXTLIB.Scroll.superclass, SCROLL = 'scroll'; Ext.apply(EXTLIB.Scroll.prototype, { doMethod : function(attr, start, end) { var val, me = this, curFrame = me.curFrame, totalFrames = me.totalFrames; if(attr == SCROLL){ val = [me.method(curFrame, start[0], end[0] - start[0], totalFrames), me.method(curFrame, start[1], end[1] - start[1], totalFrames)]; }else{ val = superclass.doMethod.call(me, attr, start, end); } return val; }, getAttr : function(attr) { var me = this; if (attr == SCROLL) { return [me.el.scrollLeft, me.el.scrollTop]; }else{ return superclass.getAttr.call(me, attr); } }, setAttr : function(attr, val, unit) { var me = this; if(attr == SCROLL){ me.el.scrollLeft = val[0]; me.el.scrollTop = val[1]; }else{ superclass.setAttr.call(me, attr, val, unit); } } }); })(); if(Ext.isIE) { function fnCleanUp() { var p = Function.prototype; delete p.createSequence; delete p.defer; delete p.createDelegate; delete p.createCallback; delete p.createInterceptor; window.detachEvent("onunload", fnCleanUp); } window.attachEvent("onunload", fnCleanUp); } })(); (function(){ var EXTUTIL = Ext.util, TOARRAY = Ext.toArray, EACH = Ext.each, ISOBJECT = Ext.isObject, TRUE = true, FALSE = false; EXTUTIL.Observable = function(){ var me = this, e = me.events; if(me.listeners){ me.on(me.listeners); delete me.listeners; } me.events = e || {}; }; EXTUTIL.Observable.prototype = function(){ var filterOptRe = /^(?:scope|delay|buffer|single)$/, toLower = function(s){ return s.toLowerCase(); }; return { fireEvent : function(){ var a = TOARRAY(arguments), ename = toLower(a[0]), me = this, ret = TRUE, ce = me.events[ename], q, c; if (me.eventsSuspended === TRUE) { if (q = me.suspendedEventsQueue) { q.push(a); } } else if(ISOBJECT(ce) && ce.bubble){ if(ce.fire.apply(ce, a.slice(1)) === FALSE) { return FALSE; } c = me.getBubbleTarget && me.getBubbleTarget(); if(c && c.enableBubble) { c.enableBubble(ename); return c.fireEvent.apply(c, a); } } else { if (ISOBJECT(ce)) { a.shift(); ret = ce.fire.apply(ce, a); } } return ret; }, addListener : function(eventName, fn, scope, o){ var me = this, e, oe, isF, ce; if (ISOBJECT(eventName)) { o = eventName; for (e in o){ oe = o[e]; if (!filterOptRe.test(e)) { me.addListener(e, oe.fn || oe, oe.scope || o.scope, oe.fn ? oe : o); } } } else { eventName = toLower(eventName); ce = me.events[eventName] || TRUE; if (typeof ce == "boolean") { me.events[eventName] = ce = new EXTUTIL.Event(me, eventName); } ce.addListener(fn, scope, ISOBJECT(o) ? o : {}); } }, removeListener : function(eventName, fn, scope){ var ce = this.events[toLower(eventName)]; if (ISOBJECT(ce)) { ce.removeListener(fn, scope); } }, purgeListeners : function(){ var events = this.events, evt, key; for(key in events){ evt = events[key]; if(ISOBJECT(evt)){ evt.clearListeners(); } } }, addEvents : function(o){ var me = this; me.events = me.events || {}; if (typeof o == 'string') { EACH(arguments, function(a) { me.events[a] = me.events[a] || TRUE; }); } else { Ext.applyIf(me.events, o); } }, hasListener : function(eventName){ var e = this.events[eventName]; return ISOBJECT(e) && e.listeners.length > 0; }, suspendEvents : function(queueSuspended){ this.eventsSuspended = TRUE; if (queueSuspended){ this.suspendedEventsQueue = []; } }, resumeEvents : function(){ var me = this; me.eventsSuspended = !delete me.suspendedEventQueue; EACH(me.suspendedEventsQueue, function(e) { me.fireEvent.apply(me, e); }); } } }(); var OBSERVABLE = EXTUTIL.Observable.prototype; OBSERVABLE.on = OBSERVABLE.addListener; OBSERVABLE.un = OBSERVABLE.removeListener; EXTUTIL.Observable.releaseCapture = function(o){ o.fireEvent = OBSERVABLE.fireEvent; }; function createTargeted(h, o, scope){ return function(){ if(o.target == arguments[0]){ h.apply(scope, TOARRAY(arguments)); } }; }; function createBuffered(h, o, scope){ var task = new EXTUTIL.DelayedTask(); return function(){ task.delay(o.buffer, h, scope, TOARRAY(arguments)); }; } function createSingle(h, e, fn, scope){ return function(){ e.removeListener(fn, scope); return h.apply(scope, arguments); }; } function createDelayed(h, o, scope){ return function(){ var args = TOARRAY(arguments); (function(){ h.apply(scope, args); }).defer(o.delay || 10); }; }; EXTUTIL.Event = function(obj, name){ this.name = name; this.obj = obj; this.listeners = []; }; EXTUTIL.Event.prototype = { addListener : function(fn, scope, options){ var me = this, l; scope = scope || me.obj; if(!me.isListening(fn, scope)){ l = me.createListener(fn, scope, options); if(me.firing){ // if we are currently firing this event, don't disturb the listener loop me.listeners = me.listeners.slice(0); } me.listeners.push(l); } }, createListener: function(fn, scope, o){ o = o || {}, scope = scope || this.obj; var l = { fn: fn, scope: scope, options: o }, h = fn; if(o.target){ h = createTargeted(h, o, scope); } if(o.delay){ h = createDelayed(h, o, scope); } if(o.single){ h = createSingle(h, this, fn, scope); } if(o.buffer){ h = createBuffered(h, o, scope); } l.fireFn = h; return l; }, findListener : function(fn, scope){ var s, ret = -1; EACH(this.listeners, function(l, i) { s = l.scope; if(l.fn == fn && (s == scope || s == this.obj)){ ret = i; return FALSE; } }, this); return ret; }, isListening : function(fn, scope){ return this.findListener(fn, scope) != -1; }, removeListener : function(fn, scope){ var index, me = this, ret = FALSE; if((index = me.findListener(fn, scope)) != -1){ if (me.firing) { me.listeners = me.listeners.slice(0); } me.listeners.splice(index, 1); ret = TRUE; } return ret; }, clearListeners : function(){ this.listeners = []; }, fire : function(){ var me = this, args = TOARRAY(arguments), ret = TRUE; EACH(me.listeners, function(l) { me.firing = TRUE; if (l.fireFn.apply(l.scope || me.obj || window, args) === FALSE) { return ret = me.firing = FALSE; } }); me.firing = FALSE; return ret; } }; })(); Ext.DomHelper = function(){ var tempTableEl = null, emptyTags = /^(?:br|frame|hr|img|input|link|meta|range|spacer|wbr|area|param|col)$/i, tableRe = /^table|tbody|tr|td$/i, pub, // kill repeat to save bytes afterbegin = "afterbegin", afterend = "afterend", beforebegin = "beforebegin", beforeend = "beforeend", ts = '', te = '
', tbs = ts+'', tbe = ''+te, trs = tbs + '', tre = ''+tbe; // private function doInsert(el, o, returnElement, pos, sibling, append){ var newNode = pub.insertHtml(pos, Ext.getDom(el), createHtml(o)); return returnElement ? Ext.get(newNode, true) : newNode; } // build as innerHTML where available function createHtml(o){ var b = "", attr, val, key, keyVal, cn; if(typeof o == 'string'){ b = o; } else if (Ext.isArray(o)) { Ext.each(o, function(v) { b += createHtml(v); }); } else { b += "<" + (o.tag = o.tag || "div"); for(attr in o){ val = o[attr]; if (!/tag|children|cn|html$/i.test(attr) && !Ext.isFunction(val)) { if (Ext.isObject(val)) { b += " " + attr + "='"; for (key in val) { keyVal = val[key]; b += !Ext.isFunction(keyVal) ? key + ":" + keyVal + ";" : ""; } b += "'"; } else { b += " " + ({cls : "class", htmlFor : "for"}[attr] || attr) + "='" + val + "'"; } } } // Now either just close the tag or try to add children and close the tag. if (emptyTags.test(o.tag)) { b += "/>"; } else { b += ">"; if (cn = o.children || o.cn) { b += createHtml(cn); } else if(o.html){ b += o.html; } b += ""; } } return b; }; function ieTable(depth, s, h, e){ tempTableEl.innerHTML = [s, h, e].join(''); var i = -1, el = tempTableEl; while(++i < depth){ el = el.firstChild; } return el; }; function insertIntoTable(tag, where, el, html) { var node, before; tempTableEl = tempTableEl || document.createElement('div'); if(tag == 'td' && (where == afterbegin || where == beforeend) || !/td|tr|tbody/i.test(tag) && (where == beforebegin || where == afterend)) { return; } before = where == beforebegin ? el : where == afterend ? el.nextSibling : where == afterbegin ? el.firstChild : null; if (where == beforebegin || where == afterend) { el = el.parentNode; } if (tag == 'td' || (tag == "tr" && (where == beforeend || where == afterbegin))) { node = ieTable(4, trs, html, tre); } else if ((tag == "tbody" && (where == beforeend || where == afterbegin)) || (tag == "tr" && (where == beforebegin || where == afterend))) { node = ieTable(3, tbs, html, tbe); } else { node = ieTable(2, ts, html, te); } el.insertBefore(node, before); return node; }; pub = { markup : function(o){ return createHtml(o); }, insertHtml : function(where, el, html){ var hash = {}, hashVal, setStart, range, frag, rangeEl, rs; where = where.toLowerCase(); // add these here because they are used in both branches of the condition. hash[beforebegin] = ['BeforeBegin', 'previousSibling']; hash[afterend] = ['AfterEnd', 'nextSibling']; if (el.insertAdjacentHTML) { if(tableRe.test(el.tagName) && (rs = insertIntoTable(el.tagName.toLowerCase(), where, el, html))){ return rs; } // add these two to the hash. hash[afterbegin] = ['AfterBegin', 'firstChild']; hash[beforeend] = ['BeforeEnd', 'lastChild']; if (hashVal = hash[where]) { el.insertAdjacentHTML(hashVal[0], html); return el[hashVal[1]]; } } else { range = el.ownerDocument.createRange(); setStart = "setStart" + (/end/i.test(where) ? "After" : "Before"); if (hash[where]) { range[setStart](el); frag = range.createContextualFragment(html); el.parentNode.insertBefore(frag, where == beforebegin ? el : el.nextSibling); return el[(where == beforebegin ? "previous" : "next") + "Sibling"]; } else { rangeEl = (where == afterbegin ? "first" : "last") + "Child"; if (el.firstChild) { range[setStart](el[rangeEl]); frag = range.createContextualFragment(html); where == afterbegin ? el.insertBefore(frag, el.firstChild) : el.appendChild(frag); } else { el.innerHTML = html; } return el[rangeEl]; } } throw 'Illegal insertion point -> "' + where + '"'; }, insertBefore : function(el, o, returnElement){ return doInsert(el, o, returnElement, beforebegin); }, insertAfter : function(el, o, returnElement){ return doInsert(el, o, returnElement, afterend, "nextSibling"); }, insertFirst : function(el, o, returnElement){ return doInsert(el, o, returnElement, afterbegin, "firstChild"); }, append : function(el, o, returnElement){ return doInsert(el, o, returnElement, beforeend, "", true); }, overwrite : function(el, o, returnElement){ el = Ext.getDom(el); el.innerHTML = createHtml(o); return returnElement ? Ext.get(el.firstChild) : el.firstChild; }, createHtml : createHtml }; return pub; }(); Ext.Template = function(html){ var me = this, a = arguments, buf = []; if (Ext.isArray(html)) { html = html.join(""); } else if (a.length > 1) { Ext.each(a, function(v) { if (Ext.isObject(v)) { Ext.apply(me, v); } else { buf.push(v); } }); html = buf.join(''); } me.html = html; if (me.compiled) { me.compile(); } }; Ext.Template.prototype = { applyTemplate : function(values){ var me = this; return me.compiled ? me.compiled(values) : me.html.replace(me.re, function(m, name){ return values[name] !== undefined ? values[name] : ""; }); }, set : function(html, compile){ var me = this; me.html = html; me.compiled = null; return compile ? me.compile() : me; }, re : /\{([\w-]+)\}/g, compile : function(){ var me = this, sep = Ext.isGecko ? "+" : ","; function fn(m, name){ name = "values['" + name + "']"; return "'"+ sep + '(' + name + " == undefined ? '' : " + name + ')' + sep + "'"; } eval("this.compiled = function(values){ return " + (Ext.isGecko ? "'" : "['") + me.html.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\').replace(/(\r\n|\n)/g, '\\n').replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(this.re, fn) + (Ext.isGecko ? "';};" : "'].join('');};")); return me; }, insertFirst: function(el, values, returnElement){ return this.doInsert('afterBegin', el, values, returnElement); }, insertBefore: function(el, values, returnElement){ return this.doInsert('beforeBegin', el, values, returnElement); }, insertAfter : function(el, values, returnElement){ return this.doInsert('afterEnd', el, values, returnElement); }, append : function(el, values, returnElement){ return this.doInsert('beforeEnd', el, values, returnElement); }, doInsert : function(where, el, values, returnEl){ el = Ext.getDom(el); var newNode = Ext.DomHelper.insertHtml(where, el, this.applyTemplate(values)); return returnEl ? Ext.get(newNode, true) : newNode; }, overwrite : function(el, values, returnElement){ el = Ext.getDom(el); el.innerHTML = this.applyTemplate(values); return returnElement ? Ext.get(el.firstChild, true) : el.firstChild; } }; Ext.Template.prototype.apply = Ext.Template.prototype.applyTemplate; Ext.Template.from = function(el, config){ el = Ext.getDom(el); return new Ext.Template(el.value || el.innerHTML, config || ''); }; Ext.DomQuery = function(){ var cache = {}, simpleCache = {}, valueCache = {}, nonSpace = /\S/, trimRe = /^\s+|\s+$/g, tplRe = /\{(\d+)\}/g, modeRe = /^(\s?[\/>+~]\s?|\s|$)/, tagTokenRe = /^(#)?([\w-\*]+)/, nthRe = /(\d*)n\+?(\d*)/, nthRe2 = /\D/, // This is for IE MSXML which does not support expandos. // IE runs the same speed using setAttribute, however FF slows way down // and Safari completely fails so they need to continue to use expandos. isIE = window.ActiveXObject ? true : false, isOpera = Ext.isOpera, key = 30803; // this eval is stop the compressor from // renaming the variable to something shorter eval("var batch = 30803;"); function child(p, index){ var i = 0, n = p.firstChild; while(n){ if(n.nodeType == 1){ if(++i == index){ return n; } } n = n.nextSibling; } return null; }; function next(n){ while((n = n.nextSibling) && n.nodeType != 1); return n; }; function prev(n){ while((n = n.previousSibling) && n.nodeType != 1); return n; }; function children(d){ var n = d.firstChild, ni = -1, nx; while(n){ nx = n.nextSibling; if(n.nodeType == 3 && !nonSpace.test(n.nodeValue)){ d.removeChild(n); }else{ n.nodeIndex = ++ni; } n = nx; } return this; }; function byClassName(c, a, v){ if(!v){ return c; } var r = [], ri = -1, cn; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ if((' '+ci.className+' ').indexOf(v) != -1){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }; function attrValue(n, attr){ if(!n.tagName && typeof n.length != "undefined"){ n = n[0]; } if(!n){ return null; } if(attr == "for"){ return n.htmlFor; } if(attr == "class" || attr == "className"){ return n.className; } return n.getAttribute(attr) || n[attr]; }; function getNodes(ns, mode, tagName){ var result = [], ri = -1, cs; if(!ns){ return result; } tagName = tagName || "*"; if(typeof ns.getElementsByTagName != "undefined"){ ns = [ns]; } if(!mode){ for(var i = 0, ni; ni = ns[i]; i++){ cs = ni.getElementsByTagName(tagName); for(var j = 0, ci; ci = cs[j]; j++){ result[++ri] = ci; } } }else if(mode == "/" || mode == ">"){ var utag = tagName.toUpperCase(); for(var i = 0, ni, cn; ni = ns[i]; i++){ cn = isOpera ? ni.childNodes : (ni.children || ni.childNodes); for(var j = 0, cj; cj = cn[j]; j++){ if(cj.nodeName == utag || cj.nodeName == tagName || tagName == '*'){ result[++ri] = cj; } } } }else if(mode == "+"){ var utag = tagName.toUpperCase(); for(var i = 0, n; n = ns[i]; i++){ while((n = n.nextSibling) && n.nodeType != 1); if(n && (n.nodeName == utag || n.nodeName == tagName || tagName == '*')){ result[++ri] = n; } } }else if(mode == "~"){ var utag = tagName.toUpperCase(); for(var i = 0, n; n = ns[i]; i++){ while((n = n.nextSibling)){ if (n.nodeName == utag || n.nodeName == tagName || tagName == '*'){ result[++ri] = n; } } } } return result; }; function concat(a, b){ if(b.slice){ return a.concat(b); } for(var i = 0, l = b.length; i < l; i++){ a[a.length] = b[i]; } return a; } function byTag(cs, tagName){ if(cs.tagName || cs == document){ cs = [cs]; } if(!tagName){ return cs; } var r = [], ri = -1; tagName = tagName.toLowerCase(); for(var i = 0, ci; ci = cs[i]; i++){ if(ci.nodeType == 1 && ci.tagName.toLowerCase()==tagName){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }; function byId(cs, attr, id){ if(cs.tagName || cs == document){ cs = [cs]; } if(!id){ return cs; } var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0,ci; ci = cs[i]; i++){ if(ci && ci.id == id){ r[++ri] = ci; return r; } } return r; }; function byAttribute(cs, attr, value, op, custom){ var r = [], ri = -1, st = custom=="{", f = Ext.DomQuery.operators[op]; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = cs[i]; i++){ if(ci.nodeType != 1){ continue; } var a; if(st){ a = Ext.DomQuery.getStyle(ci, attr); } else if(attr == "class" || attr == "className"){ a = ci.className; }else if(attr == "for"){ a = ci.htmlFor; }else if(attr == "href"){ a = ci.getAttribute("href", 2); }else{ a = ci.getAttribute(attr); } if((f && f(a, value)) || (!f && a)){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }; function byPseudo(cs, name, value){ return Ext.DomQuery.pseudos[name](cs, value); }; function nodupIEXml(cs){ var d = ++key, r; cs[0].setAttribute("_nodup", d); r = [cs[0]]; for(var i = 1, len = cs.length; i < len; i++){ var c = cs[i]; if(!c.getAttribute("_nodup") != d){ c.setAttribute("_nodup", d); r[r.length] = c; } } for(var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++){ cs[i].removeAttribute("_nodup"); } return r; } function nodup(cs){ if(!cs){ return []; } var len = cs.length, c, i, r = cs, cj, ri = -1; if(!len || typeof cs.nodeType != "undefined" || len == 1){ return cs; } if(isIE && typeof cs[0].selectSingleNode != "undefined"){ return nodupIEXml(cs); } var d = ++key; cs[0]._nodup = d; for(i = 1; c = cs[i]; i++){ if(c._nodup != d){ c._nodup = d; }else{ r = []; for(var j = 0; j < i; j++){ r[++ri] = cs[j]; } for(j = i+1; cj = cs[j]; j++){ if(cj._nodup != d){ cj._nodup = d; r[++ri] = cj; } } return r; } } return r; } function quickDiffIEXml(c1, c2){ var d = ++key, r = []; for(var i = 0, len = c1.length; i < len; i++){ c1[i].setAttribute("_qdiff", d); } for(var i = 0, len = c2.length; i < len; i++){ if(c2[i].getAttribute("_qdiff") != d){ r[r.length] = c2[i]; } } for(var i = 0, len = c1.length; i < len; i++){ c1[i].removeAttribute("_qdiff"); } return r; } function quickDiff(c1, c2){ var len1 = c1.length, d = ++key, r = []; if(!len1){ return c2; } if(isIE && c1[0].selectSingleNode){ return quickDiffIEXml(c1, c2); } for(var i = 0; i < len1; i++){ c1[i]._qdiff = d; } for(var i = 0, len = c2.length; i < len; i++){ if(c2[i]._qdiff != d){ r[r.length] = c2[i]; } } return r; } function quickId(ns, mode, root, id){ if(ns == root){ var d = root.ownerDocument || root; return d.getElementById(id); } ns = getNodes(ns, mode, "*"); return byId(ns, null, id); } return { getStyle : function(el, name){ return Ext.fly(el).getStyle(name); }, compile : function(path, type){ type = type || "select"; var fn = ["var f = function(root){\n var mode; ++batch; var n = root || document;\n"], q = path, mode, lq, tk = Ext.DomQuery.matchers, tklen = tk.length, mm, // accept leading mode switch lmode = q.match(modeRe); if(lmode && lmode[1]){ fn[fn.length] = 'mode="'+lmode[1].replace(trimRe, "")+'";'; q = q.replace(lmode[1], ""); } // strip leading slashes while(path.substr(0, 1)=="/"){ path = path.substr(1); } while(q && lq != q){ lq = q; var tm = q.match(tagTokenRe); if(type == "select"){ if(tm){ if(tm[1] == "#"){ fn[fn.length] = 'n = quickId(n, mode, root, "'+tm[2]+'");'; }else{ fn[fn.length] = 'n = getNodes(n, mode, "'+tm[2]+'");'; } q = q.replace(tm[0], ""); }else if(q.substr(0, 1) != '@'){ fn[fn.length] = 'n = getNodes(n, mode, "*");'; } }else{ if(tm){ if(tm[1] == "#"){ fn[fn.length] = 'n = byId(n, null, "'+tm[2]+'");'; }else{ fn[fn.length] = 'n = byTag(n, "'+tm[2]+'");'; } q = q.replace(tm[0], ""); } } while(!(mm = q.match(modeRe))){ var matched = false; for(var j = 0; j < tklen; j++){ var t = tk[j]; var m = q.match(t.re); if(m){ fn[fn.length] = t.select.replace(tplRe, function(x, i){ return m[i]; }); q = q.replace(m[0], ""); matched = true; break; } } // prevent infinite loop on bad selector if(!matched){ throw 'Error parsing selector, parsing failed at "' + q + '"'; } } if(mm[1]){ fn[fn.length] = 'mode="'+mm[1].replace(trimRe, "")+'";'; q = q.replace(mm[1], ""); } } fn[fn.length] = "return nodup(n);\n}"; eval(fn.join("")); return f; }, select : function(path, root, type){ if(!root || root == document){ root = document; } if(typeof root == "string"){ root = document.getElementById(root); } var paths = path.split(","), results = []; for(var i = 0, len = paths.length; i < len; i++){ var p = paths[i].replace(trimRe, ""); if(!cache[p]){ cache[p] = Ext.DomQuery.compile(p); if(!cache[p]){ throw p + " is not a valid selector"; } } var result = cache[p](root); if(result && result != document){ results = results.concat(result); } } if(paths.length > 1){ return nodup(results); } return results; }, selectNode : function(path, root){ return Ext.DomQuery.select(path, root)[0]; }, selectValue : function(path, root, defaultValue){ path = path.replace(trimRe, ""); if(!valueCache[path]){ valueCache[path] = Ext.DomQuery.compile(path, "select"); } var n = valueCache[path](root), v; n = n[0] ? n[0] : n; v = (n && n.firstChild ? n.firstChild.nodeValue : null); return ((v === null||v === undefined||v==='') ? defaultValue : v); }, selectNumber : function(path, root, defaultValue){ var v = Ext.DomQuery.selectValue(path, root, defaultValue || 0); return parseFloat(v); }, is : function(el, ss){ if(typeof el == "string"){ el = document.getElementById(el); } var isArray = Ext.isArray(el), result = Ext.DomQuery.filter(isArray ? el : [el], ss); return isArray ? (result.length == el.length) : (result.length > 0); }, filter : function(els, ss, nonMatches){ ss = ss.replace(trimRe, ""); if(!simpleCache[ss]){ simpleCache[ss] = Ext.DomQuery.compile(ss, "simple"); } var result = simpleCache[ss](els); return nonMatches ? quickDiff(result, els) : result; }, matchers : [{ re: /^\.([\w-]+)/, select: 'n = byClassName(n, null, " {1} ");' }, { re: /^\:([\w-]+)(?:\(((?:[^\s>\/]*|.*?))\))?/, select: 'n = byPseudo(n, "{1}", "{2}");' },{ re: /^(?:([\[\{])(?:@)?([\w-]+)\s?(?:(=|.=)\s?['"]?(.*?)["']?)?[\]\}])/, select: 'n = byAttribute(n, "{2}", "{4}", "{3}", "{1}");' }, { re: /^#([\w-]+)/, select: 'n = byId(n, null, "{1}");' },{ re: /^@([\w-]+)/, select: 'return {firstChild:{nodeValue:attrValue(n, "{1}")}};' } ], operators : { "=" : function(a, v){ return a == v; }, "!=" : function(a, v){ return a != v; }, "^=" : function(a, v){ return a && a.substr(0, v.length) == v; }, "$=" : function(a, v){ return a && a.substr(a.length-v.length) == v; }, "*=" : function(a, v){ return a && a.indexOf(v) !== -1; }, "%=" : function(a, v){ return (a % v) == 0; }, "|=" : function(a, v){ return a && (a == v || a.substr(0, v.length+1) == v+'-'); }, "~=" : function(a, v){ return a && (' '+a+' ').indexOf(' '+v+' ') != -1; } }, pseudos : { "first-child" : function(c){ var r = [], ri = -1, n; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = n = c[i]; i++){ while((n = n.previousSibling) && n.nodeType != 1); if(!n){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "last-child" : function(c){ var r = [], ri = -1, n; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = n = c[i]; i++){ while((n = n.nextSibling) && n.nodeType != 1); if(!n){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "nth-child" : function(c, a) { var r = [], ri = -1, m = nthRe.exec(a == "even" && "2n" || a == "odd" && "2n+1" || !nthRe2.test(a) && "n+" + a || a), f = (m[1] || 1) - 0, l = m[2] - 0; for(var i = 0, n; n = c[i]; i++){ var pn = n.parentNode; if (batch != pn._batch) { var j = 0; for(var cn = pn.firstChild; cn; cn = cn.nextSibling){ if(cn.nodeType == 1){ cn.nodeIndex = ++j; } } pn._batch = batch; } if (f == 1) { if (l == 0 || n.nodeIndex == l){ r[++ri] = n; } } else if ((n.nodeIndex + l) % f == 0){ r[++ri] = n; } } return r; }, "only-child" : function(c){ var r = [], ri = -1;; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ if(!prev(ci) && !next(ci)){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "empty" : function(c){ var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ var cns = ci.childNodes, j = 0, cn, empty = true; while(cn = cns[j]){ ++j; if(cn.nodeType == 1 || cn.nodeType == 3){ empty = false; break; } } if(empty){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "contains" : function(c, v){ var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ if((ci.textContent||ci.innerText||'').indexOf(v) != -1){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "nodeValue" : function(c, v){ var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ if(ci.firstChild && ci.firstChild.nodeValue == v){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "checked" : function(c){ var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ if(ci.checked == true){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "not" : function(c, ss){ return Ext.DomQuery.filter(c, ss, true); }, "any" : function(c, selectors){ var ss = selectors.split('|'), r = [], ri = -1, s; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ for(var j = 0; s = ss[j]; j++){ if(Ext.DomQuery.is(ci, s)){ r[++ri] = ci; break; } } } return r; }, "odd" : function(c){ return this["nth-child"](c, "odd"); }, "even" : function(c){ return this["nth-child"](c, "even"); }, "nth" : function(c, a){ return c[a-1] || []; }, "first" : function(c){ return c[0] || []; }, "last" : function(c){ return c[c.length-1] || []; }, "has" : function(c, ss){ var s = Ext.DomQuery.select, r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ if(s(ss, ci).length > 0){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "next" : function(c, ss){ var is = Ext.DomQuery.is, r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ var n = next(ci); if(n && is(n, ss)){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "prev" : function(c, ss){ var is = Ext.DomQuery.is, r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ var n = prev(ci); if(n && is(n, ss)){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; } } }; }(); Ext.query = Ext.DomQuery.select; Ext.EventManager = function(){ var docReadyEvent, docReadyProcId, docReadyState = false, E = Ext.lib.Event, D = Ext.lib.Dom, DOC = document, WINDOW = window, IEDEFERED = "ie-deferred-loader", DOMCONTENTLOADED = "DOMContentLoaded", elHash = {}, propRe = /^(?:scope|delay|buffer|single|stopEvent|preventDefault|stopPropagation|normalized|args|delegate)$/; /// There is some jquery work around stuff here that isn't needed in Ext Core. function addListener(el, ename, fn, wrap, scope){ var id = Ext.id(el), es = elHash[id] = elHash[id] || {}; (es[ename] = es[ename] || []).push([fn, wrap, scope]); E.on(el, ename, wrap); // this is a workaround for jQuery and should somehow be removed from Ext Core in the future // without breaking ExtJS. if(ename == "mousewheel" && el.addEventListener){ // workaround for jQuery var args = ["DOMMouseScroll", wrap, false]; el.addEventListener.apply(el, args); E.on(window, 'unload', function(){ el.removeEventListener.apply(el, args); }); } if(ename == "mousedown" && el == document){ // fix stopped mousedowns on the document Ext.EventManager.stoppedMouseDownEvent.addListener(wrap); } }; function fireDocReady(){ if(!docReadyState){ Ext.isReady = docReadyState = true; if(docReadyProcId){ clearInterval(docReadyProcId); } if(Ext.isGecko || Ext.isOpera) { DOC.removeEventListener(DOMCONTENTLOADED, fireDocReady, false); } if(Ext.isIE){ var defer = DOC.getElementById(IEDEFERED); if(defer){ defer.onreadystatechange = null; defer.parentNode.removeChild(defer); } } if(docReadyEvent){ docReadyEvent.fire(); docReadyEvent.clearListeners(); } } }; function initDocReady(){ var COMPLETE = "complete"; docReadyEvent = new Ext.util.Event(); if (Ext.isGecko || Ext.isOpera) { DOC.addEventListener(DOMCONTENTLOADED, fireDocReady, false); } else if (Ext.isIE){ DOC.write(""); DOC.getElementById(IEDEFERED).onreadystatechange = function(){ if(this.readyState == COMPLETE){ fireDocReady(); } }; } else if (Ext.isWebKit){ docReadyProcId = setInterval(function(){ if(DOC.readyState == COMPLETE) { fireDocReady(); } }, 10); } // no matter what, make sure it fires on load E.on(WINDOW, "load", fireDocReady); }; function createTargeted(h, o){ return function(){ var args = Ext.toArray(arguments); if(o.target == Ext.EventObject.setEvent(args[0]).target){ h.apply(this, args); } }; }; function createBuffered(h, o){ var task = new Ext.util.DelayedTask(h); return function(e){ // create new event object impl so new events don't wipe out properties task.delay(o.buffer, h, null, [new Ext.EventObjectImpl(e)]); }; }; function createSingle(h, el, ename, fn, scope){ return function(e){ Ext.EventManager.removeListener(el, ename, fn, scope); h(e); }; }; function createDelayed(h, o){ return function(e){ // create new event object impl so new events don't wipe out properties e = new Ext.EventObjectImpl(e); setTimeout(function(){ h(e); }, o.delay || 10); }; }; function listen(element, ename, opt, fn, scope){ var o = !Ext.isObject(opt) ? {} : opt, el = Ext.getDom(element); fn = fn || o.fn; scope = scope || o.scope; if(!el){ throw "Error listening for \"" + ename + '\". Element "' + element + '" doesn\'t exist.'; } function h(e){ // prevent errors while unload occurring if(!Ext){// !window[xname]){ ==> can't we do this? return; } e = Ext.EventObject.setEvent(e); var t; if (o.delegate) { if(!(t = e.getTarget(o.delegate, el))){ return; } } else { t = e.target; } if (o.stopEvent) { e.stopEvent(); } if (o.preventDefault) { e.preventDefault(); } if (o.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation(); } if (o.normalized) { e = e.browserEvent; } fn.call(scope || el, e, t, o); }; if(o.target){ h = createTargeted(h, o); } if(o.delay){ h = createDelayed(h, o); } if(o.single){ h = createSingle(h, el, ename, fn, scope); } if(o.buffer){ h = createBuffered(h, o); } addListener(el, ename, fn, h, scope); return h; }; var pub = { addListener : function(element, eventName, fn, scope, options){ if(Ext.isObject(eventName)){ var o = eventName, e, val; for(e in o){ val = o[e]; if(!propRe.test(e)){ if(Ext.isFunction(val)){ // shared options listen(element, e, o, val, o.scope); }else{ // individual options listen(element, e, val); } } } } else { listen(element, eventName, options, fn, scope); } }, removeListener : function(element, eventName, fn, scope){ var el = Ext.getDom(element), id = Ext.id(el), wrap; Ext.each((elHash[id] || {})[eventName], function (v,i,a) { if (Ext.isArray(v) && v[0] == fn && (!scope || v[2] == scope)) { E.un(el, eventName, wrap = v[1]); a.splice(i,1); return false; } }); // jQuery workaround that should be removed from Ext Core if(eventName == "mousewheel" && el.addEventListener && wrap){ el.removeEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", wrap, false); } if(eventName == "mousedown" && el == DOC && wrap){ // fix stopped mousedowns on the document Ext.EventManager.stoppedMouseDownEvent.removeListener(wrap); } }, removeAll : function(el){ var id = Ext.id(el = Ext.getDom(el)), es = elHash[id], ename; for(ename in es){ if(es.hasOwnProperty(ename)){ Ext.each(es[ename], function(v) { E.un(el, ename, v.wrap); }); } } elHash[id] = null; }, onDocumentReady : function(fn, scope, options){ if(docReadyState){ // if it already fired docReadyEvent.addListener(fn, scope, options); docReadyEvent.fire(); docReadyEvent.clearListeners(); } else { if(!docReadyEvent) initDocReady(); options = options || {}; options.delay = options.delay || 1; docReadyEvent.addListener(fn, scope, options); } }, elHash : elHash }; pub.on = pub.addListener; pub.un = pub.removeListener; pub.stoppedMouseDownEvent = new Ext.util.Event(); return pub; }(); Ext.onReady = Ext.EventManager.onDocumentReady; //Initialize doc classes (function(){ var initExtCss = function(){ // find the body element var bd = document.body || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; if(!bd){ return false; } var cls = [' ', Ext.isIE ? "ext-ie " + (Ext.isIE6 ? 'ext-ie6' : (Ext.isIE7 ? 'ext-ie7' : 'ext-ie8')) : Ext.isGecko ? "ext-gecko " + (Ext.isGecko2 ? 'ext-gecko2' : 'ext-gecko3') : Ext.isOpera ? "ext-opera" : Ext.isWebKit ? "ext-webkit" : ""]; if(Ext.isSafari){ cls.push("ext-safari " + (Ext.isSafari2 ? 'ext-safari2' : (Ext.isSafari3 ? 'ext-safari3' : 'ext-safari4'))); }else if(Ext.isChrome){ cls.push("ext-chrome"); } if(Ext.isMac){ cls.push("ext-mac"); } if(Ext.isLinux){ cls.push("ext-linux"); } if(Ext.isBorderBox){ cls.push('ext-border-box'); } if(Ext.isStrict){ // add to the parent to allow for selectors like ".ext-strict .ext-ie" var p = bd.parentNode; if(p){ p.className += ' ext-strict'; } } bd.className += cls.join(' '); return true; } if(!initExtCss()){ Ext.onReady(initExtCss); } })(); Ext.EventObject = function(){ var E = Ext.lib.Event, // safari keypress events for special keys return bad keycodes safariKeys = { 3 : 13, // enter 63234 : 37, // left 63235 : 39, // right 63232 : 38, // up 63233 : 40, // down 63276 : 33, // page up 63277 : 34, // page down 63272 : 46, // delete 63273 : 36, // home 63275 : 35 // end }, // normalize button clicks btnMap = Ext.isIE ? {1:0,4:1,2:2} : (Ext.isWebKit ? {1:0,2:1,3:2} : {0:0,1:1,2:2}); Ext.EventObjectImpl = function(e){ if(e){ this.setEvent(e.browserEvent || e); } }; Ext.EventObjectImpl.prototype = { setEvent : function(e){ var me = this; if(e == me || (e && e.browserEvent)){ // already wrapped return e; } me.browserEvent = e; if(e){ // normalize buttons me.button = e.button ? btnMap[e.button] : (e.which ? e.which - 1 : -1); if(e.type == 'click' && me.button == -1){ me.button = 0; } me.type = e.type; me.shiftKey = e.shiftKey; // mac metaKey behaves like ctrlKey me.ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || false; me.altKey = e.altKey; // in getKey these will be normalized for the mac me.keyCode = e.keyCode; me.charCode = e.charCode; // cache the target for the delayed and or buffered events me.target = E.getTarget(e); // same for XY me.xy = E.getXY(e); }else{ me.button = -1; me.shiftKey = false; me.ctrlKey = false; me.altKey = false; me.keyCode = 0; me.charCode = 0; me.target = null; me.xy = [0, 0]; } return me; }, stopEvent : function(){ var me = this; if(me.browserEvent){ if(me.browserEvent.type == 'mousedown'){ Ext.EventManager.stoppedMouseDownEvent.fire(me); } E.stopEvent(me.browserEvent); } }, preventDefault : function(){ if(this.browserEvent){ E.preventDefault(this.browserEvent); } }, stopPropagation : function(){ var me = this; if(me.browserEvent){ if(me.browserEvent.type == 'mousedown'){ Ext.EventManager.stoppedMouseDownEvent.fire(me); } E.stopPropagation(me.browserEvent); } }, getCharCode : function(){ return this.charCode || this.keyCode; }, getKey : function(){ return this.normalizeKey(this.keyCode || this.charCode) }, // private normalizeKey: function(k){ return Ext.isSafari ? (safariKeys[k] || k) : k; }, getPageX : function(){ return this.xy[0]; }, getPageY : function(){ return this.xy[1]; }, // // getTime : function(){ // if(this.browserEvent){ // return E.getTime(this.browserEvent); // } // return null; // }, getXY : function(){ return this.xy; }, getTarget : function(selector, maxDepth, returnEl){ return selector ? Ext.fly(this.target).findParent(selector, maxDepth, returnEl) : (returnEl ? Ext.get(this.target) : this.target); }, getRelatedTarget : function(){ return this.browserEvent ? E.getRelatedTarget(this.browserEvent) : null; }, getWheelDelta : function(){ var e = this.browserEvent; var delta = 0; if(e.wheelDelta){ delta = e.wheelDelta/120; }else if(e.detail){ delta = -e.detail/3; } return delta; }, within : function(el, related, allowEl){ if(el){ var t = this[related ? "getRelatedTarget" : "getTarget"](); return t && ((allowEl ? (t == Ext.getDom(el)) : false) || Ext.fly(el).contains(t)); } return false; } }; return new Ext.EventObjectImpl(); }(); (function(){ var DOC = document; Ext.Element = function(element, forceNew){ var dom = typeof element == "string" ? DOC.getElementById(element) : element, id; if(!dom) return null; id = dom.id; if(!forceNew && id && Ext.Element.cache[id]){ // element object already exists return Ext.Element.cache[id]; } this.dom = dom; this.id = id || Ext.id(dom); }; var D = Ext.lib.Dom, DH = Ext.DomHelper, E = Ext.lib.Event, A = Ext.lib.Anim, El = Ext.Element; El.prototype = { set : function(o, useSet){ var el = this.dom, attr, val; for(attr in o){ val = o[attr]; if (attr != "style" && !Ext.isFunction(val)) { if (attr == "cls" ) { el.className = val; } else if (o.hasOwnProperty(attr)) { if (useSet || !!el.setAttribute) el.setAttribute(attr, val); else el[attr] = val; } } } if(o.style){ Ext.DomHelper.applyStyles(el, o.style); } return this; }, // Mouse events // Keyboard events // HTML frame/object events // Form events // User Interface events // DOM Mutation events defaultUnit : "px", is : function(simpleSelector){ return Ext.DomQuery.is(this.dom, simpleSelector); }, focus : function(defer, dom) { var me = this, dom = dom || me.dom; try{ if(Number(defer)){ me.focus.defer(defer, null, [null, dom]); }else{ dom.focus(); } }catch(e){} return me; }, blur : function() { try{ this.dom.blur(); }catch(e){} return this; }, getValue : function(asNumber){ var val = this.dom.value; return asNumber ? parseInt(val, 10) : val; }, addListener : function(eventName, fn, scope, options){ Ext.EventManager.on(this.dom, eventName, fn, scope || this, options); return this; }, removeListener : function(eventName, fn, scope){ Ext.EventManager.removeListener(this.dom, eventName, fn, scope || this); return this; }, removeAllListeners : function(){ Ext.EventManager.removeAll(this.dom); return this; }, addUnits : function(size){ if(size === "" || size == "auto" || size === undefined){ size = size || ''; } else if(!isNaN(size) || !unitPattern.test(size)){ size = size + (this.defaultUnit || 'px'); } return size; }, load : function(url, params, cb){ Ext.Ajax.request(Ext.apply({ params: params, url: url.url || url, callback: cb, el: this.dom, indicatorText: url.indicatorText || '' }, Ext.isObject(url) ? url : {})); return this; }, isBorderBox : function(){ return noBoxAdjust[(this.dom.tagName || "").toLowerCase()] || Ext.isBorderBox; }, remove : function(){ var me = this, dom = me.dom; me.removeAllListeners(); delete El.cache[dom.id]; delete El.dataCache[dom.id] Ext.removeNode(dom); }, hover : function(overFn, outFn, scope, options){ var me = this; me.on('mouseenter', overFn, scope || me.dom, options); me.on('mouseleave', outFn, scope || me.dom, options); return me; }, contains : function(el){ return !el ? false : Ext.lib.Dom.isAncestor(this.dom, el.dom ? el.dom : el); }, getAttributeNS : function(ns, name){ return this.getAttribute(name, ns); }, getAttribute : Ext.isIE ? function(name, ns){ var d = this.dom, type = typeof d[ns + ":" + name]; if(['undefined', 'unknown'].indexOf(type) == -1){ return d[ns + ":" + name]; } return d[name]; } : function(name, ns){ var d = this.dom; return d.getAttributeNS(ns, name) || d.getAttribute(ns + ":" + name) || d.getAttribute(name) || d[name]; }, update : function(html) { this.dom.innerHTML = html; } }; var ep = El.prototype; El.addMethods = function(o){ Ext.apply(ep, o); }; ep.on = ep.addListener; ep.un = ep.removeListener; ep.autoBoxAdjust = true; // private var unitPattern = /\d+(px|em|%|en|ex|pt|in|cm|mm|pc)$/i, docEl; El.cache = {}; El.dataCache = {}; El.get = function(el){ var ex, elm, id; if(!el){ return null; } if (typeof el == "string") { // element id if (!(elm = DOC.getElementById(el))) { return null; } if (ex = El.cache[el]) { ex.dom = elm; } else { ex = El.cache[el] = new El(elm); } return ex; } else if (el.tagName) { // dom element if(!(id = el.id)){ id = Ext.id(el); } if(ex = El.cache[id]){ ex.dom = el; }else{ ex = El.cache[id] = new El(el); } return ex; } else if (el instanceof El) { if(el != docEl){ el.dom = DOC.getElementById(el.id) || el.dom; // refresh dom element in case no longer valid, // catch case where it hasn't been appended El.cache[el.id] = el; // in case it was created directly with Element(), let's cache it } return el; } else if(el.isComposite) { return el; } else if(Ext.isArray(el)) { return El.select(el); } else if(el == DOC) { // create a bogus element object representing the document object if(!docEl){ var f = function(){}; f.prototype = El.prototype; docEl = new f(); docEl.dom = DOC; } return docEl; } return null; }; // private method for getting and setting element data El.data = function(el, key, value){ var c = El.dataCache[el.id]; if(!c){ c = El.dataCache[el.id] = {}; } if(arguments.length == 2){ return c[key]; }else{ c[key] = value; } }; // private // Garbage collection - uncache elements/purge listeners on orphaned elements // so we don't hold a reference and cause the browser to retain them function garbageCollect(){ if(!Ext.enableGarbageCollector){ clearInterval(El.collectorThread); } else { var eid, el, d; for(eid in El.cache){ el = El.cache[eid]; d = el.dom; // ------------------------------------------------------- // Determining what is garbage: // ------------------------------------------------------- // !d // dom node is null, definitely garbage // ------------------------------------------------------- // !d.parentNode // no parentNode == direct orphan, definitely garbage // ------------------------------------------------------- // !d.offsetParent && !document.getElementById(eid) // display none elements have no offsetParent so we will // also try to look it up by it's id. However, check // offsetParent first so we don't do unneeded lookups. // This enables collection of elements that are not orphans // directly, but somewhere up the line they have an orphan // parent. // ------------------------------------------------------- if(!d || !d.parentNode || (!d.offsetParent && !DOC.getElementById(eid))){ delete El.cache[eid]; if(d && Ext.enableListenerCollection){ Ext.EventManager.removeAll(d); } } } } } El.collectorThreadId = setInterval(garbageCollect, 30000); var flyFn = function(){}; flyFn.prototype = El.prototype; // dom is optional El.Flyweight = function(dom){ this.dom = dom; }; El.Flyweight.prototype = new flyFn(); El.Flyweight.prototype.isFlyweight = true; El._flyweights = {}; El.fly = function(el, named){ var ret = null; named = named || '_global'; if (el = Ext.getDom(el)) { (El._flyweights[named] = El._flyweights[named] || new El.Flyweight()).dom = el; ret = El._flyweights[named]; } return ret; }; Ext.get = El.get; Ext.fly = El.fly; // speedy lookup for elements never to box adjust var noBoxAdjust = Ext.isStrict ? { select:1 } : { input:1, select:1, textarea:1 }; if(Ext.isIE || Ext.isGecko){ noBoxAdjust['button'] = 1; } Ext.EventManager.on(window, 'unload', function(){ delete El.cache; delete El.dataCache; delete El._flyweights; }); })(); Ext.Element.addMethods(function(){ var PARENTNODE = 'parentNode', NEXTSIBLING = 'nextSibling', PREVIOUSSIBLING = 'previousSibling', DQ = Ext.DomQuery, GET = Ext.get; return { findParent : function(simpleSelector, maxDepth, returnEl){ var p = this.dom, b = document.body, depth = 0, stopEl; if(Ext.isGecko && Object.prototype.toString.call(p) == '[object XULElement]') { return null; } maxDepth = maxDepth || 50; if (isNaN(maxDepth)) { stopEl = Ext.getDom(maxDepth); maxDepth = 10; } while(p && p.nodeType == 1 && depth < maxDepth && p != b && p != stopEl){ if(DQ.is(p, simpleSelector)){ return returnEl ? GET(p) : p; } depth++; p = p.parentNode; } return null; }, findParentNode : function(simpleSelector, maxDepth, returnEl){ var p = Ext.fly(this.dom.parentNode, '_internal'); return p ? p.findParent(simpleSelector, maxDepth, returnEl) : null; }, up : function(simpleSelector, maxDepth){ return this.findParentNode(simpleSelector, maxDepth, true); }, select : function(selector, unique){ return Ext.Element.select(selector, unique, this.dom); }, query : function(selector, unique){ return DQ.select(selector, this.dom); }, child : function(selector, returnDom){ var n = DQ.selectNode(selector, this.dom); return returnDom ? n : GET(n); }, down : function(selector, returnDom){ var n = DQ.selectNode(" > " + selector, this.dom); return returnDom ? n : GET(n); }, parent : function(selector, returnDom){ return this.matchNode(PARENTNODE, PARENTNODE, selector, returnDom); }, next : function(selector, returnDom){ return this.matchNode(NEXTSIBLING, NEXTSIBLING, selector, returnDom); }, prev : function(selector, returnDom){ return this.matchNode(PREVIOUSSIBLING, PREVIOUSSIBLING, selector, returnDom); }, first : function(selector, returnDom){ return this.matchNode(NEXTSIBLING, 'firstChild', selector, returnDom); }, last : function(selector, returnDom){ return this.matchNode(PREVIOUSSIBLING, 'lastChild', selector, returnDom); }, matchNode : function(dir, start, selector, returnDom){ var n = this.dom[start]; while(n){ if(n.nodeType == 1 && (!selector || DQ.is(n, selector))){ return !returnDom ? GET(n) : n; } n = n[dir]; } return null; } } }()); Ext.Element.addMethods( function() { var GETDOM = Ext.getDom, GET = Ext.get, DH = Ext.DomHelper, isEl = function(el){ return (el.nodeType || el.dom || typeof el == 'string'); }; return { appendChild: function(el){ return GET(el).appendTo(this); }, appendTo: function(el){ GETDOM(el).appendChild(this.dom); return this; }, insertBefore: function(el){ (el = GETDOM(el)).parentNode.insertBefore(this.dom, el); return this; }, insertAfter: function(el){ (el = GETDOM(el)).parentNode.insertBefore(this.dom, el.nextSibling); return this; }, insertFirst: function(el, returnDom){ el = el || {}; if(isEl(el)){ // element el = GETDOM(el); this.dom.insertBefore(el, this.dom.firstChild); return !returnDom ? GET(el) : el; }else{ // dh config return this.createChild(el, this.dom.firstChild, returnDom); } }, replace: function(el){ el = GET(el); this.insertBefore(el); el.remove(); return this; }, replaceWith: function(el){ var me = this, Element = Ext.Element; if(isEl(el)){ el = GETDOM(el); me.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(el, me.dom); }else{ el = DH.insertBefore(me.dom, el); } delete Element.cache[me.id]; Ext.removeNode(me.dom); me.id = Ext.id(me.dom = el); return Element.cache[me.id] = me; }, createChild: function(config, insertBefore, returnDom){ config = config || {tag:'div'}; return insertBefore ? DH.insertBefore(insertBefore, config, returnDom !== true) : DH[!this.dom.firstChild ? 'overwrite' : 'append'](this.dom, config, returnDom !== true); }, wrap: function(config, returnDom){ var newEl = DH.insertBefore(this.dom, config || {tag: "div"}, !returnDom); newEl.dom ? newEl.dom.appendChild(this.dom) : newEl.appendChild(this.dom); return newEl; }, insertHtml : function(where, html, returnEl){ var el = DH.insertHtml(where, this.dom, html); return returnEl ? Ext.get(el) : el; } } }()); Ext.Element.addMethods(function(){ // local style camelizing for speed var propCache = {}, camelRe = /(-[a-z])/gi, classReCache = {}, view = document.defaultView, propFloat = Ext.isIE ? 'styleFloat' : 'cssFloat', opacityRe = /alpha\(opacity=(.*)\)/i, trimRe = /^\s+|\s+$/g, EL = Ext.Element, PADDING = "padding", MARGIN = "margin", BORDER = "border", LEFT = "-left", RIGHT = "-right", TOP = "-top", BOTTOM = "-bottom", WIDTH = "-width", // special markup used throughout Ext when box wrapping elements borders = {l: BORDER + LEFT + WIDTH, r: BORDER + RIGHT + WIDTH, t: BORDER + TOP + WIDTH, b: BORDER + BOTTOM + WIDTH}, paddings = {l: PADDING + LEFT, r: PADDING + RIGHT, t: PADDING + TOP, b: PADDING + BOTTOM}, margins = {l: MARGIN + LEFT, r: MARGIN + RIGHT, t: MARGIN + TOP, b: MARGIN + BOTTOM}, data = Ext.Element.data; // private function camelFn(m, a) { return a.charAt(1).toUpperCase(); } // private (needs to be called => addStyles.call(this, sides, styles)) function addStyles(sides, styles){ var val = 0; Ext.each(sides.match(/\w/g), function(s) { if (s = parseInt(this.getStyle(styles[s]), 10)) { val += Math.abs(s); } }, this); return val; } function chkCache(prop) { return propCache[prop] || (propCache[prop] = prop == 'float' ? propFloat : prop.replace(camelRe, camelFn)); } return { // private ==> used by Fx adjustWidth : function(width) { var me = this; if(typeof width == "number" && me.autoBoxAdjust && !me.isBorderBox()){ width -= (me.getBorderWidth("lr") + me.getPadding("lr")); width = width < 0 ? 0 : width; } return width; }, // private ==> used by Fx adjustHeight : function(height) { var me = this; if(typeof height == "number" && me.autoBoxAdjust && !me.isBorderBox()){ height -= (me.getBorderWidth("tb") + me.getPadding("tb")); height = height < 0 ? 0 : height; } return height; }, addClass : function(className){ var me = this; Ext.each(className, function(v) { me.dom.className += (!me.hasClass(v) && v ? " " + v : ""); }); return me; }, radioClass : function(className){ Ext.each(this.dom.parentNode.childNodes, function(v) { if(v.nodeType == 1) { Ext.fly(v).removeClass(className); } }); return this.addClass(className); }, removeClass : function(className){ var me = this; if (me.dom.className) { Ext.each(className, function(v) { me.dom.className = me.dom.className.replace( classReCache[v] = classReCache[v] || new RegExp('(?:^|\\s+)' + v + '(?:\\s+|$)', "g"), " "); }); } return me; }, toggleClass : function(className){ return this.hasClass(className) ? this.removeClass(className) : this.addClass(className); }, hasClass : function(className){ return className && (' '+this.dom.className+' ').indexOf(' '+className+' ') != -1; }, replaceClass : function(oldClassName, newClassName){ return this.removeClass(oldClassName).addClass(newClassName); }, isStyle : function(style, val) { return this.getStyle(style) == val; }, getStyle : function(){ return view && view.getComputedStyle ? function(prop){ var el = this.dom, v, cs; if(el == document) return null; prop = chkCache(prop); return (v = el.style[prop]) ? v : (cs = view.getComputedStyle(el, "")) ? cs[prop] : null; } : function(prop){ var el = this.dom, m, cs; if(el == document) return null; if (prop == 'opacity') { if (el.style.filter.match) { if(m = el.style.filter.match(opacityRe)){ var fv = parseFloat(m[1]); if(!isNaN(fv)){ return fv ? fv / 100 : 0; } } } return 1; } prop = chkCache(prop); return el.style[prop] || ((cs = el.currentStyle) ? cs[prop] : null); }; }(), getColor : function(attr, defaultValue, prefix){ var h, v = this.getStyle(attr), color = prefix || "#"; if(!v || v == "transparent" || v == "inherit") { return defaultValue; } if (/^r/.test(v)) { Ext.each(v.slice(4, v.length -1).split(","), function(s) { h = (s * 1).toString(16); color += h < 16 ? "0" + h : h; }); } else { color += v.replace("#","").replace(/^(\w)(\w)(\w)$/, "$1$1$2$2$3$3"); } return color.length > 5 ? color.toLowerCase() : defaultValue; }, setStyle : function(prop, value){ var tmp, style, camel; if (!Ext.isObject(prop)) { tmp = {}; tmp[prop] = value; prop = tmp; } for (style in prop) { value = prop[style]; style == 'opacity' ? this.setOpacity(value) : this.dom.style[chkCache(style)] = value; } return this; }, setOpacity : function(opacity, animate){ var me = this, s = me.dom.style; if(!animate || !me.anim){ if(Ext.isIE){ var opac = opacity < 1 ? 'alpha(opacity=' + opacity * 100 + ')' : '', val = s.filter.replace(opacityRe, '').replace(trimRe, ''); s.zoom = 1; s.filter = val + (val.length > 0 ? ' ' : '') + opac; }else{ s.opacity = opacity; } }else{ me.anim({opacity: {to: opacity}}, me.preanim(arguments, 1), null, .35, 'easeIn'); } return me; }, clearOpacity : function(){ var style = this.dom.style; if(Ext.isIE){ if(!Ext.isEmpty(style.filter)){ style.filter = style.filter.replace(opacityRe, '').replace(trimRe, ''); } }else{ style.opacity = style['-moz-opacity'] = style['-khtml-opacity'] = ''; } return this; }, getHeight : function(contentHeight){ var h = this.dom.offsetHeight || 0; h = !contentHeight ? h : h - this.getBorderWidth("tb") - this.getPadding("tb"); return h < 0 ? 0 : h; }, getWidth : function(contentWidth){ var w = this.dom.offsetWidth || 0; w = !contentWidth ? w : w - this.getBorderWidth("lr") - this.getPadding("lr"); return w < 0 ? 0 : w; }, setWidth : function(width, animate){ var me = this; width = me.adjustWidth(width); !animate || !me.anim ? me.dom.style.width = me.addUnits(width) : me.anim({width : {to : width}}, me.preanim(arguments, 1)); return me; }, setHeight : function(height, animate){ var me = this; height = me.adjustHeight(height); !animate || !me.anim ? me.dom.style.height = me.addUnits(height) : me.anim({height : {to : height}}, me.preanim(arguments, 1)); return me; }, getBorderWidth : function(side){ return addStyles.call(this, side, borders); }, getPadding : function(side){ return addStyles.call(this, side, paddings); }, clip : function(){ var me = this dom = me.dom; if(!data(dom, 'isClipped')){ data(dom, 'isClipped', true); data(dom, 'originalClip,', { o: me.getStyle("overflow"), x: me.getStyle("overflow-x"), y: me.getStyle("overflow-y") }); me.setStyle("overflow", "hidden"); me.setStyle("overflow-x", "hidden"); me.setStyle("overflow-y", "hidden"); } return me; }, unclip : function(){ var me = this, dom = me.dom; if(data(dom, 'isClipped')){ data(dom, 'isClipped', false); var o = data(dom, 'originalClip'); if(o.o){ me.setStyle("overflow", o.o); } if(o.x){ me.setStyle("overflow-x", o.x); } if(o.y){ me.setStyle("overflow-y", o.y); } } return me; }, addStyles : addStyles, margins : margins } }() ); (function(){ var D = Ext.lib.Dom, LEFT = "left", RIGHT = "right", TOP = "top", BOTTOM = "bottom", POSITION = "position", STATIC = "static", RELATIVE = "relative", AUTO = "auto", ZINDEX = "z-index"; function animTest(args, animate, i) { return this.preanim && !!animate ? this.preanim(args, i) : false } Ext.Element.addMethods({ getX : function(){ return D.getX(this.dom); }, getY : function(){ return D.getY(this.dom); }, getXY : function(){ return D.getXY(this.dom); }, getOffsetsTo : function(el){ var o = this.getXY(), e = Ext.fly(el, '_internal').getXY(); return [o[0]-e[0],o[1]-e[1]]; }, setX : function(x, animate){ return this.setXY([x, this.getY()], animTest.call(this, arguments, animate, 1)); }, setY : function(y, animate){ return this.setXY([this.getX(), y], animTest.call(this, arguments, animate, 1)); }, setLeft : function(left){ this.setStyle(LEFT, this.addUnits(left)); return this; }, setTop : function(top){ this.setStyle(TOP, this.addUnits(top)); return this; }, setRight : function(right){ this.setStyle(RIGHT, this.addUnits(right)); return this; }, setBottom : function(bottom){ this.setStyle(BOTTOM, this.addUnits(bottom)); return this; }, setXY : function(pos, animate){ var me = this; if(!animate || !me.anim){ D.setXY(me.dom, pos); }else{ me.anim({points: {to: pos}}, me.preanim(arguments, 1), 'motion'); } return me; }, setLocation : function(x, y, animate){ return this.setXY([x, y], animTest.call(this, arguments, animate, 2)); }, moveTo : function(x, y, animate){ return this.setXY([x, y], animTest.call(this, arguments, animate, 2)); }, getLeft : function(local){ return !local ? this.getX() : parseInt(this.getStyle(LEFT), 10) || 0; }, getRight : function(local){ var me = this; return !local ? me.getX() + me.getWidth() : (me.getLeft(true) + me.getWidth()) || 0; }, getTop : function(local) { return !local ? this.getY() : parseInt(this.getStyle(TOP), 10) || 0; }, getBottom : function(local){ var me = this; return !local ? me.getY() + me.getHeight() : (me.getTop(true) + me.getHeight()) || 0; }, position : function(pos, zIndex, x, y){ var me = this; if(!pos && me.isStyle(POSITION, STATIC)){ me.setStyle(POSITION, RELATIVE); } else if(pos) { me.setStyle(POSITION, pos); } if(zIndex){ me.setStyle(ZINDEX, zIndex); } if(x || y) me.setXY([x || false, y || false]); }, clearPositioning : function(value){ value = value || ''; this.setStyle({ left : value, right : value, top : value, bottom : value, "z-index" : "", position : STATIC }); return this; }, getPositioning : function(){ var l = this.getStyle(LEFT); var t = this.getStyle(TOP); return { "position" : this.getStyle(POSITION), "left" : l, "right" : l ? "" : this.getStyle(RIGHT), "top" : t, "bottom" : t ? "" : this.getStyle(BOTTOM), "z-index" : this.getStyle(ZINDEX) }; }, setPositioning : function(pc){ var me = this, style = me.dom.style; me.setStyle(pc); if(pc.right == AUTO){ style.right = ""; } if(pc.bottom == AUTO){ style.bottom = ""; } return me; }, translatePoints : function(x, y){ y = isNaN(x[1]) ? y : x[1]; x = isNaN(x[0]) ? x : x[0]; var me = this, relative = me.isStyle(POSITION, RELATIVE), o = me.getXY(), l = parseInt(me.getStyle(LEFT), 10), t = parseInt(me.getStyle(TOP), 10); l = !isNaN(l) ? l : (relative ? 0 : me.dom.offsetLeft); t = !isNaN(t) ? t : (relative ? 0 : me.dom.offsetTop); return {left: (x - o[0] + l), top: (y - o[1] + t)}; }, animTest : animTest }); })(); Ext.Element.addMethods({ isScrollable : function(){ var dom = this.dom; return dom.scrollHeight > dom.clientHeight || dom.scrollWidth > dom.clientWidth; }, scrollTo : function(side, value){ this.dom["scroll" + (/top/i.test(side) ? "Top" : "Left")] = value; return this; }, getScroll : function(){ var d = this.dom, doc = document, body = doc.body, docElement = doc.documentElement, l, t, ret; if(d == doc || d == body){ if(Ext.isIE && Ext.isStrict){ l = docElement.scrollLeft; t = docElement.scrollTop; }else{ l = window.pageXOffset; t = window.pageYOffset; } ret = {left: l || (body ? body.scrollLeft : 0), top: t || (body ? body.scrollTop : 0)}; }else{ ret = {left: d.scrollLeft, top: d.scrollTop}; } return ret; } }); Ext.Element.VISIBILITY = 1; Ext.Element.DISPLAY = 2; Ext.Element.addMethods(function(){ var VISIBILITY = "visibility", DISPLAY = "display", HIDDEN = "hidden", NONE = "none", ORIGINALDISPLAY = 'originalDisplay', VISMODE = 'visibilityMode', ELDISPLAY = Ext.Element.DISPLAY, data = Ext.Element.data, getDisplay = function(dom){ var d = data(dom, ORIGINALDISPLAY); if(d === undefined){ data(dom, ORIGINALDISPLAY, d = ''); } return d; }, getVisMode = function(dom){ var m = data(dom, VISMODE); if(m === undefined){ data(dom, VISMODE, m = 1) } return m; }; return { originalDisplay : "", visibilityMode : 1, setVisibilityMode : function(visMode){ data(this.dom, VISMODE, visMode); return this; }, animate : function(args, duration, onComplete, easing, animType){ this.anim(args, {duration: duration, callback: onComplete, easing: easing}, animType); return this; }, anim : function(args, opt, animType, defaultDur, defaultEase, cb){ animType = animType || 'run'; opt = opt || {}; var me = this, anim = Ext.lib.Anim[animType]( me.dom, args, (opt.duration || defaultDur) || .35, (opt.easing || defaultEase) || 'easeOut', function(){ if(cb) cb.call(me); if(opt.callback) opt.callback.call(opt.scope || me, me, opt); }, me ); opt.anim = anim; return anim; }, // private legacy anim prep preanim : function(a, i){ return !a[i] ? false : (Ext.isObject(a[i]) ? a[i]: {duration: a[i+1], callback: a[i+2], easing: a[i+3]}); }, isVisible : function() { return !this.isStyle(VISIBILITY, HIDDEN) && !this.isStyle(DISPLAY, NONE); }, setVisible : function(visible, animate){ var me = this, dom = me.dom, isDisplay = getVisMode(this.dom) == ELDISPLAY; if (!animate || !me.anim) { if(isDisplay){ me.setDisplayed(visible); }else{ me.fixDisplay(); dom.style.visibility = visible ? "visible" : HIDDEN; } }else{ // closure for composites if(visible){ me.setOpacity(.01); me.setVisible(true); } me.anim({opacity: { to: (visible?1:0) }}, me.preanim(arguments, 1), null, .35, 'easeIn', function(){ if(!visible){ dom.style[isDisplay ? DISPLAY : VISIBILITY] = (isDisplay) ? NONE : HIDDEN; Ext.fly(dom).setOpacity(1); } }); } return me; }, toggle : function(animate){ var me = this; me.setVisible(!me.isVisible(), me.preanim(arguments, 0)); return me; }, setDisplayed : function(value) { if(typeof value == "boolean"){ value = value ? getDisplay(this.dom) : NONE; } this.setStyle(DISPLAY, value); return this; }, // private fixDisplay : function(){ var me = this; if(me.isStyle(DISPLAY, NONE)){ me.setStyle(VISIBILITY, HIDDEN); me.setStyle(DISPLAY, getDisplay(this.dom)); // first try reverting to default if(me.isStyle(DISPLAY, NONE)){ // if that fails, default to block me.setStyle(DISPLAY, "block"); } } }, hide : function(animate){ this.setVisible(false, this.preanim(arguments, 0)); return this; }, show : function(animate){ this.setVisible(true, this.preanim(arguments, 0)); return this; } } }()); (function(){ // contants var NULL = null, UNDEFINED = undefined, TRUE = true, FALSE = false, SETX = "setX", SETY = "setY", SETXY = "setXY", LEFT = "left", BOTTOM = "bottom", TOP = "top", RIGHT = "right", HEIGHT = "height", WIDTH = "width", POINTS = "points", HIDDEN = "hidden", ABSOLUTE = "absolute", VISIBLE = "visible", MOTION = "motion", POSITION = "position", EASEOUT = "easeOut", flyEl = new Ext.Element.Flyweight(), queues = {}, getObject = function(o){ return o || {}; }, fly = function(dom){ flyEl.dom = dom; flyEl.id = Ext.id(dom); return flyEl; }, getQueue = function(id){ if(!queues[id]){ queues[id] = []; } return queues[id]; }, setQueue = function(id, value){ queues[id] = value; }; //Notifies Element that fx methods are available Ext.enableFx = TRUE; Ext.Fx = { // private - calls the function taking arguments from the argHash based on the key. Returns the return value of the function. // this is useful for replacing switch statements (for example). switchStatements : function(key, fn, argHash){ return fn.apply(this, argHash[key]); }, slideIn : function(anchor, o){ o = getObject(o); var me = this, dom = me.dom, st = dom.style, xy, r, b, wrap, after, st, args, pt, bw, bh; anchor = anchor || "t"; me.queueFx(o, function(){ xy = fly(dom).getXY(); // fix display to visibility fly(dom).fixDisplay(); // restore values after effect r = fly(dom).getFxRestore(); b = {x: xy[0], y: xy[1], 0: xy[0], 1: xy[1], width: dom.offsetWidth, height: dom.offsetHeight}; b.right = b.x + b.width; b.bottom = b.y + b.height; // fixed size for slide fly(dom).setWidth(b.width).setHeight(b.height); // wrap if needed wrap = fly(dom).fxWrap(r.pos, o, HIDDEN); st.visibility = VISIBLE; st.position = ABSOLUTE; // clear out temp styles after slide and unwrap function after(){ fly(dom).fxUnwrap(wrap, r.pos, o); st.width = r.width; st.height = r.height; fly(dom).afterFx(o); } // time to calculate the positions pt = {to: [b.x, b.y]}; bw = {to: b.width}; bh = {to: b.height}; function argCalc(wrap, style, ww, wh, sXY, sXYval, s1, s2, w, h, p){ var ret = {}; fly(wrap).setWidth(ww).setHeight(wh); if(fly(wrap)[sXY]){ fly(wrap)[sXY](sXYval); } style[s1] = style[s2] = "0"; if(w){ ret.width = w }; if(h){ ret.height = h; } if(p){ ret.points = p; } return ret; }; args = fly(dom).switchStatements(anchor.toLowerCase(), argCalc, { t : [wrap, st, b.width, 0, NULL, NULL, LEFT, BOTTOM, NULL, bh, NULL], l : [wrap, st, 0, b.height, NULL, NULL, RIGHT, TOP, bw, NULL, NULL], r : [wrap, st, b.width, b.height, SETX, b.right, LEFT, TOP, NULL, NULL, pt], b : [wrap, st, b.width, b.height, SETY, b.bottom, LEFT, TOP, NULL, bh, pt], tl : [wrap, st, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, RIGHT, BOTTOM, bw, bh, pt], bl : [wrap, st, 0, 0, SETY, b.y + b.height, RIGHT, TOP, bw, bh, pt], br : [wrap, st, 0, 0, SETXY, [b.right, b.bottom], LEFT, TOP, bw, bh, pt], tr : [wrap, st, 0, 0, SETX, b.x + b.width, LEFT, BOTTOM, bw, bh, pt] }); st.visibility = VISIBLE; fly(wrap).show(); arguments.callee.anim = fly(wrap).fxanim(args, o, MOTION, .5, EASEOUT, after); }); return me; }, slideOut : function(anchor, o){ o = getObject(o); var me = this, dom = me.dom, st = dom.style, xy = me.getXY(), wrap, r, b, a, zero = {to: 0}; anchor = anchor || "t"; me.queueFx(o, function(){ // restore values after effect r = fly(dom).getFxRestore(); b = {x: xy[0], y: xy[1], 0: xy[0], 1: xy[1], width: dom.offsetWidth, height: dom.offsetHeight}; b.right = b.x + b.width; b.bottom = b.y + b.height; // fixed size for slide fly(dom).setWidth(b.width).setHeight(b.height); // wrap if needed wrap = fly(dom).fxWrap(r.pos, o, VISIBLE); st.visibility = VISIBLE; st.position = ABSOLUTE; fly(wrap).setWidth(b.width).setHeight(b.height); function after(){ o.useDisplay ? fly(dom).setDisplayed(FALSE) : fly(dom).hide(); fly(dom).fxUnwrap(wrap, r.pos, o); st.width = r.width; st.height = r.height; fly(dom).afterFx(o); } function argCalc(style, s1, s2, p1, v1, p2, v2, p3, v3){ var ret = {}; style[s1] = style[s2] = "0"; ret[p1] = v1; if(p2){ ret[p2] = v2; } if(p3){ ret[p3] = v3; } return ret; }; a = fly(dom).switchStatements(anchor.toLowerCase(), argCalc, { t : [st, LEFT, BOTTOM, HEIGHT, zero], l : [st, RIGHT, TOP, WIDTH, zero], r : [st, LEFT, TOP, WIDTH, zero, POINTS, {to : [b.right, b.y]}], b : [st, LEFT, TOP, HEIGHT, zero, POINTS, {to : [b.x, b.bottom]}], tl : [st, RIGHT, BOTTOM, WIDTH, zero, HEIGHT, zero], bl : [st, RIGHT, TOP, WIDTH, zero, HEIGHT, zero, POINTS, {to : [b.x, b.bottom]}], br : [st, LEFT, TOP, WIDTH, zero, HEIGHT, zero, POINTS, {to : [b.x + b.width, b.bottom]}], tr : [st, LEFT, BOTTOM, WIDTH, zero, HEIGHT, zero, POINTS, {to : [b.right, b.y]}] }); arguments.callee.anim = fly(wrap).fxanim(a, o, MOTION, .5, EASEOUT, after); }); return me; }, puff : function(o){ o = getObject(o); var me = this, dom = me.dom, st = dom.style, width, height, r; me.queueFx(o, function(){ width = fly(dom).getWidth(); height = fly(dom).getHeight(); fly(dom).clearOpacity(); fly(dom).show(); // restore values after effect r = fly(dom).getFxRestore(); function after(){ o.useDisplay ? fly(dom).setDisplayed(FALSE) : fly(dom).hide(); fly(dom).clearOpacity(); fly(dom).setPositioning(r.pos); st.width = r.width; st.height = r.height; st.fontSize = ''; fly(dom).afterFx(o); } arguments.callee.anim = fly(dom).fxanim({ width : {to : fly(dom).adjustWidth(width * 2)}, height : {to : fly(dom).adjustHeight(height * 2)}, points : {by : [-width * .5, -height * .5]}, opacity : {to : 0}, fontSize: {to : 200, unit: "%"} }, o, MOTION, .5, EASEOUT, after); }); return me; }, switchOff : function(o){ o = getObject(o); var me = this, dom = me.dom, st = dom.style, r; me.queueFx(o, function(){ fly(dom).clearOpacity(); fly(dom).clip(); // restore values after effect r = fly(dom).getFxRestore(); function after(){ o.useDisplay ? fly(dom).setDisplayed(FALSE) : fly(dom).hide(); fly(dom).clearOpacity(); fly(dom).setPositioning(r.pos); st.width = r.width; st.height = r.height; fly(dom).afterFx(o); }; fly(dom).fxanim({opacity : {to : 0.3}}, NULL, NULL, .1, NULL, function(){ fly(dom).clearOpacity(); (function(){ fly(dom).fxanim({ height : {to : 1}, points : {by : [0, fly(dom).getHeight() * .5]} }, o, MOTION, 0.3, 'easeIn', after); }).defer(100); }); }); return me; }, highlight : function(color, o){ o = getObject(o); var me = this, dom = me.dom, attr = o.attr || "backgroundColor", a = {}, restore; me.queueFx(o, function(){ fly(dom).clearOpacity(); fly(dom).show(); function after(){ dom.style[attr] = restore; fly(dom).afterFx(o); } restore = dom.style[attr]; a[attr] = {from: color || "ffff9c", to: o.endColor || fly(dom).getColor(attr) || "ffffff"}; arguments.callee.anim = fly(dom).fxanim(a, o, 'color', 1, 'easeIn', after); }); return me; }, frame : function(color, count, o){ o = getObject(o); var me = this, dom = me.dom, proxy, active; me.queueFx(o, function(){ color = color || "#C3DAF9" if(color.length == 6){ color = "#" + color; } count = count || 1; fly(dom).show(); var xy = fly(dom).getXY(), b = {x: xy[0], y: xy[1], 0: xy[0], 1: xy[1], width: dom.offsetWidth, height: dom.offsetHeight}, queue = function(){ proxy = fly(document.body || document.documentElement).createChild({ style:{ visbility: HIDDEN, position : ABSOLUTE, "z-index": 35000, // yee haw border : "0px solid " + color } }); return proxy.queueFx({}, animFn); }; arguments.callee.anim = { isAnimated: true, stop: function() { count = 0; proxy.stopFx(); } }; function animFn(){ var scale = Ext.isBorderBox ? 2 : 1; active = proxy.anim({ top : {from : b.y, to : b.y - 20}, left : {from : b.x, to : b.x - 20}, borderWidth : {from : 0, to : 10}, opacity : {from : 1, to : 0}, height : {from : b.height, to : b.height + 20 * scale}, width : {from : b.width, to : b.width + 20 * scale} },{ duration: o.duration || 1, callback: function() { proxy.remove(); --count > 0 ? queue() : fly(dom).afterFx(o); } }); arguments.callee.anim = { isAnimated: true, stop: function(){ active.stop(); } }; }; queue(); }); return me; }, pause : function(seconds){ var dom = this.dom, t; this.queueFx({}, function(){ t = setTimeout(function(){ fly(dom).afterFx({}); }, seconds * 1000); arguments.callee.anim = { isAnimated: true, stop: function(){ clearTimeout(t); fly(dom).afterFx({}); } }; }); return this; }, fadeIn : function(o){ o = getObject(o); var me = this, dom = me.dom, to = o.endOpacity || 1; me.queueFx(o, function(){ fly(dom).setOpacity(0); fly(dom).fixDisplay(); dom.style.visibility = VISIBLE; arguments.callee.anim = fly(dom).fxanim({opacity:{to:to}}, o, NULL, .5, EASEOUT, function(){ if(to == 1){ fly(dom).clearOpacity(); } fly(dom).afterFx(o); }); }); return me; }, fadeOut : function(o){ o = getObject(o); var me = this, dom = me.dom, style = dom.style, to = o.endOpacity || 0; me.queueFx(o, function(){ arguments.callee.anim = fly(dom).fxanim({ opacity : {to : to}}, o, NULL, .5, EASEOUT, function(){ if(to == 0){ Ext.Element.data(dom, 'visibilityMode') == Ext.Element.DISPLAY || o.useDisplay ? style.display = "none" : style.visibility = HIDDEN; fly(dom).clearOpacity(); } fly(dom).afterFx(o); }); }); return me; }, scale : function(w, h, o){ this.shift(Ext.apply({}, o, { width: w, height: h })); return this; }, shift : function(o){ o = getObject(o); var dom = this.dom, a = {}; this.queueFx(o, function(){ for (var prop in o) { if (o[prop] != UNDEFINED) { a[prop] = {to : o[prop]}; } } a.width ? a.width.to = fly(dom).adjustWidth(o.width) : a; a.height ? a.height.to = fly(dom).adjustWidth(o.height) : a; if (a.x || a.y || a.xy) { a.points = a.xy || {to : [ a.x ? a.x.to : fly(dom).getX(), a.y ? a.y.to : fly(dom).getY()]}; } arguments.callee.anim = fly(dom).fxanim(a, o, MOTION, .35, EASEOUT, function(){ fly(dom).afterFx(o); }); }); return this; }, ghost : function(anchor, o){ o = getObject(o); var me = this, dom = me.dom, st = dom.style, a = {opacity: {to: 0}, points: {}}, pt = a.points, r, w, h; anchor = anchor || "b"; me.queueFx(o, function(){ // restore values after effect r = fly(dom).getFxRestore(); w = fly(dom).getWidth(); h = fly(dom).getHeight(); function after(){ o.useDisplay ? fly(dom).setDisplayed(FALSE) : fly(dom).hide(); fly(dom).clearOpacity(); fly(dom).setPositioning(r.pos); st.width = r.width; st.height = r.height; fly(dom).afterFx(o); } pt.by = fly(dom).switchStatements(anchor.toLowerCase(), function(v1,v2){ return [v1, v2];}, { t : [0, -h], l : [-w, 0], r : [w, 0], b : [0, h], tl : [-w, -h], bl : [-w, h], br : [w, h], tr : [w, -h] }); arguments.callee.anim = fly(dom).fxanim(a, o, MOTION, .5, EASEOUT, after); }); return me; }, syncFx : function(){ var me = this; me.fxDefaults = Ext.apply(me.fxDefaults || {}, { block : FALSE, concurrent : TRUE, stopFx : FALSE }); return me; }, sequenceFx : function(){ var me = this; me.fxDefaults = Ext.apply(me.fxDefaults || {}, { block : FALSE, concurrent : FALSE, stopFx : FALSE }); return me; }, nextFx : function(){ var ef = getQueue(this.dom.id)[0]; if(ef){ ef.call(this); } }, hasActiveFx : function(){ return getQueue(this.dom.id)[0]; }, stopFx : function(finish){ var me = this, id = me.dom.id; if(me.hasActiveFx()){ var cur = getQueue(id)[0]; if(cur && cur.anim){ if(cur.anim.isAnimated){ setQueue(id, [cur]); //clear cur.anim.stop(finish !== undefined ? finish : TRUE); }else{ setQueue(id, []); } } } return me; }, beforeFx : function(o){ if(this.hasActiveFx() && !o.concurrent){ if(o.stopFx){ this.stopFx(); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } return TRUE; }, hasFxBlock : function(){ var q = getQueue(this.dom.id); return q && q[0] && q[0].block; }, queueFx : function(o, fn){ var me = this; if(!me.hasFxBlock()){ Ext.applyIf(o, me.fxDefaults); if(!o.concurrent){ var run = me.beforeFx(o); fn.block = o.block; getQueue(me.dom.id).push(fn); if(run){ me.nextFx(); } }else{ fn.call(me); } } return me; }, fxWrap : function(pos, o, vis){ var dom = this.dom, wrap, wrapXY; if(!o.wrap || !(wrap = Ext.getDom(o.wrap))){ if(o.fixPosition){ wrapXY = fly(dom).getXY(); } var div = document.createElement("div"); div.style.visibility = vis; wrap = dom.parentNode.insertBefore(div, dom); fly(wrap).setPositioning(pos); if(fly(wrap).isStyle(POSITION, "static")){ fly(wrap).position("relative"); } fly(dom).clearPositioning('auto'); fly(wrap).clip(); wrap.appendChild(dom); if(wrapXY){ fly(wrap).setXY(wrapXY); } } return wrap; }, fxUnwrap : function(wrap, pos, o){ var dom = this.dom; fly(dom).clearPositioning(); fly(dom).setPositioning(pos); if(!o.wrap){ wrap.parentNode.insertBefore(dom, wrap); fly(wrap).remove(); } }, getFxRestore : function(){ var st = this.dom.style; return {pos: this.getPositioning(), width: st.width, height : st.height}; }, afterFx : function(o){ var dom = this.dom, id = dom.id; if(o.afterStyle){ fly(dom).setStyle(o.afterStyle); } if(o.afterCls){ fly(dom).addClass(o.afterCls); } if(o.remove == TRUE){ fly(dom).remove(); } if(o.callback){ o.callback.call(o.scope, fly(dom)); } if(!o.concurrent){ getQueue(id).shift(); fly(dom).nextFx(); } }, fxanim : function(args, opt, animType, defaultDur, defaultEase, cb){ animType = animType || 'run'; opt = opt || {}; var anim = Ext.lib.Anim[animType]( this.dom, args, (opt.duration || defaultDur) || .35, (opt.easing || defaultEase) || EASEOUT, cb, this ); opt.anim = anim; return anim; } }; // backwards compat Ext.Fx.resize = Ext.Fx.scale; //When included, Ext.Fx is automatically applied to Element so that all basic //effects are available directly via the Element API Ext.Element.addMethods(Ext.Fx); })(); Ext.CompositeElementLite = function(els, root){ this.elements = []; this.add(els, root); this.el = new Ext.Element.Flyweight(); }; Ext.CompositeElementLite.prototype = { isComposite: true, getCount : function(){ return this.elements.length; }, add : function(els){ if(els){ if (Ext.isArray(els)) { this.elements = this.elements.concat(els); } else { var yels = this.elements; Ext.each(els, function(e) { yels.push(e); }); } } return this; }, invoke : function(fn, args){ var els = this.elements, el = this.el; Ext.each(els, function(e) { el.dom = e; Ext.Element.prototype[fn].apply(el, args); }); return this; }, item : function(index){ var me = this; if(!me.elements[index]){ return null; } me.el.dom = me.elements[index]; return me.el; }, // fixes scope with flyweight addListener : function(eventName, handler, scope, opt){ Ext.each(this.elements, function(e) { Ext.EventManager.on(e, eventName, handler, scope || e, opt); }); return this; }, each : function(fn, scope){ var me = this, el = me.el; Ext.each(me.elements, function(e,i) { el.dom = e; return fn.call(scope || el, el, me, i); }); return me; }, indexOf : function(el){ return this.elements.indexOf(Ext.getDom(el)); }, replaceElement : function(el, replacement, domReplace){ var index = !isNaN(el) ? el : this.indexOf(el), d; if(index > -1){ replacement = Ext.getDom(replacement); if(domReplace){ d = this.elements[index]; d.parentNode.insertBefore(replacement, d); Ext.removeNode(d); } this.elements.splice(index, 1, replacement); } return this; }, clear : function(){ this.elements = []; } } Ext.CompositeElementLite.prototype.on = Ext.CompositeElementLite.prototype.addListener; (function(){ var fnName, ElProto = Ext.Element.prototype, CelProto = Ext.CompositeElementLite.prototype; for(var fnName in ElProto){ if(Ext.isFunction(ElProto[fnName])){ (function(fnName){ CelProto[fnName] = CelProto[fnName] || function(){ return this.invoke(fnName, arguments); }; }).call(CelProto, fnName); } }; })(); if(Ext.DomQuery){ Ext.Element.selectorFunction = Ext.DomQuery.select; } Ext.Element.select = function(selector, unique, root){ var els; if(typeof selector == "string"){ els = Ext.Element.selectorFunction(selector, root); }else if(selector.length !== undefined){ els = selector; }else{ throw "Invalid selector"; } return new Ext.CompositeElementLite(els); }; Ext.select = Ext.Element.select; (function(){ var BEFOREREQUEST = "beforerequest", REQUESTCOMPLETE = "requestcomplete", REQUESTEXCEPTION = "requestexception", UNDEFINED = undefined, LOAD = 'load', POST = 'POST', GET = 'GET', WINDOW = window; Ext.data.Connection = function(config){ Ext.apply(this, config); this.addEvents( BEFOREREQUEST, REQUESTCOMPLETE, REQUESTEXCEPTION ); Ext.data.Connection.superclass.constructor.call(this); }; // private function handleResponse(response){ this.transId = false; var options = response.argument.options; response.argument = options ? options.argument : null; this.fireEvent(REQUESTCOMPLETE, this, response, options); if(options.success) options.success.call(options.scope, response, options); if(options.callback) options.callback.call(options.scope, options, true, response); } // private function handleFailure(response, e){ this.transId = false; var options = response.argument.options; response.argument = options ? options.argument : null; this.fireEvent(REQUESTEXCEPTION, this, response, options, e); if(options.failure) options.failure.call(options.scope, response, options); if(options.callback) options.callback.call(options.scope, options, false, response); } // private function doFormUpload(o, ps, url){ var id = Ext.id(), doc = document, frame = doc.createElement('iframe'), form = Ext.getDom(o.form), hiddens = [], hd; frame.id = frame.name = id; frame.className = 'x-hidden'; frame.src = Ext.SSL_SECURE_URL; // for IE doc.body.appendChild(frame); if(Ext.isIE){ doc.frames[id].name = id; } form.target = id; form.method = POST; form.enctype = form.encoding = 'multipart/form-data'; form.action = url || ""; // add dynamic params ps = Ext.urlDecode(ps, false); for(var k in ps){ if(ps.hasOwnProperty(k)){ hd = doc.createElement('input'); hd.type = 'hidden'; hd.value = ps[hd.name = k]; form.appendChild(hd); hiddens.push(hd); } } function cb(){ var me = this, // bogus response object r = {responseText : '', responseXML : null, argument : o.argument}, doc, firstChild; try { doc = frame.contentWindow.document || frame.contentDocument || WINDOW.frames[id].document; if (doc) { if (doc.body) { if (/textarea/i.test((firstChild = doc.body.firstChild || {}).tagName)) { // json response wrapped in textarea r.responseText = firstChild.value; } else { r.responseText = doc.body.innerHTML; } } else { r.responseXML = doc.XMLDocument || doc; } } } catch(e) {} Ext.EventManager.removeListener(frame, LOAD, cb, me); me.fireEvent(REQUESTCOMPLETE, me, r, o); Ext.callback(o.success, o.scope, [r, o]); Ext.callback(o.callback, o.scope, [o, true, r]); if(!me.debugUploads){ setTimeout(function(){Ext.removeNode(frame);}, 100); } } Ext.EventManager.on(frame, LOAD, cb, this); form.submit(); Ext.each(hiddens, function(h) { Ext.removeNode(h); }); } Ext.extend(Ext.data.Connection, Ext.util.Observable, { timeout : 30000, autoAbort:false, disableCaching: true, disableCachingParam: '_dc', request : function(o){ var me = this; if(me.fireEvent(BEFOREREQUEST, me, o)){ if (o.el) { if(!Ext.isEmpty(o.indicatorText)){ me.indicatorText = '
"; } if(me.indicatorText) { Ext.getDom(o.el).innerHTML = me.indicatorText; } o.success = (Ext.isFunction(o.success) ? o.success : function(){}).createInterceptor(function(response) { Ext.getDom(o.el).innerHTML = response.responseText; }); } var p = o.params, url = o.url || me.url, method, cb = {success: handleResponse, failure: handleFailure, scope: me, argument: {options: o}, timeout : o.timeout || me.timeout }, form, serForm; if (Ext.isFunction(p)) { p = p.call(o.scope||WINDOW, o); } p = Ext.urlEncode(me.extraParams, typeof p == 'object' ? Ext.urlEncode(p) : p); if (Ext.isFunction(url)) { url = url.call(o.scope || WINDOW, o); } if(form = Ext.getDom(o.form)){ url = url || form.action; if(o.isUpload || /multipart\/form-data/i.test(form.getAttribute("enctype"))) { return doFormUpload.call(me, o, p, url); } serForm = Ext.lib.Ajax.serializeForm(form); p = p ? (p + '&' + serForm) : serForm; } method = o.method || me.method || ((p || o.xmlData || o.jsonData) ? POST : GET); if(method === GET && (me.disableCaching && o.disableCaching !== false) || o.disableCaching === true){ var dcp = o.disableCachingParam || me.disableCachingParam; url += (url.indexOf('?') != -1 ? '&' : '?') + dcp + '=' + (new Date().getTime()); } o.headers = Ext.apply(o.headers || {}, me.defaultHeaders || {}); if(o.autoAbort === true || me.autoAbort) { me.abort(); } if((method == GET || o.xmlData || o.jsonData) && p){ url += (/\?/.test(url) ? '&' : '?') + p; p = ''; } return me.transId = Ext.lib.Ajax.request(method, url, cb, p, o); }else{ return o.callback ? o.callback.apply(o.scope, [o,UNDEFINED,UNDEFINED]) : null; } }, isLoading : function(transId){ return transId ? Ext.lib.Ajax.isCallInProgress(transId) : !! this.transId; }, abort : function(transId){ if(transId || this.isLoading()){ Ext.lib.Ajax.abort(transId || this.transId); } } }); })(); Ext.Ajax = new Ext.data.Connection({ autoAbort : false, serializeForm : function(form){ return Ext.lib.Ajax.serializeForm(form); } }); Ext.util.DelayedTask = function(fn, scope, args){ var me = this, id, call = function(){ clearInterval(id); id = null; fn.apply(scope, args || []); }; me.delay = function(delay, newFn, newScope, newArgs){ me.cancel(); fn = newFn || fn; scope = newScope || scope; args = newArgs || args; id = setInterval(call, delay); }; me.cancel = function(){ if(id){ clearInterval(id); id = null; } }; }; Ext.util.JSON = new (function(){ var useHasOwn = !!{}.hasOwnProperty, isNative = Ext.USE_NATIVE_JSON && JSON && JSON.toString() == '[object JSON]'; // crashes Safari in some instances //var validRE = /^("(\\.|[^"\\\n\r])*?"|[,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t])+?$/; var pad = function(n) { return n < 10 ? "0" + n : n; }; var m = { "\b": '\\b', "\t": '\\t', "\n": '\\n', "\f": '\\f', "\r": '\\r', '"' : '\\"', "\\": '\\\\' }; var encodeString = function(s){ if (/["\\\x00-\x1f]/.test(s)) { return '"' + s.replace(/([\x00-\x1f\\"])/g, function(a, b) { var c = m[b]; if(c){ return c; } c = b.charCodeAt(); return "\\u00" + Math.floor(c / 16).toString(16) + (c % 16).toString(16); }) + '"'; } return '"' + s + '"'; }; var encodeArray = function(o){ var a = ["["], b, i, l = o.length, v; for (i = 0; i < l; i += 1) { v = o[i]; switch (typeof v) { case "undefined": case "function": case "unknown": break; default: if (b) { a.push(','); } a.push(v === null ? "null" : Ext.util.JSON.encode(v)); b = true; } } a.push("]"); return a.join(""); }; this.encodeDate = function(o){ return '"' + o.getFullYear() + "-" + pad(o.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + pad(o.getDate()) + "T" + pad(o.getHours()) + ":" + pad(o.getMinutes()) + ":" + pad(o.getSeconds()) + '"'; }; this.encode = isNative ? JSON.stringify : function(o){ if(typeof o == "undefined" || o === null){ return "null"; }else if(Ext.isArray(o)){ return encodeArray(o); }else if(Object.prototype.toString.apply(o) === '[object Date]'){ return Ext.util.JSON.encodeDate(o); }else if(typeof o == "string"){ return encodeString(o); }else if(typeof o == "number"){ return isFinite(o) ? String(o) : "null"; }else if(typeof o == "boolean"){ return String(o); }else { var a = ["{"], b, i, v; for (i in o) { if(!useHasOwn || o.hasOwnProperty(i)) { v = o[i]; switch (typeof v) { case "undefined": case "function": case "unknown": break; default: if(b){ a.push(','); } a.push(this.encode(i), ":", v === null ? "null" : this.encode(v)); b = true; } } } a.push("}"); return a.join(""); } }; this.decode = isNative ? JSON.parse : function(json){ return eval("(" + json + ')'); }; })(); Ext.encode = Ext.util.JSON.encode; Ext.decode = Ext.util.JSON.decode;